Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1193 New Challenge

The master of Yinjiao Palace couldn't help but change his expression.

The master of the Jiao Temple said: "Since I have caught a glimpse of the secret, I can't let you die again. Next, you will be assisted by the Scarlet Jiao Palace, the Blue Jiao Palace, the Golden Jiao Palace and the East and West Guardians. "

"If you lose this battle again, you won't have to come back."

The Palace Master of Yinjiao Palace almost thought that he heard wrongly.

Such a large formation, which gathered only half of the peak beings in the entire Jiujiao Desolate Territory, was actually just to destroy a small group of beauty shells and defeat a mysterious outsider who appeared from nowhere.

He assured firmly.

"With the power of the four palaces and the two guardians, this battle will be impossible to defeat. Don't worry, Lord!"

The master of the Jiao Temple said.

"You have to remember that the main purpose of this battle is not to kill the Heilan Star Beauty Shell clan, but to capture Wang Changsheng alive and bring his soul to the temple!"

"As you command!"

The master of the Jiao Temple waved his hand.

"Go down and get ready."

The two burly guardians who were originally like sculptures inserted their giant swords into the huge scabbards behind their backs. As the master of the Silver Dragon Palace left the Temple of the Dragon together, the door of the temple was closed again.

The Palace Master of Yinjiao Palace breathed a long sigh of relief as he walked out of the temple. He glanced at the two guardians behind him, east and west, and showed a flattering smile.

"I would also like to invite the two guardians first. This battle still needs two guardians to take the lead. I am just a subordinate."

The two guardians on the east and west wore bamboo hats and purple robes. They could not see any expression at all, and it was difficult for their spiritual consciousness to penetrate the purple bamboo hats, making them look extremely mysterious.

An old woman's voice came from the protector Dong's bamboo hat.

"Palace Master, please don't be humble. I and Protector Xi are only assisting to prevent the target from escaping. The frontal battlefield will still be decided by you four palace masters."

Protector Xi seemed to be a middle-aged man, he said solemnly.

"Don't waste any more time. Things will change if you wait too long. Let's return to the territory of Yinjiao Palace first!"

Saying that, the two guardians of the east and west flew towards the teleportation array first.

The master of Yinjiao Palace looked back at the direction of the temple gate, feeling confused.

"What is the origin of Wang Changsheng that makes the Palace Master pay so much attention to it? Could it be that he holds a great opportunity that makes the Palace Master also very tempted?"

"It's quite possible. If not, there's no need to capture the soul alive."

"It's a pity. If I had known this earlier, I might have been able to take advantage of the palace master without telling him. If I was given that heaven-defying opportunity, I would definitely be able to successfully break through the Great Perfection of Fusion. By then, I wouldn't have to be so afraid of the palace master, or even fight with the palace master. Fight against each other."

Although the master of the Jiao Temple said that he was very sure that he was not the opponent of "Wang Changsheng" by spying on the secrets of heaven, the master of the Silver Jiao Temple did not believe it too much.

In his opinion, the reason why the Four Palaces united and sent out two guardians was to supervise each other. After seizing "Wang Changsheng", no one could monopolize the opportunity. In the end, only the soul of "Wang Changsheng" could be sent together. Go to the Jiao Temple.

"If Wang Changsheng's cultivation has reached the late stage of integration, how can he possibly cooperate with the Meibei clan? As long as his cultivation has not reached the late stage of integration, I can find an opportunity to behead him, but it's a pity that the opportunity has been missed..."

He no longer thought about it, turning into a silvery white light and flying towards the teleportation array.

In Ye Lin's palace, Su Yan'er was making a routine report.

"Sir, we have successfully occupied thirteen planets around Hailan Star. As expected, there was almost no fierce resistance during the occupation. Yinjiao Palace originally controlled a total of seventy-three planets. Our current territory There is already one-sixth of the Silver Dragon Palace."

"Today, our army is still marching towards the surrounding planets. The defenders of Silver Dragon Palace seem to have lost all morale due to the previous defeat. Most of the resistance forces fled before the army arrived. It is estimated that we can still occupy five planets. We have to face a prosperous planet like Haiyuan Star that the Yinjiao Palace is focused on defending."

Ye Lin nodded calmly, these were all within his expectations.

"If a planet encounters fierce resistance, besiege it first, and continue to harass the prisoners of war and dead soldiers. When the enemy is exhausted, look for opportunities to attack."

Su Yaner nodded repeatedly.

"This is also the strategy of our military think tank."

Ye Lin asked again: "What's the reaction from Silver Dragon Palace and Dragon Temple?"

Su Yan'er said: "It is said that the master of the Silver Dragon Palace went to the Jiao Temple and took the initiative to plead guilty, but was not punished. The master of the Jiao Temple ordered the Scarlet Jiao Palace, the Blue Jiao Palace, and the Golden Jiao Palace to join forces with the Silver Jiao Palace. Currently, the four major Jiaolong Palaces The army has begun to gather to destroy us in one battle."

If it had been in the past, Su Yan'er would have been frightened out of her wits when she heard the news. It stands to reason that the full-scale attack of Yin Jiao Palace alone would have a chance of crushing the Meirenbei clan, and now they have united with the other three major Jiao Palaces.

She really couldn't imagine how powerful the enemy that arrived next would be.

But now, the Meirenbei army has just experienced a great victory. Having seen the performance of the Meirenbei army with her own eyes, she is full of confidence in the future.

Of course, the most important thing is that she has full confidence in Ye Lin.

This is a person who has led the entire Meirenbei clan to create miracles. It seems that if he creates one or more miracles, it will not be unbelievable.

Today's Meirenbei clan is unprecedentedly powerful, and it was all brought about by Ye Lin.

Ye Lin thought for a moment, then smiled.

"The enemy should still have hidden strength, but it has not been exposed. How long does the think tank expect the enemy to arrive?"

Su Yaner bit her red lips lightly.

"After the enemy troops are completely assembled, they will definitely march quickly. The armies of the four dragon palaces will gather together. Since the other three dragon palaces are far away from our Hailan planet, it is estimated that it will take a month. Of course, this is the most pessimistic estimate. The most optimistic estimate is two Jiazi!”

Ye Lin nodded and waved.

"You go down."

Su Yaner saluted and exited Ye Lin's practice room.

Ye Lin murmured.

"It seems that I have attracted enough attention from the Jiao Temple, but I don't know how many late-stage combined beings have been sent out from the Jiao Temple. My first step has been achieved."

"Now we have occupied more than ten planets, and many ancient teleportation array ruins have been discovered on these more than ten planets. Unfortunately, they were all damaged too completely and took too long to repair... It seems that we need to stay here for a while longer. time."

"I can take this opportunity to completely defeat the Jiao Temple and completely occupy this star field to become my foothold. In the future, I can continuously provide me with massive resources."

As for the attack of a powerful enemy, Ye Lin was not too worried. It was something that would happen after one or even two Jiazi. Now he has massive resources at his disposal. One or two Jiazi's time would be enough for his overall strength to rise again. One floor.


Some readers have reported that their combat power has collapsed. This is nothing to admit. It is true. This is true in the later stages of most books. Even many great masters cannot avoid it. This cannot be modified to make up for it. The author can only try his best to make the plot better. Finished... Thank you all for your support of this book.

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