Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3366: Arrived in the ghost capital of the mist

The third thousand three hundred and sixty-six chapters arrived

Awakening itself has no sense of belonging to Xuan Tianzong.

Even if Xuantianzong was completely offended because of summer weather, it didn't matter much.

When this matter was over, he was originally going to leave Xuantianzong.

However, since Xuan Tianzong has been staring at him, he needs to be more cautious when he leaves. If he can't be caught by Xuan Tianzong, then he will be in danger.


Wake up with his bare hands and took the summer storage bag into his hand.

"Not bad!"

After a little exploration, he nodded in satisfaction when he woke up.

Xia Hou is worthy of being the great elder of Xuan Tianzong, and his wealth is extremely rich, enough to allow ordinary divine cultivation to have more than ten opportunities to attack the divine prince.

Along with the improvement of the cultivation base, the awakening distance from the Divine Sovereign Realm is getting closer and closer.

Therefore, he needs to prepare early.

He had a hunch that when he broke into the Divine Sovereign Realm, the cultivation resources he needed were definitely not comparable to ordinary people, and it was estimated to be an astronomical figure.

Suddenly, he realized that he was staring at him with an extremely cold breath.

"The ghost exorcist in white!"

When he woke up and raised his eyes, he really saw that the four white-clothed ghost-expelling men who originally chased the Xia family were actually staring at them and the group.

However, in the town of Bliss, the remaining three ghost exorcists in white who had solved all the gods also walked out.

There are seven ghost exorcists in white.

This is enough power to make the Xia family completely desperate.

A group of people fell into hell.

I felt like I was being stared at by death.

Suddenly, everyone felt that the ground under their feet became soft, like a swamp, and they wanted to swallow their bodies.

"Don't hurry down and hide." The black robe man's voice sounded.

Everyone dared not hesitate, and immediately took the opportunity to sink into the ground.

However, the seven ghost exorcists in white, realizing that they were about to flee, immediately speeded up and rushed, and displayed a powerful offensive to kill them all.


The terrifying ghost aura diffused, and the black light enveloped Fangyuan for an unknown number of miles.

When everything is calm, the area of ​​tens of thousands of miles will turn into a huge sinkhole, which is extremely destructive.

However, the seven ghost exorcists in white frowned.

"The cunning evil spirit was actually escaped by them." A white-clothed ghost exorcist said dissatisfied.

"Forget it, it's just some low-powered evil spirits, let's go back to the sacred capital of the fog hidden first! The adults are calling us." Another white-clothed ghost exorcist said.


Some tens of thousands of miles away from the white-clothed ghost exorcists, a group of people awakened and returned to the ground.

The black-robed man also followed.


"These white-clothed ghost exorcists are too terrible."

Yue Zhijun looked back with lingering fear on his face.

Just now, if it hadn't been for the black-robed people to come to the rescue, they would probably be over now.


In the awakening room, I took out the immortal matter obtained by the Xia family from the storage bag in the summer. The total amount was about 50 kilograms, which was already very rich.

Yue Zhijun and others stared at the immortal matter, their eyes were a little greedy.

However, awakening had given all the undead matter to the black-robed man.

The black-robed man did not rush to take over, but looked a little surprised at awakening, and said: "This is an immortal material, all given to me, are you unwilling in your heart?"

"It's okay! Since you have agreed that these are your rewards, I will naturally give it to you." Su Xing said.

"You are quite trustworthy."

The black-robed man didn't say much, and collected all the undead matter.

In fact, what was surprised in his heart was not the waking up and keeping promises, but the calmness and calmness when waking up to face the immortal matter.

This is more precious.

Only a firm and powerful state of mind can resist the temptation of immortal matter.

"Where is the red moon?" Su Xing asked.

"Mist hidden ghosts." The black robe man replied.

"Really there are ghosts in the fog?" Yue Zhijun and the others all looked surprised.

The misty ghosts in their mouths are a city, not the name of a forbidden place.

Villages, towns, and then to the capital.

Looking at the layout of this place, there are signs of building a kingdom, a kingdom of ghosts.

The black-robed man did not speak, but looked at his awakening and asked: "Just now, did you see clearly, where did the last blow that hit Xiahou come from?"

"Huh? Didn't the senior make it?" Su Xing asked in surprise.

"The power of the gods to explode is not trivial, even I was trapped for a while." The black robe man shook his head.

"Since it wasn't the predecessor who made the shot, who would it be?" Su Xing looked puzzled.

The black robe man was also silent.

Hidden in his eyes under the black robe, he rarely showed a hint of vigilance.

Then, he looked suspiciously and awoke a few times, but he didn't see any clues.

"Forget it!"

"It should not be the enemy."

"The enemy will not help us. It will hit the summer and not take away any benefits."

The black-robed man shook his head and stopped thinking.

Next, the group did not delay and went straight to the ghosts of the mist.

About half a day later, at the end of the horizon, a very huge giant city appeared, towering on the vast ground, majestic and ghostly.

The footsteps of the group slowed down.

Inside the ghost capital of the mist, there is bound to be perilous, and even the surrounding area will not be safe.

However, to get rid of the danger from ghosts, there is also the coveting from the gods.

Most of the gods were attracted by the ghosts of the fog, but no one rushed into the ghosts of the fog, instead wandering in the nearby area.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

What's more, there is the powerful allure of immortal matter.

Things like robbery and murder are certainly not uncommon, and even common.

Su Xing looked at it extremely hard, and it was difficult to see clearly, the situation in the misty ghost capital was still a little far away.

Suddenly, I felt a sense of awakening, raised his eyes and looked not far away, only to see two figures approaching.

The head is a woman, dressed in a red neon dress, with white and delicate jade feet, long hair up to the waist, hanging casually, gently swinging with the wind.

A pair of apricot eyes are clear and deep, the features are exquisite and picturesque, and the eyebrows are like distant mountains.

Tall, graceful and slender.

There is a kind of heroism that is not lost to the man, and it also gives people a kind of inexplicable inspiration.

It's not a red moon, who is it?

Behind Hongyue, there was an outstanding scholar who looked like a scholar.

"See Moon Envoy!"

The black-robed man saluted towards the red moon, very respectful.


Hongyue nodded slightly, her eyes falling on Su Xing. When she saw Su Xing carrying the Wangxin Tablet, she was also slightly taken aback, and said suspiciously: "You still have this hobby?"


Wake up and coughed a little embarrassingly.

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