Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3362: Ichiza Oni

Chapter 3362: A Ghost Town

The immortal material value is infinite.

It can't be measured by pure Hunyuan Tianjing.

The size of an egg is naturally extremely precious.

In order to destroy the village, the Xia Family Zhongqiang also tried their best to use all the methods except the hole cards.

Gong Kun, Yan Feng, Yue Zhijun and others were a little envious.

However, they are also aware of their own situation and must not mess around at this moment.

Up to now, no one in the Xia family has been killed, and there has been almost no loss. Their strength is evident.

"Boss, will your calculations go wrong? If this continues, the Xia family will only get more and more immortal matter! It seems that there are no villages, so how can they be won?" Yue Zhijun said.

"No hurry!" Su Xing said with a calm face, "The strongest power in this place is definitely not the villages in front of you."

"That's right!" Gong Kun also said: "Think about it, what is the name of this place, it sounds like a city with a large scale."

In the next few days, the Xia family was quickly acquiring undead matter.

Gain more and more.

In addition, everyone began to meet other gods, not Liu Zhengyi and Li Huajiang, who have become evil spirits, but normal gods with a clear consciousness.

However, the other party felt the terrifying strength of the Xia Family and did not dare to approach it.

And in this process, waking up also discovered that those **** cultivators had already sensed the existence of immortal matter.

He was not surprised.

It is not particularly difficult to detect undead matter.

When everyone has adapted to the environment here, they will gradually become aware of it, but it is a matter of time.

Undoubtedly, the Xia family, who took the first shot, has a lot of advantages.

It is estimated that the amount of immortal matter in their hands should be the largest.

Su Xing also met two forces, fighting each other because of a piece of immortal material the size of a fingernail.

The opportunity is touching.

Everyone wants immortal matter.

The series of contention and bloodshed caused by this is normal.

This has made this place more and more chaotic.

On this day, at the end of the horizon, a small town appeared.

Compared with the village, the size of the town is many times larger. According to preliminary estimates, there are at least tens of thousands of families.

Even in summer, my brows frowned.

There is no doubt that the immortal matter in this town should be very rich.

However, even with the strength of the Xia family, it is difficult to take down this town, and the risk factor is too high.

And after removing the Xia Family, there were other gods in the surrounding area of ​​this town, and there were a lot of them, and as time went by, there were also gods who kept gathering.

Obviously, everyone has taken a fancy to the undead in the town.

One's power is limited.

However, if everyone goes together, the situation will be different.

After Xia Xiao noticed this situation, he took the Xia family and temporarily stationed near the town. He obviously wanted to use the power of other gods to open the way for the Xia family.

"The wishful thinking is quite good." He Tong curled his lips: "The gods nearby are also true. With their strength, how can they be qualified to compete with the Xia family? Didn't they become the cannon fodder of the Xia family in the end?"

"The temptation of immortal matter is too great, even if there is a possibility of one in ten thousand, I always don't want to give up."

Yue Zhijun shook his head and sighed.

In many cases, it is one thing to understand the truth, but it is another thing to actually act.

It's like gambling.

Obviously, there is a high possibility of losing, but, for the benefit, there are still many people who take risks.

The ultimate temptation can obliterate people's consciousness.

"Boy, can this town make the Xia family somehow?" Gong Kun asked, standing beside him, in a low voice.

"I have never encountered a town like this before. No one knows what's going on inside." Su Xing shook his head. He is not omniscient, and doesn't know how high the risk factor of the town is.

In the past few days, the number of spiritual practitioners gathered near the town has reached a very considerable number.

Everyone stayed out of the area covered by the town, so they didn't let the native ghosts in the town notice them.

Finally, I couldn't sit still in summer.

He stood up slowly, looked around, and said loudly: "Everyone, the immortal matter in this town is so rich, I don't need to say anything."

"My Xia family is willing to advance and retreat with many."

"As for immortal matter, whoever can obtain it depends on his ability."

This inspiring remark is actually not very clever, but now many people have been dazzled by the temptation of immortal matter.

For a time, countless people responded.


"It's not too late, let's do it."

With the order in the summer, countless spiritual practitioners in the area around the town moved quickly.

From a distance, it looks like there are countless Taoist training running through the sky.

"The evil spirits are coming!"

"Brothers, take up arms and protect our home."

In the town, ghosts are soaring to the sky, countless primitive ghosts rushing out with a vicious expression while speaking righteous and awe-inspiring words.


Fierce fighting broke out instantly.

The gods and the native ghosts, one for the sake of chance, the other desperately to protect their homeland, caused this battle to become very fierce and fierce from the beginning, and both sides were red eyes.

Many spiritual cultivators were bitten by native ghosts and died tragically on the spot.

There are also a lot of native ghosts, all of which were beaten, and disappeared invisible on the spot.

But overall, the gods still have the upper hand.

In terms of numbers, although they are a bit smaller than the original ghosts, the gap is not big.

But in terms of quality, the divine cultivators have an advantage, getting rid of the general ninth-order divine kings and middle trilemma masters, as well as many divine princes who also participated in this battle.

Especially the Xia family headed by Xia Hou.

They are like the sharpest knife, tearing apart a large number of primitive ghosts.

Sure enough, the Xia family was the first to rush to the most central square in the town. Here, there was an ancient altar, and at the center of the altar, a black stone was suspended.

It was as big as an adult's fist, exuding black light.


Xia Xiao's eyes lit up, and he was ready to grab this fist-sized undead material between his hands.

But at this moment, the whole town trembled violently.

Accompanied by an incomparably gloomy scream, it contained a unique attack. In an instant, there was an unknown amount of spiritual cultivation, the brain was blank, and the whole person fell into a sluggish state.

Although that kind of sluggishness, it will end in a second or two.

However, during these two seconds, many people didn't get through it and were seized by the original ghost in front of them. They tore their bodies in one fell swoop and died on the spot.

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