Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1206 Something unusual happened

Hearing this, the master of the Red Flood Dragon Palace showed a proud look, while the masters of the Golden Flood Dragon Palace and the Blue Flood Dragon Palace frowned slightly.

The master of Yinjiao Palace said in a deep voice.

"Master of the Golden Dragon Palace, Palace Master of the Blue Dragon Palace, the tactics you formulated make sense to a certain extent, but...if it goes according to what you said, when the enemy's morale is high, who will be the vanguard, who will be the vanguard? The Jiao Palace soldiers do not want to be the vanguard."

The master of Scarlet Dragon Palace also laughed out loud.

"I, the Scarlet Dragon Palace, do not want to be the vanguard of the army. If you, the Golden Dragon Palace or the Blue Dragon Palace, are willing to take on this important task, we will work together without dividing our troops!"

As soon as these words came out, the masters of the Golden Flood Dragon Palace and the Blue Flood Dragon Palace frowned even deeper. After a moment, they looked at each other and said in unison.

"Then do what you want!"

The reason why the four major palace masters are unwilling to serve as the vanguard army is also very simple. Now that the morale of Ye Lin's side is strong, they will definitely fight to the death. Even if the final outcome is that the Jiao Temple side has a high probability of winning, the vanguard army will definitely suffer huge losses. .

It is even possible that the whole army will be annihilated.

Although the Nine Dragon Palaces are all affiliated with the Dragon Palace and are under the rule of the Dragon Palace, they are not monolithic. They compete with each other all the time and there is even a battle between the Dragon Palaces. Once too many troops are lost in this battle, , will definitely be at a disadvantage in the next competition, which is a price that no Dragon Palace can afford.

The reason why the Golden Dragon Palace and the Blue Dragon Palace proposed to work together is because they rationally believed that their own strength was far greater than that of the enemy, and there was no need to add any unnecessary extravagance. In addition, the identity of "Wang Changsheng" was mysterious, and the most feared thing about fighting such a person was long nights and many dreams.

The master of Yinjiao Palace said again.

"There is another big advantage in dividing the troops. If we can attract the attention of "Wang Changsheng" on other planets and let him teleport to other planets for defense, we will no longer have to worry about the frontal battlefield!"

The master of Scarlet Dragon Palace asked.

"Now we have two seventh-level formation masters who are accompanying the army. This is the key to our fight against the enemy's seventh-level formation master. It is conceivable that after this period of time, we have already deployed around Haiyuan Star. I don’t know how many powerful formations there are, but they must be able to detect them immediately and find the formation’s eyes to break them easily. How should their tasks be allocated?”

The master of Yinjiao Palace thought for a moment.

"Let a seventh-grade formation master stay in the main army, and the other one will go with the scattered troops to those planets that seem to be abandoned just in case. Of course, we have to do this in this formation." There is a strong protective force left behind by the Grand Master."

The masters of the Red Dragon Palace, the Golden Dragon Palace, and the Blue Dragon Palace had no objections to this, so the overall strategy of the Dragon Temple was determined at this meeting.

Under the orders of the four palace masters, each palace took out 25 billion troops to form the army of conquerors, and the army of conquerors quickly dispersed into fourteen branches, heading towards the fourteen stars beyond Haiyuan Star. The planet is marching rapidly, and each army has about seven billion people.

Three days later, Hai Yuanxing set up the battlefield and saw Ye Lin standing on the flying boat transformed by Xiaolan at the front. Next to him were Xiaobai, Nangong Lingyue, and Xiaoqiang.

Behind him, the flags covered the sun, and there were countless battleships. On each battleship and airship, there were soldiers standing neatly with various weapons. Although the battle was about to begin, there did not seem to be much emotion in the eyes of each soldier. Everyone's breathing was extremely gentle.

call out! call out! call out!

In the vast starry sky, countless escaping lights of various colors converged into a Milky Way with no end in sight, rushing towards Haiyuan Star.

Before the enemy troops arrived, a terrifying murderous aura was already crushing everyone's hearts, which made many soldiers' expressions become slightly solemn.

Gradually, the distance between the Jiao Temple's 700 billion army and Ye Lin's 400 billion army was no more than ten thousand miles apart. Judging from the momentum, Ye Lin's side had been completely crushed.

Just when everyone thought the war was about to begin, the Jiao Temple side stopped advancing, and the army was changing its formation from a charge formation to an encirclement formation, which puzzled many soldiers.

On a huge silver-white dragon flying boat at the front of the dragon temple army, the master of the silver dragon palace, the master of the golden dragon palace, the master of the blue dragon palace and the master of the red dragon palace stood side by side.

The master of the Yinjiao Palace used his magic power, and his voice penetrated the starry sky and resounded in everyone's minds.

"All rebels, listen up. You have been surrounded by our Dragon Temple army. Your planet is about to be occupied by us. If you don't surrender, your tribe, your home, and your bloodline will all be wiped out!"

After the master of Yinjiao Palace shouted, all the soldiers on Ye Lin's side did not respond at all, as if they had never heard anything. This made the master of Yinjiao Palace frown slightly.

"That shouldn't be the case. Now the army has shown signs of encirclement and easily crushed them in terms of momentum. In addition, the 14th Route Army has gone straight to the enemy's home planet. How could these guys not react at all? Is it possible? What kind of big conspiracy has Wang Changsheng arranged? Or maybe a sound-blocking formation is already in operation in the enemy gathering area."

"Grandmaster Zheng is here!"

"My subordinate is here!"

An old man wearing a gray robe, with white beard and hair, and deep eyes walked forward.

The Palace Master of Yinjiao Palace pointed in the direction of Ye Lin's army: "Have you noticed with your spiritual consciousness that they have set up a large formation to isolate the sound transmission or other large formations?"

The old man known as Grandmaster Deng frowned and finally shook his head.

"I am incompetent and did not find any traces of hidden formations in the enemy's assembly area..."

The four palace masters were all shocked when they heard this.

"How is it possible!"

"Didn't Wang Changsheng have a mysterious seventh-grade grandmaster who played a key role in the battle with the Holy Son of the Silver Dragon Palace?"

"Could it be that a seventh-grade grandmaster of formations has left secretly?"

"Even if a seventh-grade grandmaster of formations has left, there should be an eighth-grade or ninth-grade grandmaster of formations to set up a defense formation. Otherwise, how can the enemy's mere 400 billion mobs resist our attack?"

"Could it be that the enemy has some conspiracy?"

The Silver Dragon Palace Master frowned deeply.

"There must be something wrong when things are abnormal. Order the entire army not to attack easily, surround the enemy first, and wait until the victory news of the fourteen armies arrives, the enemy will definitely be in chaos!"

The Red Dragon Palace Master suggested.

"Since the enemy has no sound transmission array, we can keep shouting that the remaining fourteen planets will be occupied soon. In this way, as the confrontation lasts longer, the enemy's morale will surely drop little by little. When the good news comes one by one, the enemy's morale will definitely collapse completely."

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