Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3394: Real Dragon Eighteen Style

Chapter 3394: True Dragon Eighteen Forms

The real dragon was furious and wanted to destroy the world.

That terrifying flame, sweeping and burning, is the unique "fire of dragon flame" unique to the real dragon, and it is extremely powerful.

For a time, the gods of all races were in chaos.

At the critical moment, it was the Jiulong Taoist and Tianjue Sword Sovereign that they quickly took action to stabilize the situation.

"Don't panic everyone!"

"This is just a Tier 2 Dragon Lord, with our strength, it is enough to fight against it."

In the loud shout, the Jiulong Taoist took the lead.

Saw him with a big wave, nine huge dragon shadows rushed out quickly.

"Sword Slash!"

Tian Jue Sword Sovereign pinched out the sword arts between his hands, and a huge sword slammed out to meet the storm, carrying tyrannical power.

The other gods around them also all shot one after another.

Although everyone could not use the power of the gods, it was not trivial to combine the power of ten of them. It was actually short-lived and blocked the fire of Long Yan.

Action is far more convincing than words.

This scene inspired the gods of all races.

At the moment, everyone was not afraid anymore, one by one, they recovered from shock, and then quickly shot.


The heavenly divine art bloomed with brilliance.

The waves of divine power raged, like a stormy wave, and like a torrent of torrents.

In front of Jiulong Baoshan, it was completely chaotic.

I have to say that the strength of that real dragon is indeed extraordinary, and his cultivation base is extremely high, and he is in Jiulong Baoshan, it seems that he can use the power of heaven and earth.

The huge dragon claw came out, carrying a terrifying coercion.

In an instant, I don't know how many divine skills were crushed.

The fire of Long Yan became more and more terrifying. The land in front of Jiulong Baoshan was burnt and melted and turned into a sea of ​​magma fire. The scene was spectacular and shocking.

Even in the sky, there are flames burning out of thin air.

The so-called burning the sky and boiling the sea is nothing more than that.

However, there were also many magical techniques that broke through the blockade and hit the real dragon.

He was covered with dragon scales, glowing golden light.

Actually it was abruptly endured, many magical injuries.

I have to say that the dragons are inherently superior and are the darlings of the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth. Its dragon scales possess extraordinary defensive power.

"Besiege him."

Sword Master Tian Jue screamed.

He and Jiulong Taoist and other more than ten people quickly rose into the air.

Taking advantage of the real dragon's distraction, to fight against the gods of various races, they used powerful magic techniques to besiege the real dragon.

The Jiulong Taoists have all comprehended the true meaning of the law, and the state of their divine arts has also reached the state of returning to the beginning, and the power is so powerful that it is far from ordinary divine cultivation.

Even if it was a real dragon, if hit by their magical skills, the dragon's body trembled.


The real dragon suffered from pain, but appeared more fierce.

A lot of dragon flames spewed out, but the most terrifying thing was the secret technique of the dragon clan, the eighteenth style of the true dragon.

"True dragon waving its tail!"

"Flying in the sky!"

"The dragon kills the common people."


The secret technique of inheritance one after another was displayed by the real dragon.

The terrible light drowned everything.

Any divine cultivation, once hit by the eighteenth form of the real dragon, there is no room for survival, and it will die on the spot.

The Jiulong Taoist and others also looked solemn and did not dare to be careless.

Nevertheless, some of them started to get injured.

The eighteenth style of the real dragon is too tyrannical.

However, the gods and cultivators of all races are already blushing at this moment.

The fierce battle between the two sides has plunged into white-hot.

Divine repairs of all races suffered heavy losses. All the Jiulong Taoists were injured, and the real dragon had a hard time. After all, he was only one person, and the number of each other was too much.

The real dragon bleeds, and every drop of blood exudes auspicious Baohui.

However, both sides are more and more courageous.

They have no retreat, and one party must fall completely.

This battle was very tragic.

At the end of the battle, the gods of all races repaired tens of thousands of horses, and most of them fell, and the other half were all wounded. It is difficult to have much combat power.

The Jiulong Taoist, Tianjue Sword Lord and others were all blood and blood.

They stood in the sky, gasping for breath.

And above the Jiulong Baoshan, the breath of that real dragon also seemed quite wilting.

It's just that the dragon scales gave him a strong defensive ability. Although his injury was serious, it was better than the dying Jiulong Taoists.

"You wait for Xiaoxiao, you will die today!"

The roar of the real dragon resounded throughout the world.

However, when he was about to support his body forcibly and attack the Nine Dragon Taoists and others, as well as the gods of various races, suddenly ripples spread out in the void in front of him.

Spatial fluctuations emerge.

Immediately afterwards, a group of people emerged out of thin air.

"Where did the Xiao Xiaoxiao come from."

When the real dragon first started, he was a little nervous.

However, when he discovered that the cultivation base of Su Xing and others were not high, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then he showed disdain.

Although he is seriously injured, it is not something a group of ants can fight against.

"who are you?"

Because the awakening used the void to hide, it disguised.

But Jiulong Taoist, Tianjue Sword Lord and others were all seriously injured at this moment, so they could not see through his identity.

However, for the group of people that suddenly appeared, everyone obviously would not have any good impressions.

The Taoists in Jiulong are all old rivers and lakes. I don't know how many times I have played these tricks of mantis catching cicadas and oriole. They are really familiar.

So the first time, I smelled that smell.

Everyone's face became a little ugly.

Goose all day long, after all, is it the time to be blinded by the geese?

"They are mysterious people."

"Yes! A group of guys who have no bottom line."

At this time, many of the gods of all ethnic groups recognized "mysterious people."

But after hearing this, the faces of the Jiulong Taoist, Tianjue Sword Lord and others have become even more ugly. Obviously, they probably have also heard of the many deeds of the mysterious man.

At this time, mysterious people appeared, confirming their guess even more.

"Everyone, what's the matter?"

"It seems that the state is not very good!"

Su Xing glanced at the Jiulong Taoist and smiled.


At this time, the real dragon let out a low roar.

As a proud dragon, how can it tolerate that others ignore itself?

What's more, it is still on its territory.

"What a roar!"

"You haven't used up your strength yet?"

He Tong glanced at the real dragon lightly, with an attitude of reprimanding the pet.

"You are waiting for Xiao Xiao, you are looking for death!"

The real dragon was angry, and his body was burning with the fire of dragon flames: "Today, let you group of ants know what is the majesty of the dragon clan, and you must not offend it."

"It seems you are quite confident!"

"I hope you can maintain this confidence later."

He didn't say much about waking up, he waved his hand, opened the Chaos Pool, and released all the ten monsters inside.

In an instant, there was a monstrous demon spirit that spread across the entire Kowloon Baoshan.

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