Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1205 Eight Hundred Billion Elite

In order to ensure that Su Yan'er, a new Taoist priest, could successfully survive the catastrophe, Ye Lin gave Su Yan'er two low-grade treasures to ensure that they were foolproof.

After devouring the perfect quality Yingjie Pill, Su Yaner successfully broke through the integration stage three years later and became Ye Lin's first Taoist monk with the integration cultivation level, providing Ye Lin with more Yuan Yin Qi. Practice.

Queen Beauty also took a step forward.

"The army has made all preparations for the battle according to the Holy Lord's original plan."

Queen Meirenbei is more restrained than the majesty of the past, more calm and confident, giving people a feeling that everything is under her control, which is somewhat similar to Ye Lin's Taoist companion Qin Qing.

Her cultivation level is only one step away from breaking through to the middle stage of integration.

The beautiful elder Bei took a step forward.

"The armies from all the star regions under the Holy Lord's rule have all gathered on Haiyuan Star and are waiting for the Holy Lord's dispatch."

Compared with before, the beautiful elder Bei seemed to be younger and more attractive, and her aura no longer resembled that of an old woman in her twilight years but was full of vitality.

This is because she received the Flawless Sky-Repairing Pill as a reward from Ye Lin ten years ago. After devouring the Flawless Sky-Repairing Pill, Elder Meiren Bei's lost soul source was restored. Not only did her cultivation return to the middle stage of integration, she also gained more. With 70,000 years of lifespan, as long as you pay attention to using secret techniques in the future, you can save your lifespan and even have a chance to break through to the later stage of integration.

Ye Lin nodded slightly after listening to the report.

"Proceed as planned!"

He stood up as he spoke.

"Everyone, follow me on the expedition, target, preset battle zone!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Lin, Nangong Lingyue, and Xiaobai turned into three rays of light and flew out. In just a few breaths, they shot through the ten thousand feet deep sea water and shot towards the sky.

This time, Ye Lin set the preset combat zone in the near-air area outside Haiyuan Star.

After Ye Lin left, a messenger shouted.

"Everyone, follow the Holy Lord on the expedition. This battle will be won!"

"This battle must be won!"

Outside the Chinese army's tent, in the vast expanse, soldiers in armor raised their swords high and shouted together. The sound of "this battle must be won" made the entire Haiyuan Star tremble slightly, and a lot of turbulent waves were set off in the boundless sea area.

The neatly arranged army either flew away on its own, or began to fly from the bottom of the sea to the sky in an endless flying boat...

Ye Lin, who was flying at the front, glanced back at this spectacular scene and couldn't help but smile.

"As expected, having your own power is the most exciting thing. This battle will determine the ownership of half of the entire Jiujiao Desolate Territory!"

The main reason why Ye Lin reduced the number of troops stationed on all planets and gave up direct control of the dozen or so planets except Haiyuan Star was to concentrate all his strength. In this case, garrisoning other planets would not do him any good.

After all, there are as many as 800 billion enemy troops, and one or two hundred billion troops can be deployed to attack all planets at any time. By then, it is impossible for Ye Lin's side to defend them all.

Instead of watching other planets fall and the defenders being wiped out, it is better to give up and allow the enemy to occupy them, distracting their attention and strength.

Anyway, for Ye Lin, as long as he wins on the frontal battlefield, he can get back these lost planets without any effort.

As for the enemy's main force, they naturally learned the movements of Ye Lin's army early and were galloping towards Haiyuan Star with all their strength.

Among all the planets controlled by Ye Lin, the largest and most resource-rich planet is Haiyuan Star. Once Haiyuan Star is lost, the morale of the military will be in chaos and morale will be frustrated. He must concentrate all his strength on Haiyuan Star.

After arriving at the preset battlefield, Ye Lin stood on the bow of Xiaolan's flying boat, looking into the depths of the starry sky outside the territory. It seemed that his eyes had penetrated the vast starry sky and observed all the actions of the 800 billion enemy troops.

The main tent of the army in the Jiao Temple's crusade.

The four masters of the Silver Dragon Palace, the Red Dragon Palace, the Blue Dragon Palace, and the Golden Dragon Palace sat cross-legged on the futon. Beside them, there were two tall East and West Guardians of the Dragon Temple wearing bamboo hats.

A full six late-stage integration monks gathered together.

The master of Yinjiao Palace said in a deep voice.

"According to the latest intelligence, the enemy has shrunk its defenses, voluntarily giving up the defensive power of more than ten surrounding planets, and concentrated all its strength to assume a defensive posture in the near sky beyond Haiyuan Star. It seems that they intend to fight us to the death. They are only four thousand The tens of millions of people are not afraid at all in the face of our 800 billion elite forces!"

The master of the Golden Dragon Palace, wearing a golden robe, smoothed his light golden beard.

"It seems that this battle will not be as easy to win as we expected. It is not an injustice for you, the Holy Son of Silver Dragon Palace, to lose to an enemy of this level."

The red-haired Palace Mistress of Scarlet Dragon Palace is a beautiful woman in palace attire with a charming voice.

"Since the enemy has given up the defense of more than ten planets, we should occupy these planets first and release the news to disrupt their military morale. They have recruited troops on these planets. After we occupy these planets, we can take their homes. The tribe came to threaten them and demoralized them."

The master of Lanjiao Palace said solemnly.

"If we divide our forces to occupy these planets, we will definitely waste a lot of time. Instead of doing this, it is better to concentrate all our strength and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop on the frontal battlefield. Their 400-billion-strong mob will definitely be defeated at the first touch when faced with our 800-billion elite forces. No suspense!”

The master of Scarlet Dragon Palace snorted coldly.

"Now the enemy's morale is at its peak. Even if we win this battle, we will still have to pay a huge price. Even if we have a mob of 400 billion enemies fighting desperately, we can still kill 100 billion of our elites!"

The master of the Golden Dragon Palace said hesitantly.

"This may be a bait for the enemy. From the intelligence point of view, the enemy is extremely good at setting up large formations to ambush. If we disperse our forces to occupy other planets, our dispersed forces may fall into a trap."

The master of Scarlet Dragon Palace showed contempt.

"We haven't seen each other for tens of thousands of years, but the master of the Golden Dragon Palace is as timid as a mouse. The enemy has a seventh-level formation master. Don't we? The so-called formation trap can be broken with a backhand."

The Palace Master of Yinjiao Palace frowned slightly when he saw the other three palace masters arguing over the strategy of dividing the troops or not dividing the troops. He raised his voice by three points.

"Okay, everyone, please stop arguing. The palace master has left it to me to take charge of the conquest of Wang Changsheng. I will make the decision on this matter."

"I think what you are saying is reasonable. It is better to divide an army of 100 billion and go to more than ten planets to try to occupy it. Master of Scarlet Dragon Palace, don't rush to refute. We have 800 billion elites. Even if we divide them If you go out to 100 billion, your overall strength will not be greatly affected.”

"If we could win on the frontal battlefield originally, we can still win after we divide our forces!"

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