Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3361: Destroy the village

Chapter 3361 Destroy the Village

The deserted village is simple and simple, but more than a hundred families.

The ghosts are clear, but the original ghosts look peaceful and peaceful.

This kind of strong contrast makes people very uncomfortable.

This is the seventh deserted village that a group of people have encountered, and it is also the smallest deserted village ever seen.

Although he plans to testify the guess of awakening in the summer, he will not act rashly.

After searching for a long time, he finally set his goal at this deserted village with only more than a hundred households. In this way, even if something unpredictable happens, he can respond in time.

After all, it was the first time to take the initiative, and Xia Hou chose to be cautious.


More than ten gods of the Xia family appeared around the deserted village.

Invisibly, the original ghosts in the deserted village have been besieged.

The next moment, fierce fighting broke out.

The more than ten gods in the Xia family can be described as gods blocking and killing gods, and ghosts blocking and destroying ghosts.

There are only hundreds of native ghosts in the deserted village.

This amount is obviously impossible to stop, the more than ten gods of the Xia family's bombardment.

Soon, all the original ghosts disappeared.

It looks like they are gone, but in fact, it won't be long before they will be resurrected, immortal.

However, the most surprising thing is that the entire deserted village has not suffered extensive damage due to this battle.

This is very abnormal.

The destructive power of the gods is extremely amazing, and often a random blow can destroy thousands of miles of fertile soil.

The deserted village is only a few miles around.

The gods breathe out, and the deserted village should be destroyed.

"It's an immortal substance!"

People can't help but think of awakening speculation.

Immortal matter makes the original ghosts immortal, and at the same time, it can also protect the deserted village.


"Dig three feet into the ground and find out the undead."

Call the shots in summer.

Who in the world can survive?

God repairs longevity and Tian Qi, it sounds like it represents eternity.

But that is the case of unnatural death.

In fact, the number of gods who die every year is simply countless.

The power of immortality, placed anywhere, in any era, is extremely tempting.

Although the "immortality" in front of us may be relative, not absolute.

However, it is already full of allure.


In mid-air, more than a dozen gods of the Xia family joined forces and launched a powerful attack, trying to destroy the deserted village below.

The terrifying light completely flooded the deserted village.

The earth tens of thousands of miles around was shaking violently, as if a major earthquake of dozens of magnitude had occurred.

"It works."

Xia Sen saw the houses in the deserted village and began to be destroyed, and he couldn't help but shine.

I have to say that more than ten gods of the Xia family have joined forces, and it is indeed very terrifying. The deserted village has indeed suffered extensive damage, houses collapsed and the ground cracked.

The original ghosts that had just reappeared were wiped out again before they fully recovered.

At a certain moment, a very bright black light shot up into the sky from the bottom of the waste village.

In the black light, there was a black stone the size of a fingernail, exuding a very unique breath.

However, when the black light appeared, no original ghost was resurrected.

They really died this time.


The eyes are concentrated in summer.

With his eyesight, how can he not see that the pitch black stone the size of a fingernail is the immortal substance that Awakening inferred, and it has a magical effect.


In the summer when I was visiting, I took the dark stone into my hand.

He closed his eyes slightly and felt the strange energy radiating from the dark stone in his hand. The spirit of the whole person was obviously more concentrated and unprecedentedly high.

The black stone is playing a unique magical function.

So, in the end, it looked like it was a lot younger than before.

"Who would have thought that in such a ghostly place, there would be such a treasure." Xia Hou opened his eyes, and his pupils flickered.

He has seen it.

The biggest opportunity in the ghost capital of the mist is this kind of immortal matter.

Hidden in many villages.

However, it is extremely difficult to obtain, and the village must be destroyed to obtain it.

"Grandfather, is it really an immortal substance?" Xia Sen asked.

"Yes!" Xiahou nodded, and said: "It's just that there are still too few immortal substances the size of fingernails. We must get more."

"Then it's better to take advantage of other people, who haven't noticed these situations, let's start first to be better." Xia Sen suggested.

"Good!" Xia Xiao agreed.

Since accidentally, he knew the biggest secret of the ghosts of the fog.

Then, just get as much undead material as possible.

"Xia Sen, this kind of immortal substance is extremely extraordinary, I guess, if enough quantity can be obtained, it can even create an innate divine body." Xia Hou said.

"Innate Divine Body?"

Even if Xia Sen is a Daocheng disciple of Xuan Tianzong, he can hear these four words, and his eyes are still bright.

The generation of Tianjiao, who doesn't want to be an innate **** body?

In particular, the immortal matter here is extremely extraordinary, and most of the innate divine bodies that are shaped have similar abilities, and are almost immortal.

In the future, who would dare to provoke Xia Sen?

"Luo Qing, if I have created an innate divine body, I should'thank' you well."

Xia Sen smiled at Wake.

He will bite the word thank very hard, obviously, that is not a conventional thank you.

"Such words, it's not too late to wait until you have shaped the innate divine body."

Su Xing replied plainly.

He didn't regret it. He told Xia Hou his guess, and he also needed to use the latter's hand to prove whether his guess was correct.

"Don't think about running away, don't try to annoy me."

"Follow me to find the undead."

Xiahou stared coldly at waking up, and then flew forward.

Under the temptation of immortal matter, Xia Xiao would obviously no longer act cautiously as before. Soon after, he arrived in the next village, where there are three or four hundred families.

Compared with the previous deserted village, the scale is several times larger.

However, Xia Hou did not hesitate at all, and directly issued an offensive order.

There are about a thousand native ghosts in three or four hundred households.

It's a pity that they are still not the opponent of Xia Family God Monarch.

Soon, the village was destroyed. In the summer, another piece of undead material was obtained, which was much larger than the previous one, about the size of four fingernails.

The energy contained in it is naturally more majestic.

All day long, the Xia family and horses continued to attack the villages in the nearby area, destroying more than ten villages in total, and the effect was very good.

One of the largest villages has thousands of families and thousands of native ghosts.

The immortal matter obtained in that village in the summer is the largest, the size of an egg.

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