Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 227 Senior Sister Enters the Dream

Just at this moment, Xiao Bai's gentle voice came into Ye Lin's mind.

"If the master's father, mother, grandparents are still alive, they would definitely hope that the master would look forward and face the future, instead of being immersed in the grief of the past. It is a good thing for the master to be sentimental. This will not produce inner demons. On the contrary, sincere feelings are the best weapon to defeat the inner demons. However, the master cannot be too sentimental and fall into confusion and forget his mission."

"If the inner demons are not eliminated and the worldly ties are not cut, when the master goes through the Dan-forming thunder tribulation, no matter how good the master's foundation and talent are, he will die in the great catastrophe of the inner demons."

"At that time, the master will have failed the expectations of your deceased relatives and the great kindness of the master and the senior sister."

"Master, there is no perfect thing in this world. To obtain, you always have to sacrifice something, and to obtain eternal life, you have to cut off the worldly ties. This is the truth that the master has long understood, but now he is deeply trapped in it and cannot know it."

Xiao Bai was not impatient, but spoke slowly and gently, as if he wanted to soothe the pain in Ye Lin's heart.

Ye Lin suddenly smiled when he heard this.

"Yes, I was confused. Thank you Xiaobai for reminding me. I still have too many things to do in this life, and I still have to pursue immortality. Cutting off the worldly ties should be the necessary test on the road to immortality!"

"It's really time to end it!"

Ye Lin finally made up his mind. He chose to look forward and look at the boundless immortal road.

Not long after, Ye Lin arrived at the other courtyard where Elder Sun lived. Xiaoqiang climbed out of Ye Lin's sleeve in a flash. It also wanted to seize the time to say goodbye to the two masters.

So, a drama of life and death separation was staged again.

"Ah... Xiao Qiang, you died so tragically..."

"Xiao Qiang, take care of yourself when you go out. Don't steal things without the protection of your master... Listen to Ye Xiaozi more... Eat enough... Don't be hungry..."

Ye Lin felt that this farewell drama was too disgusting, and walked quickly to a big tree in the garden. His master, Elder Sun, was squatting on the ground, drinking and watching ants moving.

Ye Lin did not disturb him, and squatted down, watching the ants attentively.

"Boy, come and see the little flower I just observed. You see, the pattern on his body is different from others. I don't know what mutation has occurred, so he is disliked by other ants in the group..."


When it was dusk, the nest of ants finally finished moving, and Elder Sun also stood up and stretched.

Ye Lin also stood up, and then bowed respectfully to Elder Sun.

"Master, I am here to say goodbye. Tomorrow I will return home to sever my ties with the world, and then I will go to Taiji Sect to participate in the battle for territory. I am afraid I will not be able to return before Master goes to the cave to guard the spiritual stone vein."

In theory, Ye Lin will be back in a month or two at most after leaving the sect this time. Ye Lin does not need to say goodbye so solemnly, but Elder Sun is not an idle person.

At present, the contradiction between the righteous and the evil is becoming increasingly acute. The demons in the cave are ready to move. Elder Sun will also be sent by the sect to guard the spiritual stone vein in the cave. The specific guarding time has not been determined, maybe half a year, maybe several years.

So Ye Lin does not know when he will see Master next time.

Elder Sun smiled and touched Ye Lin's head.

"Go, do your own thing, and I will also do what I should do. I hope that when I see you next time, you will have the ability and qualifications to inherit the true teachings of Master!"

"Disciple will practice diligently and live up to Master's expectations!"

Speaking, Ye Lin bowed again.

Elder Sun nodded and waved to Ye Lin.


Hearing this, Ye Lin returned to the training ground in the yard and ruthlessly took Xiao Qiang away amid the cries of Dao Mantis and Jian Mantis. Xiao Qiang kept looking back and wiping tears crazily...

Elder Sun entered the cave to perform the mission, and Dao Mantis and Jian Mantis naturally had to go with him, so Xiao Qiang didn't know when he would be able to see his two masters next.

Not long after, Ye Lin returned to his own courtyard.

It should be one or two hours before the senior sister came, so Ye Lin was not idle, but went to the practice room to meditate, absorb the five elements of the mutant spiritual grass, and practice the third level of the "Five Elements Hunyuan Jue".

After Ye Lin completed the practice of the "Five Elements Vajra Gong", he broke through the "Hidden Dragon Jue" to the third level, and his ability to conceal his breath was greatly improved. This is also the fundamental reason why Song Lingtian said that he could not feel Ye Lin's breath at all.

Let alone Song Lingtian in the foundation building stage, as long as Ye Lin is willing, even if he is in the Jindan stage, it is difficult to detect his weak breath with his spiritual sense, which brings Ye Lin a lot of security.

After all, if you encounter an enemy in the Jindan stage, if your breath is always locked, it is very difficult to escape.

As for the fourth level of "Hidden Dragon Art", it can block the perception of the Yuanying ancestor. At present, even Xiaobai has not stepped into it. Ye Lin is naturally unwilling to waste time and practice forcibly at this stage.

If you really encounter an enemy at the level of the Yuanying ancestor, it is impossible to escape just by relying on the method of hiding the breath.

Ye Lin has also practiced the most difficult "Nine Turns Demon God Body" to the second turn. Once the technique is running, mysterious and ancient blood-colored magic patterns will appear on Ye Lin's skin, and the strength of his physical body will be greatly improved. At present, even the middle-grade spiritual weapon is difficult to leave a scratch on Ye Lin. The top-grade spiritual weapon can hurt him, but it is difficult to be fatal.

Xiao Bai and Xiao Qiang have already practiced the "Nine-turn Demon God Body" to the third turn. Their physical strength is that it is difficult for a top-grade spiritual weapon to attack them. However, when the "Nine-turn Demon God Body" is fully operational, the changes in the skin are too obvious. Unless it is not exposed or at a critical moment of life and death, Ye Lin rarely takes the initiative to fully operate it, and only exerts part of its power during daily practice.

After all, this is a technique created by the ancient demon god. Once exposed, Ye Lin will die.

Since Ye Lin's previous staged practice goals have been completed, it is time to take out the "Five Elements Mixed Yuan Jue" that has been hidden for a long time and has not been practiced for a long time and put it on the practice schedule.

At present, Ye Lin has practiced the "Five Elements Mixed Yuan Jue" to the second level. When it is in operation, the strength of the mana can be doubled, which means that it can exert twice the power of the original mana.

If he could practice the "Five Elements Mixed Yuan Jue" to the third level, Ye Lin's mana strength could be doubled and he could exert three times the power. He was in the Heavenly Dao Foundation Building stage, and his mana was extremely powerful. If he had three times the power, it was not impossible to suppress the late Foundation Building cultivators with his mana alone.

In the past, Ye Lin relied on the spirit insects to fight, but now that he has learned the "Three Elements Division Spell", Ye Lin can bless the spirit insects with his mana. The stronger his mana, the stronger the spirit insects will naturally be.

Therefore, practicing the "Five Elements Mixed Yuan Jue" to the third level can improve Ye Lin's overall strength.

Not long after, Ye Lin felt a fragrant breeze blowing by, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the beautiful senior sister in palace clothes and exquisite figure standing in front of him, her pretty face blushing for some reason.

"I won't practice tonight..."

"What should I do?"

"Tonight... you and I will sleep together, and I will enter your dream..."

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