Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3395: Goose plucking

Chapter 3395

Ten demon kings besieged Jiulong Baoshan.

The demon gas soared into the sky and dispersed 30,000 li.

The world is quiet.

Everyone was shocked watching this scene.

However, the one who bears the brunt is undoubtedly the real dragon.

Its expression has been frozen, a little stunned, looking at the golden bull and other ten monsters around.


The real dragon opened his mouth.

For a while, I don't know what to say.

He has a feeling that sheep are among the lions.

Every trace of air is full of dangerous breath.

Golden Bull was very satisfied with the performance of the real dragon, and said lightly: "Xiaolonglong, you have two choices now, or you can single out ten of us."

"Or, ten of us will single you out."

"How about it, fair? Which one do you choose?"

Zhenlong wants to scold him, I'm fair to you, uncle! This is also called heads-up? Are you afraid that there is no misunderstanding if you are not singled out?

Would you like to invite you a private school for a few years, and let your husband teach you to read and read!

"Puff! Old Huang is getting cheaper."

He Tong, Yue Zhijun, and others couldn't help laughing when they saw the look of True Dragon's livid face.

Su Xing glanced at the real dragon with some sympathy, guessing the latter's mood at this time, it should be quite complicated, right? Five points of anger, three points of aggrieved, and two points of fear?


The real dragon moved the dragon's head and agreed in one breath.

However, after a pause, it said again: "But you need to wait for me for a while, let me recover my strength first."


Upon hearing this, Jin Tong Baihu sneered: "Xiaolonglong, are you thinking about eating too far? You want to regain your strength? Tonight, make dumplings with dragon meat, boil the keel soup, and braise the dragon tendons. Let's have a whole dragon feast."


The huge body of the real dragon couldn't help shaking a few times.

The three words Quanlongyan are still very deterrent.

Especially, the other party made it clear that he was a group of shameless people, and would not give him the opportunity of skin care skills.

Jintong Baihu and Flying Giant Niu are proud and cheerful. Finally, Quanlong Banquet can replace braised beef and stewed white tiger!

"Xiaolonglong, don't blame this seat for not giving you a chance! Hand over Jiulong Baoshan..."


Before the golden bull had finished speaking, the real dragon agreed.

At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief. It was just a Nine Dragon Mountain, which was nothing compared to Quan Long Banquet.

The big deal, he will look for other Baoshan.

Anyway, with his strength, it is not difficult to find a place to live.

These people in front of them, let them go for the time being. After that, they will become stronger, and it will not be too late to take revenge. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Ten years are not too late for revenge.

"Xiaolonglong, your habit of rushing to answer is completely opposite to the turtle in the stone."

The golden bull was also stunned. It seemed that he didn't expect the real dragon to be so refreshing, but he continued: "If this is the case, you must first establish a contract with the gods and demons, and follow this seat forever!"


Zhenlong looked dumbfounded and said hello with his head full.

I have already agreed to give up Jiulong Baoshan. What about this? What kind of gods and demons contract should be established? Moreover, follow each other forever?


The real dragon took a deep breath and almost drained thousands of miles of air.

Then, it stared at the golden bull in anger and said: "You want me to surrender, don't think about it."

Real dragon can understand it.

Baoshan, the other party wants it!

Dragon, the other party too!

Shi can be killed, not insulted!

It is a majestic dragon, and it has always accepted the existence of adoration from all races. How can it surrender to others? Do you want dragon face any more?

"You won't say that later."

The golden bull seems to be accustomed to all this.

It waved its hooves, and said lightly: "Brothers, start moving!"

Then, in the horrified eyes of the real dragon, a "heads-up battle" began.

Ten demon kings, singled out a real dragon that had been seriously injured.

The result is naturally self-evident.

The real dragon had almost no power to fight back. The screams of the real dragon echoed in the world, and the scalp was numb.

I don't know how long it has passed before the real dragon finally stopped screaming.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but that his voice is already hoarse.

His whole body was heavily injured, and most of his life was gone.

These people are really black!

Especially the golden bull and the golden-eyed white tiger, the small body of the real dragon that hit by a violent storm, like a lone boat in the sea, almost shattered.

Dragon scale defense power is extraordinary.

However, compared with the stone turtle, it is still a lot inferior.

The dragon scales that the real dragon could not rely on directly ignored the attacks of the golden bull and others.

From this point of view, the defense of the stone tortoise is extraordinary.

"Damn, it turned out to be a male dragon, bad luck!"

The Golden Bull was muttering there alone, with an unhappy expression on his face.

Probably this is also the reason why he made heavy moves.

At this time, the surviving gods of all races, as well as the Jiulong Taoists, Tianjue Sword Sovereign and others, looked at this scene, already dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Dignified true dragon, miserably became such a dog?

This has been spread, who can believe it!

"Carry it away first!"

"Then prepare the seasoning and other ingredients for a full dragon banquet tonight."

Wake up and speak.

While talking, he took out the Chaos Pool, and his figure flashed before appearing above Jiulong Baoshan.

Afterwards, many cultivators saw the scene that they least wanted to see, and was very familiar. They saw a majestic suction force gushing from the Chaos Pool.

After that, the ground tens of thousands of miles around shuddered violently, as if an earthquake with a magnitude of more than ten occurred.

Then, Jiulong Baoshan rose from the ground.

Together with the true dragon, he was sucked into the Chaos Pool in despair.

Although it made a wailing sound in the end, it was unable to change its own destiny. His injuries were too serious and he had completely lost his combat effectiveness.

"Everyone, thanks!"

In the end, Su Xing also bowed his hands towards the gods of all ethnic groups present, as well as the Jiulong Taoist, Tianjue Sword Lord and others.

Although his face was sincere, he was unappreciative.

I thank you for your 18th generation ancestors!

Undoubtedly, in the eyes of the gods of all races and the Taoists of Jiulong, the waking thank you is full of irony.

That was the real dragon that they paid a terrible price and was seriously injured!

As a result, he was directly awakened and picked up cheap.

More importantly, even Jiulong Baoshan was taken away.

Looking around, the original location of Jiulong Baoshan was left with a huge tiankeng, not to mention any treasure inside, not even a piece of shiny soil.

This... Isn't this just the goose plucking?

Too bully!

The gods of all races, Jiulong Taoists, Tianjue Sword Sovereign, etc., looked at the back of the awakened group and left, and they were full of grief and indignation.

"Mysterious man, I won't let you go."

With the roar of the Jiulong Taoist, tears seemed to flow down.

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