Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3368: Siege

Chapter 3368: Siege

Three days passed quickly.

In three days, Jiulong Taoist, Tianjue Sword Lord and others, relying on their own influence, persuaded most of the gods in the nearby area to form a large-scale army.

The main reason for such high efficiency is that the spiritual practitioners who came here are very eager for the opportunity in the ghost capital of the mist.

If someone takes the lead, most people will agree.

on the hill.

Awakening, Red Moon and others, looking into the distance.

More than a dozen powerful gods headed by Jiulong Taoist and Tianjue Swordsman, led more than one hundred thousand masters, all the way formidable, advancing towards the ghosts of the fog.

In contrast, the misty ghosts are very quiet.

"There are so many people! I don't know if the Jiulong Taoists can break into the ghost capital of the fog!" Gong Kun's eyes lit up.

"With so many people, it should be completely possible!" Yue Zhijun said.

"That's not necessarily." Juechen smiled faintly, raised his arrogant chin, and said: "Mist hidden ghosts are not ordinary cities. The defense of the city alone is extraordinary."

With his formation skills, he clearly saw some clues.

As if to prove Juechen's words, the misty ghost capital, which had been quiet, finally had a movement.

A ghost like black smoke rose up from the thick walls of the foggy ghosts, and the towers on the top of the city shot out thick black beams of light.

Soon, a huge formation enveloped the entire ghost capital of the mist.

It's like a huge bowl, which is upside down.

But this is just the surface.

The real formation, the formation formed by it, is actually not a semicircle, but a complete circle, which represents the meaning of perfection.

Therefore, in the invisible area underground, the formation enchantment is also enveloped.

This puts an end to "digging tunnels" and other acts.

At this moment, the ghost capital of the mist is like a fierce beast that is beginning to show its ferociousness.

"Have you seen it, there seems to be someone on the wall." Yan Feng exclaimed.

Everyone looked at it, and as expected, behind the city wall of the formation barrier, a large number of figures appeared out of thin air, including the ghost exorcist in white.


The sound of killing sounded like the sky.

The army, headed by the Jiulong Taoist, Tianjue Sword Lord and others, has already approached the city.


In the next moment, the heavens and the magical arts were flying, and the sky and the earth were reflected extremely brightly.

The army prevented by 100,000 gods cultivation is undoubtedly an extremely terrifying force, especially, none of them is weak, and the person with the worst cultivation level has also entered the ninth stage of the **** king realm.

In other words, this is an army of **** kings.

Enough to squint at all directions and destroy all demons.

This is also the reason why most gods are willing to join the army.

The more the merrier.

One hundred thousand magic arts launched the first round of bombardment.

The terrible power that was enough to make the gods retreat 30,000 li, poured out all of them on the large array of the misty ghost capital.

The roar of Li Gui resounded throughout the world.

The roar like thunder in nine days, deafening.

However, in the imagination, the scene of the defensive formation being torn apart, did not happen.

The formation enchantment is extraordinarily strong and immortal.

It actually resisted all the forces.

"Come again!"

The loud shouts of the Jiulong Taoists spread throughout the battlefield through supernatural power.

One hundred thousand **** repair shot again.

The terrifying light of the magical technique seemed to drown all existence, like the eruption of a mountain torrent, once again bombarding the formation barrier.

Repeated attacks have led to the formation of the ghost capital of the fog, and there are signs of loosening.

"Quick! Go on!"

"The formation barrier can't stop me from waiting."

Tian Jue Sword Lord gave orders, his eyes were extremely bright, like two torches.

Under his feet, stepped on a huge sword, exuding majestic sword intent, making people afraid to approach.


The divine light continued to emerge.

Bright and dazzling, making the world bright and transparent.

The earth-shaking roar caused the earth in countless kilometers to vibrate violently.

The mountain collapsed and the earth cracked into the abyss.

Finally, cracks began to appear on the moat of the ghost capital of the mist.

It seemed that as long as the attack continued, the great defense formation would be broken in one fell swoop.

Victory is in sight, and the gods naturally have a stronger offensive.

"It shouldn't be!"

Jiechen looked at the great defense formation, shook his head and said, "How can this formation be so fragile, strong outside and strong in the middle? A paper tiger? No...this is not right."

"Boss, there is definitely a problem in this."

Juechen said towards Hongyue.

Hongyue nodded slightly, saying nothing.

She naturally believed in Juechen's formation skills.

Since Juechen said there was a problem, there must be some tricks.

However, with the offensive of the 100,000 army, the cracks on the defense formation have become more and more, bigger and bigger, looking like that, they may break at any time.

Also at this moment, something happened.

I saw that a terrifying black light rushed out from the misty ghosts, unstoppable, as if to tear apart the world relentlessly.


Where the black ray passed, I don't know how many gods were wiped out.

The battlefield where morale was originally high suddenly fell into a huge panic.

When the black light disappeared, the army of one hundred thousand had been divided into two halves. In the middle area was a huge gully with a width of thousands of miles, extending all the way to the end of heaven and earth.

Under this blow, at least thousands of divine cultivators died.

They didn't even have time to scream.

"Oh my God!"

"What kind of power is this..."

Yue Zhijun was dumbfounded.

That is an army of 100,000. What a terrifying force can it directly tear the battlefield and wipe out thousands of gods in one fell swoop?

"It seems that the formation is not breaking, but deliberately luring the enemy!"

Gong Kun was also full of shock.

At this moment, the entire battlefield is in chaos.

However, something more serious happened. In the Ghost City of Fog, a large number of ghosts rose to the sky and killed the gods on the battlefield.

This is to take advantage of the panic of the cultivators to make a heavy blow.

"Fight back! Don't froze."

"If you don't want to die, fight mentally."

The Jiulong Taoist, Tianjue Sword Lord and others all started to drink.

But soon, they also ushered in the enemy, the ghost exorcist in white.

A total of more than ten white-clothed ghost exorcists flew out from the ghosts in the mist, with a ghostly atmosphere all over the sky, cold and evil, their targets are the Jiulong Taoists and the Heavenly Sword Sovereign.


Tian Jue Sword Lord yelled, and the huge sword under his feet rose into the air and slashed at the oncoming white-clothed ghost exorcist.

The sword shines in all directions, and the sword is as powerful as the sea.

On the other hand, the ghost-expelling man in white was also extremely powerful, with huge ghost claws flying into the sky, and he regretted the huge sword.

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