Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1192 Jiao Temple

When the master of the Silver Dragon Palace arrived at the Dragon Temple, it was already half a year after the defeat. In the past six months, the news of the tragic defeat of the Silver Dragon Palace's hundreds of billions of troops had spread to all parts of the Jiujiao Desolate Territory.

This may be the most explosive and eye-catching news in the entire Jiujiao Desolate Territory in tens of thousands of years. Naturally, it spreads far faster than imagined.

However, the content of this rumor is not that the Meirenbei clan relied on their own rebellious spirit to fight to the death and defeated the Yinjiao Palace army, but that the Meirenbei clan had been planning for a long time and had long been rebellious. With the support of a powerful force outside the territory, After hundreds of thousands of years of preparation, the Yinjiao Palace army successfully attacked unprepared, resulting in a disastrous defeat for the Yinjiao Palace army.

Naturally, the content of this rumor was deliberately spread by the Palace Master of Silver Dragon Palace, in order to reduce his guilt for neglecting his duties, resulting in a huge defeat, and losing the face of the Dragon Palace.

This move is very clever. At first, there were rumors around Hailan Star that the Meirenbei clan had successfully defeated a 100-billion-dollar crusade with their own combat power and the assistance of a great human priest. However, most people were skeptical of such rumors. Attitude, I don't believe that a mere medium-sized group of beautiful shells has such fighting power.

The master of Yinjiao Palace began to control public opinion and joined a large external force to support the Meirenbei clan. His credibility instantly increased several times, and most people believed it as soon as they heard it.

The master of the Silver Dragon Palace was wearing a dragon robe. He looked at the majestic palace in front of him and swallowed a little guilty.

Although he has done a lot in public opinion to make this defeat look less embarrassing, and even the invasion by external forces is excusable.

But this is only for the ordinary monks in the Jiujiao Desolate Territory. It is impossible for the senior officials of the Jiao Temple not to verify his statement, and once verified, the lies he spread will definitely be exposed.

Normally, as long as he doesn't go too far, the Temple of Flood Dragons will not make things difficult for him. However, this defeat has attracted the attention of most practitioners in the Jiujiao Desolate Territory. It is the biggest defeat that the Temple of Flood Dragons has suffered in the past 100,000 years of its rule. He also lost control of more than ten planets around Hailan Star.

This is absolutely unprecedented.


The door of the temple, which was full of exquisite reliefs of dragons, slowly opened. The master of the Silver Dragon Palace forced himself to calm down and walked into the temple with his chest raised and his head raised.

I saw an old man sitting above the temple with white hair and beard, sharp eyes, and holding a dragon crutch. On the left and right sides were four tall and burly people sitting cross-legged, holding dragon giant swords, wearing purple robes and purple bamboo hats. The mysterious monk.

As the master of Yinjiao Palace in the late stage of integration, he did not dare to be disrespectful at all and quickly saluted respectfully.

"See the palace master, see the four protectors!"

There is no doubt that the old man sitting at the highest point of the temple, holding the dragon crutch in his hand, is the master of the flood dragon temple, and the four guardians are the second level of the power echelon of the flood dragon temple, second only to the powerful existence of the master.

Different from the palace owners of the Nine Dragon Palaces, almost every palace owner has changed many times, but there is only one palace owner from the beginning to the end.

It is said that hundreds of thousands of years ago, it has entered the late stage of integration. Now it has not taken action for hundreds of thousands of years. Its true strength is only one step away from the tribulation stage, and it has entered the perfection of integration early.

Of course, this has not been made public. This is a core secret that only the masters of the Nine Dragon Palaces know.

As for the four guardians of the southeast, northwest and southeast, they have been replaced. However, the youngest guardian of the east also entered the late stage of integration a hundred thousand years ago. His seniority is much older than that of the master of Yinjiao Palace. If he fights alone, he has no chance. Confidence defeats any protector, so he does not dare to offend the four protectors at all.

After the Palace Master of Yinjiao Palace bowed and saluted, he didn't hear the Palace Master asking him to excuse himself, so he could only continue to bow his head.

I saw the master of the Jiao Temple glance at the master of the Silver Jiao Palace. His eyes were sharp, as if they could pierce the soul, revealing all the secrets buried in his heart.

The voice of the master of the Jiao Temple was calm, neither fast nor slow.

"What excuse do you have for your defeat against Hailan Star?"

The master of Yinjiao Palace shivered and said quickly.

"Reporting to the Palace Master, I am responsible for the defeat in this battle, but the Wang Changsheng who suddenly appeared is definitely from outside the territory, coming with the will of a big force to invade!"

At this time, the Palace Master of Silver Dragon Palace could only seem to sincerely accept responsibility, but he had to insist that there was an outside force involved.

He seemed to feel that the evidence was not sufficient and added.

"Wang Changsheng has a Taoist companion who is a descendant of the Moon God Clan. He comes from the swamp sea inside the Wind and Fire Jedi. He has been wanted by the Ouyang family in the upper world. This also shows that Wang Changsheng comes from the upper world."

The master of the Jiao Temple stroked his beard after hearing this and said in a very calm tone.

"Pindao has deduced some information about Wang Changsheng. The origin of this person is quite mysterious, and he does not necessarily come from a certain force in the upper world."

The Palace Master of Yinjiao Palace remained silent upon hearing this. Naturally, he did not dare to refute the Palace Master's conclusion.

Although Ye Lin, Xiao Bai, Xiao Qiang and others all have the ability to shield the Tianji derivation, Queen Bei, the Great Elder and others do not, including Nangong Lingyue, who only uses a top-quality Taoist weapon to shield the Tianji. Able to practice "Hidden Dragon Art" to the state of Dzogchen.

Therefore, as long as the cultivation level is high enough and the spiritual sense is strong enough, you can find out some information about Ye Lin by calculating the people who are familiar with Ye Lin.

The master of the Jiao Temple said again.

"Pindao is not a harsh person. If you are unprepared and defeated for the first time, even if it brings disgrace to the temple, I will not blame you."

"But there is only the first time, not the second time. Palace Master, do you understand?"

Although the Lord of the Jiao Temple still spoke calmly, without a trace of anger, this made the Lord of the Silver Jiao Palace tremble.

"I understand, there will never be a second time. After I return, I will gather all the troops and lead the army to attack. I will definitely wipe out the Meirenbei tribe in one blow, kill Wang Changsheng, and spread the reputation of my temple!"

The Lord of the Jiao Temple nodded slightly.

"According to the information I have, that Wang Changsheng, let's call him Wang Changsheng for the time being. He did not show his true strength in that battle, so with your strength, even if you lead a trillion-dollar army, it will be difficult to defeat him. If he absorbs your resources after the defeat, he will only become stronger."

The Lord of the Silver Jiao Palace was shocked.

"How, how is it possible! Could it be that he is not in the early or middle stage of fusion, but in the late stage of fusion?"

The Lord of the Jiao Temple smiled.

"It is impossible to estimate his true strength, but I have glimpsed a glimpse of the secret, and I have estimated that if you lead the troops alone, you will most likely repeat the same mistakes and be defeated miserably!"

"So it is not unfair that the Holy Son of the Silver Dragon Palace was defeated miserably by this man in the first battle."

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