Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3369: Scarlet Gun Clothes

Chapter 3369: Scarlet Gun Clothes

The misty ghosts are all ahead.

The gods of all races fought fiercely with the evil spirits.

Powerful men such as Jiulong Taoist and Tianjue Sword Lord also ushered in their rivals, the white-clothed exorcists.

The strength of each ghost exorcist in white clothes is not weaker than that of Heavenly Sword Sovereign and others.

The divine light is dazzling, the ghost is soaring.

The battle between the two sides has become white-hot.

However, this is undoubtedly a disadvantage for the gods of all races.

First of all, in terms of the number of people, the number of evil spirits rushed out of the ghosts of the mists exceeded, exceeding one hundred thousand.

But more importantly, the evil spirits are immortal.

They seem to have died in battle and disappeared in smoke, but in fact, they will come back to life in the ghost capital of the fog in the near future.

Obviously, all ethnic gods do not have this ability.

Once they die, they are really dead, their deaths disappear, and they disappear completely.

If the power gap between the two sides is huge, the immortality ability will have a much smaller effect and cannot reverse the defeat. However, if the strength of the two sides is almost the same, the effect of the immortality ability will be infinitely magnified.


"Can't fight anymore."

Jiulong Taoist people are drinking.

While talking, he was fighting with a ghost exorcist in white.

The nine giant dragons roared around the Taoist Jiulong, setting off his majesty.

The white-clothed ghost exorcist opposite him was not weaker than him.

In fact, there is no need for the Jiulong Taoist to remind.

This 100,000-strong army was only formed temporarily, and there is no such thing as military aspirations at all. Once it falls into chaos, it will be a disaster.

And this kind of chaos will only make the situation worse.

"If this battle continues, it is lucky if half of the gods can escape." Gong Kun looked at this scene and said with emotion.

"Half?" Su Xing shook his head.

"Why?" Gong Kun's expression changed slightly, and said: "You kid wouldn't think that the whole army of the gods of all races was wiped out?"

"I'm afraid of this."

As soon as he woke up, his eyes suddenly condensed.

I saw a group of white figures quickly emerging on the ground behind the army of the gods of all races. ,

There are seven ghost exorcists in white.

Its breath gives a very familiar feeling to wake up.

It was the seven white-clothed ghost exorcists in Bliss Town. Not only did they appear, they also intercepted the path of the army of all races. Such a posture actually really wanted to kill all the gods of all races.

"This is going to kill you!"

In Gong Kun's state of mind, when he said this sentence, his hands were also shaking.

That was a hundred thousand **** kings, including at least dozens of **** kings, if they were all buried, it would undoubtedly be a huge blow to the nine regions of East Spirit.

This incident will also cause a huge sensation.

Everyone is aware of the seriousness of the matter.

However, with their strength, they can't do anything.

Turning the tide of the situation sounds exciting, but if you really want to do it, it is as difficult as the sky.

It was Hongyue and Juechen, the demon who claimed to kill people without blinking, their expressions at this time also showed solemn meaning.

"Dare to you!"

At this moment, a cold drink resounded through the world.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling and splendid divine light emerged from the end of the sky.

The billions of divine lights are like the most beautiful pictures in the world, and at the same time they carry the terrifying power of heaven and earth.


The terrible divine light poured out like the water of the Tianhe River.

The coercion of terror shrouded the world.

The gods of all races seemed to have been cast with the fixation technique, one by one motionless.

It is the evil spirits of 100,000 people, and their faces are also showing fear.

The next moment, the baptism of God light passed.

All the evil spirits were wiped out in ashes, but none of the gods of all races were affected.

It is incredible that such a terrible power can be controlled so delicately.

Then, people discovered that a figure appeared in the sky.

He was wearing a bright yellow mysterious suit, a stalwart figure, and between his eyebrows, there was an aura of no anger and majesty.

His breath of power is even more unfathomable.

It is as if you can destroy the world with a gesture.

Who is Yan Zhongtian, who is not the master of Xuantianzong?


"See Sect Master Yan!"

Countless people saluted Yan Chongtian.

In the look of awakening, there was also a moment of astonishment. It seemed that Yan Chongtian would come here.

But when you think about it carefully, the four forbidden lands have never restricted the entry of the masters of the gods. What's more, as the master of the Xuantian Sect, Yan Chongtian can be described as the master of the forbidden lands.

He came here, it seemed nothing strange.

"Free gift!"

Yan Chongtian spit out two words indifferently.

His eyes were like electricity, and he looked into the depths of the ghost capital of the fog.

The world is in silence.

Suddenly, people saw that in the depths of the ghost capital of the mist, a **** light burst into the sky, and the terrifying ghost aura spread for 100,000 li, and the aura was extremely terrifying.

In that **** light, there was a middle-aged man in blood.

The blood suit on his body was a **** gown, embroidered with real dragons and many other totems, wearing an emperor crown, **** hair flying, clothes hunting, majestic as the sky.

"Did the eyes you saw before come from him?"

Hongyue glanced at her to wake up, and asked.


Wake shook his head.

"you sure?"

Hongyue couldn't help but startled slightly.

The middle-aged man wearing a blood-colored gun suit had a very strong aura, not weaker than Yan Zhongtian, and the eyes that he had seen before waking up, if not from the other party.

Then, who will it come from?

Could it be said that there is a stronger existence in the misty ghosts than the middle-aged Scarlet Gunfu?

"Not so sure!"

Su Xing said helplessly: "It was just a quick glance. Unless the other person looks at me again, I will be able to know if it feels like that."

Obviously, at this moment, the middle-aged Scarlet Gunfu cannot pay attention to awakening.

His attention was all on Yan Zhongtian.

"After all, it's just a dream. The dream should be broken, and you should wake up."

Yan Chongtian's voice echoed between heaven and earth.

Listening to the tone, he seemed to know something, such as the formation of the ghost capital of the mist, and the many strange things here.

This is normal.

After all, he is the lord of a sect, and naturally he does not know anything about the forbidden land located in his own sect.

"You think everything about us is a dream."

"But in my eyes, what you see and hear may not be true."

"False, true, true, false, who can tell?"

People wearing scarlet gowns are ultimately different from ordinary evil spirits.

He didn't call out the righteous words like getting rid of evil and doing good, but he had his own firm belief and would not be shaken by Yan Chongtian's words.

In addition, judging from the tone of his conversation with Yan Chongtian, the two seemed to have known each other a long time ago.

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