Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1191 Brutal Debauchery

All of these dancers serving the master of Silver Dragon Palace have entered the integration stage, and one of them has even entered the middle stage of integration.

As the saying goes, dragons are inherently lustful. As a subspecies of true dragons, dragons contain a trace of true dragon blood in their bodies. This also leads to their violent temperament and their fondness for searching for furnaces and cauldrons.

"Hahaha, okay, beauties, after a while, you will have a few more sisters. That beauty, Queen Bei, I have been coveting for a long time."

"As for the beautiful elder Bei, although she looks young, in fact she has very little life left. She can only play for a while. If she loses interest, she will act as the lowest furnace. She can help me break through to the Great Perfection as soon as possible. "

"Besides, I have also met Princess Meirenbei once. She has quite good qualifications. Although she has not broken through the integration stage yet, she will definitely become your good sister in the future."

The dancers were all charming and wanted to press their bodies completely against the master of the Silver Dragon Palace, but their pupils were trembling slightly, as if there was fear hidden deep in their eyes.

The master of the Yinjiao Palace, who was in a good mood, was about to take the next step to seize the Yuan Yin Qi that the more than ten maids in the integration stage had recently recovered, when suddenly someone rushed into the hall in a panic.

The master of Yinjiao Palace frowned slightly and seemed a little displeased. Before the man could speak, he angrily rebuked.

"Get out, you didn't see me at the critical moment of practicing."

The visitor's face turned pale with fright. For a moment, he didn't know whether to exit the hall or risk his life to report. The master of Yinjiao Palace snorted coldly.

"I don't know whether to live or die. I'll wait until I have fun before I deal with you!"

After saying this, he waved his sleeves and robes. The monk who came to report felt the terrifying magic power crushing him before he could say a word. With a bang, he was knocked away and forced to exit the magnificent hall.

He only felt that his physical body was almost torn into pieces by the magic power, and his soul was almost dissipated because of it. He was so frightened that he trembled all over and knelt on the ground in extreme fear.

The main hall was not closed, and soon came the sound of the master of the Yinjiao Palace practicing hard skills. This practice lasted for about three or four days. After returning to silence, more than a dozen charming beauties appeared with flushed but pale faces. , breathing weakly, queued up and left the hall.

When many beauties passed by, the monk who came to report them had his head on the ground, not daring to take another look.

After all the beauties had left, the monk who came to report bravely walked into the hall again, and saw the Lord of the Silver Dragon Palace, naked from the waist up, taking a swig from a pot of blood-red immortal brew.

"Excuse me, report to the palace master, something serious has happened!"

His voice was trembling and his words were stammering.

The Palace Master of Yinjiao Palace, who was originally in a good mood, frowned slightly and glanced at this person with disgust.

"Who are you, and what do you have to report? I want to see what's going on. If you can't tell me why..."

Having said this, the Palace Master of Yinjiao Palace licked his lips with a scarlet tongue.

"Palace Master, just three days ago, His Royal Highness the Holy Son's life card was broken. I am afraid that the army that went to conquer Hailan Star encountered an accident."

The Palace Master of Yinjiao Palace was slightly startled at first, then his eyes widened. In a flash, he grabbed the man's neck and lifted him up.

"What did you say? Say it again!"

"Palace, palace, palace master, please spare your life. The life card of His Royal Highness the Holy Son is broken. In addition, the life cards of many combined-stage coaches who went to put down the rebellion are also broken!"

The master of Yinjiao Palace suddenly laughed out loud.

"You dare to lie about the military situation? My 170 billion army can only deal with 80 billion beauty shells. The number and cultivation level of the monks in the integration stage can even crush the beauty shell clan. How could there be an accident?"

"This is impossible!"

Feeling the terrifying power crushing from his hands, the monk who came to report was so frightened that he almost lost his mind and quickly took out a bunch of broken life cards.

"Please also ask the Palace Master to take a look at it!"

The Palace Master of Silver Dragon Palace glanced at the Broken Life Tablet floating in front of him, and his expression suddenly became extremely gloomy.

"How dare you delay such an important military situation for three days!"

"Damn it!"


There was a loud noise, and the man's soul and body exploded at the same time. The violent explosion shock wave was eliminated by the Palace Master of Silver Dragon Palace with a wave of his hand before it had time to spread.

"How is it possible, how is it possible! These are just beauties. I can kill them with my backhand. How dare they kill my Holy Son!"

As the Palace Master, he broke through the late stage of integration a hundred thousand years ago. His strength is unfathomable and he is the pinnacle existence of the entire Jiujiao Desolate Territory. The entire Jiujiao Desolate Territory is firmly controlled by the Temple of the Flood Dragon. There are already There hasn't been any large-scale rebellion for tens of thousands of years.

Because of this, he acts unscrupulously. Even if he slightly disobeys the will of Jiao Temple, Jiao Temple will tolerate it a little considering his strength.

Just a few decades ago, the Saint of Yinjiao Palace fell. This caused the palace owner of Yinjiao Palace to become furious. While offering a large reward for the murderer, he did not hesitate to take the opportunity to implement a plan to completely conquer Hailan Star.

I originally thought that Hailan Star Beauty Bei was a weak and humble ethnic group who was forced to rebel by him, but I didn't expect that just a few decades later, the Holy Son he sent to conquer Hailan Star also died.

The master of the Yinjiao Palace did not summon the ministers, but directly sat cross-legged, pinched his fingers, and began to deduce the secrets based on the soul aura of the Holy Son of the Yinjiao Palace that still remained on the broken life tablet.

During his deduction, he saw the neatly formed and invincible army of Beauty Bei, the army of Yinjiao Palace crying for their fathers and mothers, running around in panic, and the powerful and tyrannical formations.

But the only thing that was not seen was the death scene of the Holy Son of the Silver Dragon Palace.

"There are several beings hidden in the army of Beauty Bei who can block the deduction of the king's heavenly secrets! Who are they? Which Wang Changsheng? His highest cultivation level is only the initial stage of fusion. Could it be that he carries a treasure that can block the heavenly secrets?"

In the whole process of deduction, the Palace Master of the Silver Dragon Palace did not see any pictures about "Wang Changsheng", which made his heart jump and his brows wrinkled into a "chuan" character.

"Could it be... that there are foreign forces trying to get involved in the Nine Dragons Wilderness? But why would the future forces choose a weak and humble beauty..."

Just when he said this, he suddenly couldn't say anything more. He remembered the picture in the deduction.

The army of Beauty Bei swept the army of the Silver Dragon Palace, and the army of the Silver Dragon Palace had no power to fight back. How can such a race be described as "weak and humble"?

"It seems that the Meirenbei clan has long had the intention of rebellion and has been hiding for tens of thousands of years or even longer. They are supported by external forces!"

"Only this can explain why this battle was a disastrous defeat!"

"After the temple learned the news, the temple master would be furious and send people to ask for punishment. Instead of losing face like this, it is better to take the initiative to go to the temple to apologize and report the evidence of the invasion of foreign forces."

"In this way, it is not just my responsibility to deal with the rebels!"

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