Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3393: Real dragon

Chapter 3393: True Dragon Appears

"Everyone, please listen to me."

"In this Jiulong Baoshan, there must be a lot of treasures. However, everyone must be well aware that its guarding power is absolutely extraordinary."

"With our personal strength, no one can get the treasures inside. Acting rashly will only cost our lives in vain."

"We must unite and twist everyone's strength into a rope, so that we can kill the demon king and win the treasure inside."

The Jiulong Taoists stood in front of the gods of various races, talking freely, and dancing with beauty.

I kept describing for everyone, the many benefits after getting the treasure, such as this trip, soaring to the sky, etc., anyway, no money, just say as much as you can.

"I agree with the Jiulong Taoist, he is too right."

A divine cultivator with a small stature raised his hands high and supported the Jiulong Taoist.

Many people also began to move.

But there are still people who stay awake and have some doubts: "The Jiulong Taoist, even if you kill the demon king, the treasure will eventually fall into your hands, and we will probably be busy for nothing."

"Look at what you said, there are countless treasures in that treasure mountain, can the Jiulong Taoists eat them all at once? Everyone has a chance."

The small **** monk.

At this time, Jiulong Taoist said again: "As the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and there are many. At the beginning of the battle, we will act as the forward and rush to the forefront."

He spoke earnestly and willingly rushed to the forefront.

At this time, many people believed that it was true. It was the divine cultivator who was short in stature and took the lead in agreeing: "The Jiulong Taoist is broad-minded, and it is me who are narrow-minded."

"I am willing to follow the Jiulong Taoists and win treasures together."

"I am willing too!"

"Count me in!"

"Many people are powerful, and I also contribute."

Many people spoke.

Soon, even the divine cultivator who was hesitant before agreed to join.

The Jiulong Taoist looked at this scene and nodded in satisfaction.

Then, without a trace, the divine cultivator with a short stature blinked his eyes as if he was done.

"Damn! That short winter melon is actually a support."

When He Tong discovered this scene, he felt that the Jiulong Taoist was too bad, and he was actually calculating the spiritual cultivation of all ethnic groups.

"Should we expose the conspiracy of the Jiulong Taoist?" Yue Zhijun asked.

"Isn't it necessary?" Yan Feng shook his head and said, "One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. Isn't everyone fooled because they want to seize treasures?"

"Furthermore, even if we expose it, people may not be willing to listen!"

"It even feels like we have any conspiracy."

He was obviously unwilling to do this thankless thing.

Yue Zhijun thought for a while, and nodded, feeling that Yanfeng's analysis made sense.

As for waking up, he didn't say anything.

But in his heart, he also agrees with Yanfeng. He hasn't gotten a bad guy yet, so he has to intervene in everything.

"What are you thinking?" He Tong glanced suspiciously at his awakening. He saw the latter looking forward, silently, and instinctively felt that the latter might be brewing some conspiracy.

"What do you think of me."

Awaken glanced helplessly at He Tong, paused, and then he said again: "Since the Jiulong Taoists think so, if they get the treasure, why not, let's come with a praying mantis to catch the cicada, with the oriole behind?"


The corners of He Tong's mouth twitched a few times.

That's it, isn't it holding back something bad?

But well! It seems quite interesting.

He Tong's eyes brightened, and he smiled: "After that, don't call Jiulong Taoist, just change the name to "Send Bao Taoist"?"

Undoubtedly, the inspiration for this title came from the boy who gave money.

Everyone smiled knowingly.

Everyone has thought of what happened when the Jiulong Daoist, Tianjue Sword Lord and others failed to rob, but were awakened and looted.

Ahead, Jiulong Taoist, Tianjue Sword Master and their bewitching actions have been accomplished.

Tens of thousands of divine cultivators from all races joined their ranks one after another, and the momentum was quite large, and the Jiulong Taoists did not violate their promise and stood at the forefront of the army.

In fact, this kind of pioneering seems to be very unselfish.

But in fact, it can only serve as a psychological comfort.

If there is a major crisis, will the Jiulong Taoists be responsible for the army? Obviously impossible.

"Everyone, go!"

"For the treasure, for the opportunity, to rewrite our destiny, set off towards Baoshan."

"This battle will win!"

The Jiulong Taoists were impassioned, shouting loudly, inspiring morale and inspiring people.

I have to say that this is indeed very effective.

Tens of thousands of gods and cultivators of various ethnic groups have boosted their morale and shouted words like "This battle will win".

Then, the mighty army set off towards Baoshan, Jiulong.

The momentum along the way was like a rainbow, like an invincible division about to fight against God.

Soon after, the army appeared in the area of ​​Baoshan, Jiulong, and continued to push forward.

When the army was very close to Baoshan, Jiulong, something happened.


A terrifying roar resounded throughout the world.

Tens of thousands of cultivators of all races were shocked, their scalp numb, and their heads kept humming.

Obviously, it was not a simple roar, it contained an extraordinary sonic offensive.

Immediately afterwards, people saw that in the Jiulong Baoshan, the dragon was soaring into the sky, sacred and incomparable, with bright rays of light shining all over the world, and then a true dragon rose into the sky.

Antlers, fish scales, snake body, horse head...

This is a real dragon.

It's not a dragon, earth dragon, etc.

It possesses the purest blood of the dragon clan, as well as the supreme majesty of the dragon clan, which is not to be offended.

However, its cultivation base breath is extremely profound.

With one's own strength, it turned out that tens of thousands of gods of various races have a sense of oppression like suffocation.

"True Dragon!"

"Moreover, he has the cultivation base of a second-order god."

Even the Jiulong Taoists and the Heavenly Sword Sovereign, their expressions changed at this moment.

If they are outside, they will naturally not be afraid, because they themselves are also second-order gods, but in the ultimate land, they cannot use the power of the gods.

The current level of combat power can only barely reach the level of a first-order god.

It was completely incomparable with that real dragon, and there was a huge gap between them.

"You wait for Xiaoxiao, dare to disturb my dreams, **** it!"

The real dragon uttered words and looked furious.

Immediately afterwards, it opened its huge dragon mouth, and flames gushed out.

That flame, like a fire that extinguished the world, would burn the world and melt it, bury it in one fell swoop, and quickly swept across tens of thousands of gods and cultivators of all races, with a terrifying momentum.

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