Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3360: Immortal matter

Chapter 3360 Undead Matter

Everyone became silent.

The atmosphere seemed depressed and low.

Facing a group of unkillable primitive ghosts, even Xia Hou, as well as the more than ten gods of the Xia family, could not help showing their solemn colors and felt troubled.

"Is there no way to deal with it?" Yue Zhijun asked.

"Yes!" Su Xing nodded and said, "We don't need to fight the deadly ghosts with those native ghosts, just rush out of the range of the village."

"But we have tried several times before, haven't we all failed?" Yue Zhijun said.

"Not the same!" Su Xing shook his head.

Before, he just wanted to avoid the small mountain village, so he chose a detour, but found that it didn't work.

But now, he is preparing to cross the small mountain village directly.

He suspects that this village only knows how to block the way, and will not pursue the enemy.

Because if the small mountain village knows how to chase down the enemy, then it should go after the cultivators who have entered this place a long time ago, instead of staying here.

"Come with me!"

He woke up and found that the newly resurrected native ghosts in the small mountain village had already shown signs of recovery, so they made a decisive decision and rushed forward.

Upon seeing this, He Tong, Gu Shanying, Yan Feng, Gong Kun and others quickly followed.

No one questioned the decision to wake up.

Everyone trusts him very much, which makes the overall efficiency of everyone's actions extremely high.


"The evil spirits are here, kill them."

"Vengeance for the dead warrior!"

When the group of people awakened and appeared above the small mountain village, the native ghosts below had completely recovered.

They do not remember that they have "dead" once.


Waking up did not choose to fight.

At the fastest speed, swept forward.

Gong Kun took the initiative to choose the post.

With his strength, there won't be many problems.

The most important thing is that the awakening seized the opportunity and took advantage of the original ghosts to act before they fully recovered. When the original ghosts fully recovered, it was too late to intercept them.

Finally, a group of people crossed the village.

Then he swept forward for thousands of miles.

A strange scene happened. The original ghosts, as if they had lost their target, stopped chasing and awakening a group of people.

"Sure enough!"

Wake up to see this scene, knowing that he is right.

At this time, the Xia family and his party had just left.

They shouldn't be so slow to react, obviously they did this deliberately, letting Suwa and others act as cannon fodder.

However, this will also cause a problem.

That is, the original ghosts have completely recovered and launched an attack on the Xia Family and others.

Of course, it was difficult to win the Xia family.

There are more than 100 people in total, including more than a dozen gods, and they are extremely powerful.

"Boss, don't we take the opportunity to get rid of the Xia family?" Yue Zhijun asked.

"Why do you want to get rid of them?" Su Xing shook his head, and said, "If the Xia family is there, we can save a lot of trouble."

"Boss, do you want to use the Xia family?" Yue Zhijun was astonished.

The courage to wake up is too great.

When other people faced the Xia family, they weren't afraid of being too late. It would be better to wake up, but they still want to use the Xia family. This is simply seeking skin with the tiger.

If this is self-defeating, it will suffer a lot.

The Xia family is definitely not a good crop.

"I'm afraid it's more than just using it!" Gong Kun smiled and said in a low voice: "Your kid wants to take the opportunity to get rid of Xia Hou, Xia Sen and others?"

I have to say that Gong Kun's city house is indeed very deep.

Probably only he was able to guess the idea of ​​waking up.

As for the others, both Yue Zhijun and Gu Shanying are the children of Tianjiao, but they are clever, but they lack experience.

The same is true for He Tong.

Moreover, many times she is too lazy to use her brain, and is more willing to solve problems with violence.

As for Wei Si and Yan Feng, both of them are quite honest in their personalities.

Gong Kun was different. He used to dominate an entire God Realm and built a Celestial Clan with one hand. He was a real old fox, limited by birth and talent, and he could not reach a higher position.

Now, being with Su Xing basically made up for the shortcomings of birth.

"Since I am in the same position as the Xia family, if there is a chance, it is naturally best to get rid of it."

Wake up noncommittal.

He didn't need to hide his friends.

If you really take action, you still need everyone's help.

At this moment, everyone in the Xia family had already relied on their tyrannical strength to be born among thousands of native ghosts, tore a gap, and then traversed the small mountain village.

Xia Sen's body was dazzling, and he glanced in surprise to wake up: "You didn't take the opportunity to slip away?"

"Hehe! Where can he sneak to?"

A **** from the Xia family sneered and said, "Honestly be our cannon fodder, don't think about those that are not."

There is nothing to tear the skin directly.

The two parties themselves have long been tacitly aware.

Awakening didn't mean to quarrel, just said: "There should be many similar small mountain villages. If you have the opportunity, you might as well try to destroy a small mountain village."


Xia Sen wondered what it meant to wake up.

Xia's eyes flickered, staring at Wake and asked: "You mean, after destroying a small mountain village, there will be special benefits?"

"Roughly the same!"

Reawakening nodded, and said: "Why don't those primitive ghosts die? Is there any special immortal matter protecting them? If you can get that immortal matter, wouldn't it be a chance?"

In summer, he groaned for a while.

Even he had to admit that the awakening speculation was very reasonable.

He is no longer as contemptuous of awakening as before, although the strength of awakening is not in his eyes, but the wisdom of awakening makes Xiahou deeply surprised.

Even Xia Sen, his most satisfied great-grandson.

Compared with awakening, it seems to be a lot worse.

"Why are you telling me this?" Xia Hou squinted.

"I just want to prove my own guess." Wake said calmly, he could clearly feel that Xiahou had a strong murderous intent on himself.

But he was sure that he wouldn't do it now in the summer.

When Xia Xiao was taboo of his wisdom, he would also think of using his wisdom to find opportunities here.

Sure enough, Xiahou stopped killing intent and asked, "How can you get the immortal matter in your mouth?"

"Those native ghosts live in villages, and the resurrection place is also in the village. The village is like their roots. I think, the grand elder, you should have guessed the answer!" Su Xing said.

Want to completely kill the original ghost, or get undead matter.

The simplest and rude way is to destroy the village directly and uproot it.

"Then go to show your guess." Waiting in the summer.

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