Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3348: Hua Yunkong

Chapter 3348: Hua Yunkong

Inside the manor.

Pavilions, waterside pavilions, palaces and pavilions are scattered and scattered.

It is an exquisite and classical pavilion point with wide open windows on all sides, integrating the outside scenery into the interior, which is beautiful.

Hongyue sat at the low table, boiled the wine over a warm fire, with a meticulous expression.

When the wine temperature is good, pour and drink.

Probably, few people can enjoy the warm wine with her own hands.

Juechen can occasionally.

The most important thing depends on the mood of the red moon.


Hongyue then threw a jug of wine out the window.

The hip flask disappeared instantly.

Then, a voice sounded: "Thank you, boss, boss's wine is his mother's fragrance."

Hongyue reminded without looking back: "Pay attention to your image."

"That thing is just for an outsider to watch. In front of the boss, I don't bother to pretend." Juechen didn't care. He half-layed on the roof not far away, with his clothes open, holding the hip flask painfully without any influence. drink.

This is completely different from the polite and bookish character in normal days.

"So, you didn't treat me as an outsider?"

At this time, a flat voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the awakened figure appeared in the courtyard.

"You don't think of yourself as an outsider?"

Juechen glanced at awakening with disdain, then raised his head and continued to drink, with a look of intoxication.

But suddenly, the hip flask in his hand disappeared out of thin air.

"Your uncle, what do you want to do?"

Juechen stood up from the roof like a tiger with its tail trampled on.

Behind him, there are patterns flickering in the void.

"Put away your formation, otherwise, the wine will be gone." Su Xing said with a calm expression.


Juechen's face changed, and finally he chose to compromise.


Xing Xing returned the jug to Juechen, took a step forward, appeared in front of Hongyue in the attic, and then sat down, unobtrusively took the jug of wine that Hongyue had just warmed up, and replaced him. Pour a cup.

"Yeah! It's pretty good."

"It seems that your craftsmanship of warming wine has reached its perfection."

After regaining a taste, he commented.

"I really don't think of myself as an outsider! Humph! Don't fall into my hands." Outside the room, Juechen caught a glimpse of this scene with an unhappy expression on his face. In his eyes, the act of waking up was a blasphemy against Hongyue. Up.

However, Hongyue didn't say anything, and Juechen didn't dare to cross over.

Hongyue watched Wake and drank three glasses of wine in a row, without opening her mouth to stop or interrupt, until Wake put down the glass, she said: "You show initiative everywhere, in fact, it is already an expression of unconfidence. ."

"Or, your mood is a little messy because of certain things."

"I think it should belong to the latter?"

Awakening seemed calm on the surface, but he cursed inwardly, Fairy.

This woman is so insightful.

With just a few details, she was inseparable from speculating about the matter.

Indeed, because of the news of suspected Luo Qingxue, his awakened state of mind was inevitably a little confused.

"Is Yan Zhongtian a member of the Demon Sect?" Su Xing asked, changing the subject.

"Yes." Hongyue nodded.

"Huh?" Suddenly, he was stunned. He thought that the Red Moon would deny it, or simply refused to answer. Unexpectedly, the other party generously admitted it.

This actually made Su Xing feel suspicious.

"This integration of the Forbidden Land in the Back Mountain is also a method of the Demon Sect?" Su Xing asked again.

"Not all." Seeing her awakening doubts, Hongyue explained, "Xuantianzong's four forbidden places are not places of opportunity that they can control. Over the years, many people have long been jealous."

"What the Demon Sect did was just a start."

"The rest will naturally be echoed or contributed to the flames."

Wake up and nodded.

This makes sense.

If the power of the Demon Sect alone could create the situation like this, it would be too incredible.

However, despite this, the ability of the Demon Sect should not be underestimated.

Especially Hongyue, she is too good at understanding people's hearts.

Awakening was almost certain, this plan was thought of by Hongyue and then successfully implemented.

"Are there any questions?" Hongyue said calmly, as if today, no matter what she asked about when she woke up, she would answer one by one.

"Why tell me?" Su Xing said.

"I said Yan Chongtian is a member of the Demon Sect, do you believe it?"

"Even if you believe it and spread the matter out, will others believe it?"

"Since you can't threaten me, why can't you talk about it?"

Red Moon shook his head indifferently.


"So, why did you choose to work with me?"

"Although my strength has grown a bit this year, it doesn't seem to be of much help to you, right?"

Wake up and ask generously.

"The forbidden area after fusion is very different from before."

Hongyue unhurriedly explained: "In some places, the gods can't enter, but the masters on the list of heavenly kings can play a greater role."

"That's it!" Su Xing nodded.

If the **** can not participate in the fight for chance, then he is indeed promising.

"last question."

"Do you know a man and a woman who came to Haotian Road?"

On the surface of the awakening, there was no sensation, and there was already some tension in my heart.

"never seen it."

"But, I've heard of it."

Hongyue didn't conceal it, as if she didn't notice the clues, and then said: "The man's name is Hua Yunkong, he is the most outstanding disciple of Tianjiao under the Haotian Taoist Sect."

"He is in the top 100 on the list of kings of heaven."

"The Fahrenheit family where he belongs is a third-rate Celestial Clan."

It can be said that Hua Yunkong is impeccable, no matter his birth and background, or personal talent potential, enough to make countless geniuses look up.

The ranking of more than one hundred on the Heavenly Kings Ranking is already extremely high.

You know, the list of heavenly kings covers countless **** kings in the Southern God Realm, and they can rank among the top 100.

"Hua Yunkong is already an innate divine body?" Su Xing asked.

"Not yet." Hongyue shook her head and said, "But Hua Yunkong is indeed good. If he can become an innate divine body, his ranking on the list of heavenly kings can at least be among the top 100."

"This is also the purpose of his coming to Xuantianzong this time."

Obviously, Hua Yunkong had the confidence that he would surely get the chance in the forbidden area.

However, he himself does have great hope.

"What about the other woman?" Su Xing said as calmly as possible.

"She! From the congenital dojo." Hongyue's crystal red lips hooked slightly, staring deeply at awakening, and said: "Speaking of which, the pseudonym you used and her name are just one word missing. "

"Luo Qingxue, don't you know it?"

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