Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3367: The eyes in the palace

Chapter 3367 The eyes in the palace

What do you like or not.

Su Xing hurriedly changed the subject, and said: "Has anyone been in the ghost capital of the mist?"

Hongyue said, "Yes, but no one came out alive. Most of them became the'military guards' guarding the ghost capital of the fog."

The so-called military guard should have the same meaning as Liu Zhengyi, Li Huajiang and other warriors.

The living person entered the ghost capital of the fog, and eventually became a ghost, and became a part of the ghost capital of the fog.

This is the reason why no one dares to mess around so far.

Fog hidden ghosts are definitely the most dangerous place, even though there may be a large amount of undead matter inside, but if they are dazzled by benefits, death will not be far away.

Most of the people who can reach this place are extraordinary.

At least, they will not come blindly.

Hongyue told a lot of things to wake up.

Such as during this period of observation, some things about the ghosts in the mist.

And, what are the real masters in this nearby area.

Among them, the most worthy of attention are the Jiulong Taoists and the Heavenly Sword Sovereign.

A total of about a dozen people from the other party have also come here, and everyone's cultivation is very unpredictable.

They are the strongest force in the surrounding area.

However, Jiulong Taoist, Tianjue Sword Lord and others are not in close cooperation. They also compete with each other and are not harmonious.

It is said that Heavenly Sword Sovereign and Jiulong Taoist had a confrontation not long ago.

Although no one was injured, it can be seen that the discord between them is probably because no one accepts others.

After waking up to understand everything, he walked towards the misty ghost.

He didn't want to go directly into the ghost capital of the fog, just get closer and make more detailed observations.

Hearing is futility after all.

Hongyue didn't stop her, she also wanted to see if she could find anything else in her awakening.

On the vast ground, he woke up and walked, getting closer and closer to the ghosts of the fog, his eyes calm and calm.

Finally, he stopped on a hillside thousands of miles away from the ghost capital of the fog.

This is already very close.

May encounter the attack of the evil ghost in the misty ghost at any time.

Su Xing took down the Wangxin monument and pointed it at the ghost capital of the fog.

In the Wangxin Monument, the scene of the ghosts in the fog is completely different from the one in front of them.

The majestic city, the city wall made of sacred jade, towering tall buildings, and the halls in groups, are peaceful and sacred, where there are signs of ghosts.

Wake up and observe carefully, not letting go of any corner.

Soon, he discovered that there seemed to be a vaguely imperial palace in the misty ghost capital reflected in the Wangxin stele.

And the name of the ghost capital of the fog hidden on the city gate has also become the "sacred city of fog hidden."

"Mist hidden holy capital?"

"Fog hidden country?"

A kingdom built by ghosts, named "Hidden Nation", although it is still a rudimentary form of a kingdom and has not yet formed a complete system, it sounds weird.

Suddenly, Wake got goose bumps all over his body.

He seemed to be looking at the heart stele and saw a figure in the palace, with cold and lonely eyes, as if looking at him in the distance.

Awakening, there is a feeling of being stared at by death.

He didn't hesitate, quickly picked up the Wangxin Monument, and backed away at an extremely fast speed.

It wasn't until I retreated tens of thousands of miles away that the extremely strong heart palpitations gradually disappeared.

However, his body was already wet with cold sweat.

It's not his state of mind that doesn't work, it's an instinctive reaction of the body.

Everyone noticed the abnormal awakening, and they gathered around.

"Boss, what's the matter? Some evil spirits attacked you?" Yue Zhijun asked.

"No!" Su Xing shook his head, looked at Hongyue, and said: "Have you ever seen a palace in Wuyin Ghost City?"

"The palace?"

Hongyuexiu's eyebrows frowned slightly, and she said, "A palace, so you don't feel scared. There should be other things, right?"

"Yeah! I seem to see someone in that palace."

Su Xing nodded, and said solemnly: "His eyes are terrifying, even if they are far away, I will instinctively feel fear."

"It's just a look, is it so powerful?" Yue Zhijun was suspicious.

Awakening is now a master who is qualified to be on the list of heavenly kings, who can make him instinctively fearful with a small look? It's a little weird.

"If the person you mentioned really exists, then this misty ghost capital is a Jedi." Red Moon said leisurely.

There is a difference between Jedi and Dangerous Land.

In dangerous places, there are many dangers, but there is still life.

But the Jedi is not the case, ten deaths and no life, no life at all.

Like the previous Bliss Town, it was equivalent to a Jedi, and there was no hope of survival for the cultivators at all.

Obviously, Hongyue had guessed something based on the words of awakening.

People who can wake up with a sense of fear with just one look are absolutely truly terrifying existences, at least with the strength of the gods in this nearby area, they can't compete with it.

"Have you heard of a ghost exorcist?" Su Xing asked.

"Ghost exterminator?" Hongyue frowned slightly.

"When we were in Bliss, we encountered a ghost exorcist..."

At the moment, what happened to Awakening in the town of Bliss, whispered, and gave his own guess.

The ghost exorcist in white should have a close connection with the ghost of the mist.

Even, they simply come from the ghost capital of the fog.

The red moon was lost in thought.

The information given by Awakening is very important.

Whether it is the person who is suspected to exist in the palace or the ghost exorcist in white, it is an extraordinary existence.

"Is there a possibility that the person in the palace, leading the white-clothed exorcists, established the misty country?" After a while, Hongyue gave her own guess.

"If this is the case, what is the purpose of the other party building a ghost country?" Su Xing frowned.

There is too much confusion here.

Even Hongyue cannot continue to give too many speculations.

At this time, everyone found signs of agitation in the nearby area.

"Forbidden soil, you go and find out." Hongyue ordered.

"Yes." The figure of the black-robed man disappeared quickly. His work efficiency was extremely high. It didn't take long before he turned back and found out.

"The Jiulong Taoist and others are uniting with other gods in the nearby area, preparing to attack all the ghosts in the fog in three days?"

The Red Moon Ling pupil narrowed slightly.

She didn't think it was a good time to take action against the misty ghosts at this time.

However, she didn't mean to try to stop it.

Juechen also said: "It's better to let the Jiulong Daoist and Tian Jue Sword Sovereign people go and test it, give us a head start, and take a look at the reality of Wuyin Ghost Capital."

"This plan is very clever." Gong Kun agreed.

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