Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1207 Sixth-Rank Grandmaster

"Hahaha, you are just 400 billion chickens and dogs, why don't you surrender quickly? Do you have to wait until your planet is destroyed, your family bloodline, and the inheritance of your sect are completely destroyed?"

"Listen carefully, the Palace Master has ordered that those who surrender can be spared!"

"You appear unmoved, but in fact you are extremely panicked deep down. Stop pretending, you will lose this battle!"

"I will make your so-called Saint Lord Wang Changsheng pass under my crotch later!"

"Hahaha, Wang Changsheng's Taoist partner is not bad, just catch him and enjoy him!"

At the suggestion of the Palace Master of the Red Dragon Palace, all kinds of provocations and dirty words surged like a tsunami from the surrounding Jiaoshen Temple army.

But all the soldiers on Ye Lin's side remained unmoved, as if they had never heard anything. If it weren't for the fluttering flags covering the sky and the sun, people would definitely think that these were 400 billion lifelike sculptures.

The four Jiaolong Palace masters were really on pins and needles when they saw such an abnormal scene, and felt a strange atmosphere enveloping them.

"Damn, what conspiracy is Wang Changsheng planning!"

"There must be something strange!"

"Has our think tank analyzed the results? A bunch of trash!"

"How could there be such an army? No one has any abnormal expression no matter how they provoke and insult!"

"No, it's really unsure to go on like this. We have to send a vanguard army to test the enemy's strength!"

"The problem is that no army in our four Jiaolong Palaces is willing to serve as a vanguard."

"This is not easy to do. Each palace will send 20 billion, a total of 80 billion, so it will be balanced!"

"Okay, let's do it this way. We must find out what huge conspiracy Wang Changsheng is brewing!"

Just as the four Jiaolong Palace masters were recruiting troops to organize the 80 billion vanguard army, Ye Lin suddenly stood up, and more than 400 billion people looked at him.

Ye Lin's voice was heard in the depths of everyone's soul.

"Everyone has heard that the enemy has divided into fourteen armies, intending to occupy and destroy our homes, slaughter our tribes, and exterminate our bloodline."

"There is no turning back in this battle. Everyone listen to my order and follow me to charge!"

As soon as Ye Lin said this.

Countless messengers shouted.

"Follow the Holy Lord to charge! Defeat the enemy in one fell swoop! We will win this battle!"

All the soldiers raised their weapons and shouted in unison!

"We will win!"


Endless anger, endless murderous intent as real as substance burst out!

The momentum released by the 800 billion soldiers of the Silver Dragon Palace was originally enough to crush Ye Lin's side, but at this moment, the violent momentum like a mountain into the sea completely collapsed like paper...

It turned out that Ye Lin's side was not crushed by the momentum, but had never released any momentum. After a sixty-year special training, all the soldiers have learned to restrain their momentum and burst out at the most critical moment to play the most critical role.

As the saying goes, details determine success or failure. During this sixty-year period, Ye Lin's army of more than 400 billion people never trained them how to practice and improve their realm, but trained the soldiers' habits and mentality.

At this moment, the soldiers of the Jiaoshen Temple who felt the reverse crush were all in fear. Their keen spiritual perception seemed to have seen their own end.

That was the terrible end of being ruthlessly killed and dying.

"No, no, I don't want to die!"

"Run away, the enemy is coming, we can't defeat such a powerful existence!"

"Ah, ah, I'm going to die, I'm going to die..."

The soldiers of the Silver Jiao Palace who were still arrogant and cursing just now fell into chaos. Some were stunned in place, some shouted in fear, and some ran away...

The four Jiaolong Palace masters were stunned at this moment!

They looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

"How, how is it possible, they, they..."

"They don't plan to defend at all, they want to attack us!"

"No, it's bad, quickly set up a defensive formation!"

"It's too late, we wanted to surround them before, but we didn't have time to adjust the formation!"

"I understand, I understand, they don't plan to defend at all, so they didn't set up a large formation in the assembly area!"

At this time, the Jiao Temple army was actually in a long snake formation, which was not conducive to attack or defense. If they surrounded the enemy, there would be no problem in crushing the enemy with combat power, but once the enemy launched a charge, it would be very easy to be penetrated and divided!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The 400 billion warriors of Ye Lin's side adjusted into a triangular offensive formation in more than ten breaths. At the forefront of the formation was the flying boat where Ye Lin was.

Under the leadership of Ye Lin, the entire triangular formation crushed the enemy's long snake formation!

The Lord of the Silver Jiao Palace was shocked and angry when he saw the chaos of his own formation.

"Waste, waste, don't panic, don't panic, we still have 700 billion combat power, even if the formation is unfavorable, it is enough to easily kill their 400 billion chickens and dogs!"

A part of the Jiao Temple army just calmed down and barely controlled the chaos in the army, but unexpectedly, a battle flag suddenly appeared.

In the vast battle formation of the 700 billion army, one hot and dazzling sun and full moon rose one after another!


In just one breath, tens of millions of defenseless Jiaoshen Temple soldiers were ignited by the high temperature of the sun, and even their souls were ignited and screamed.

At the same time, tens of millions of soldiers were illuminated by the moonlight, and they felt that their thinking was slow. After breathing, even their souls were frozen and turned into sculptures...

It turned out that the battle plan formulated by Ye Lin was never a defensive attack, but an active attack, so the battle zone was not set in the near-air area close to Haiyuan Star, but in the tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of miles of the near-air area, which must be the location of the enemy.

It is for this reason that there was indeed no large formation in the area where Ye Lin was before, and the large formation was secretly arranged under the feet of the enemy!

At the same time, at least thousands of Sun Moon Qiankun Demon Suppression Arrays were turned on and operated. For a time, the Jiaoshen Temple army fell into complete chaos. Every breath, tens of millions of soldiers died under the influence of the large formation.

The four Jiaolong Palace masters took action at the same time, and instantly found the array eye of the nearest Sun Moon Qiankun Demon Suppression Array and easily destroyed it.

The Palace Master of the Silver Dragon Palace grabbed the white-haired seventh-grade formation master.

"Damn it, why didn't you find the formation set up by the enemy? Could it be that you have been bribed by Wang Changsheng?"

The formation master known as Grand Master Deng was only in the early stage of fusion, and was in a petrified state at this time. He turned a deaf ear to the questioning of the Palace Master of the Silver Dragon Palace and murmured.

"It shouldn't be, it's wrong... How could it be..."


The Palace Master of the Silver Dragon Palace slapped Grand Master Deng hard, and Grand Master Deng came back to his senses. He showed a look of realization and laughed bitterly.

"I understand, I understand, that's not a seventh-grade grandmaster at all, it's a sixth-grade, sixth-grade!"

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