Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3349: select

Chapter 3349 Choice

If the information provided by Gu Chen only made Su Xing doubtful.

So, at this moment, Hongyue directly said Luo Qingxue's name, which was obviously certain.

Su Xing always thought that he would have the opportunity to see Luo Qingxue again after he reached the central realm. He never thought that he would meet Luo Qingxue in the East Spirit Nine Realms.

Although he tried to maintain calmness, who was Hongyue?

She still saw some clues.

"It seems that you really know Luo Qingxue!" Hongyue was quite surprised.

She was only suspicious before, not only because the pseudonym of Suwaxue and Luo Qingxue was only one word difference, but also because Suwaxue once belonged to Xiantian Daochang.

The two coincidences collided, and she was tempted.

Never before, I actually tried something out.

"Qingxue and I are not as simple as knowing each other." Su Xing's face calmly glanced at Hongyue, and said: "If I tell you that Qingxue is my wife, believe it or not?"


Hongyue held the jade hand of the wine glass and shook unchecked.

Immediately, she put down the wine glass and said, "You should take it as my faith!"

"Oh! No one believes in telling the truth."

"I thought it would be different for a dignified adult."

"It seems that it is inevitable!"

Su Xing shook his head, disappointed.

Hongyue smiled lightly and said: "Wake up, I hope you can put on this shameless and shameless look when you see Luo Qingxue, maybe the goddess will really treat you differently."

It doesn't matter to wake up and smile: "The goddess will be touched by me when she sees me."

"Your narcissistic appearance is quite interesting, but I heard that Luo Qingxue is about to be canonized as the titled goddess of the congenital dojo, and the status is equal to the titled Daozi."

Hongyue glanced at her with a somewhat lazy look to wake up: "If you can really make the goddess move the heart of the gods, it will be great for us when we are fighting for the opportunity."

"However, I heard that Hua Yunkong seems to admire the goddess very much."

"Your competitors are a bit strong."

Awakening indifferent said: "I am not afraid of challenges."

Hongyue pursed her lips and smiled.

Su Xing stared at the red moon naked, and said aggressively: "Why don't you let the witch move the heart of the goddess before touching the heart of the goddess?"

"Yes!" Hongyue smiled and nodded: "Why don't you sit next to me first?"

He probably didn't expect to wake up, Hongyue did not shrink at all.

He glanced at the position beside Hongyue, and then thought of Hongyue's decisiveness when he killed Ji Wuxiang, as well as the magical wisdom of this woman, all kinds of incredible methods.

In the end, further temptation was dispelled.


"Let's talk about business first!"

"If you call me over, you can't just chat!"

Reawakening took the initiative to change the subject.

"Mainly I want to talk to you about the forbidden area after the integration, the specific situation."

Red Moon said with the opportunity.

She didn't despise the guilty heart of waking up, and she seemed to be subconsciously relieved in her heart.

If Wake was really close just now, she actually didn't think about how to deal with it.

Since Awakening took the initiative to change the subject, Hongyue will accept it after seeing it well.

"Do you know the specific situation in the forbidden area?" Reawakened for a moment.

"This is not a major secret. The Vientiane Tower, the Zhenwu Shenmen, the Xuantianzong high-level, and the Haotian Daomen all know some things. There are four paths to choose from the forbidden area after fusion."

"Each path corresponds to the forbidden area before."

"If you have been to the **** sand sea, it is a **** sand sea road."

Hongyue explained unhurriedly: "The end of the four paths is an unknown land, called the'ultimate land'."

"The ultimate place?"

Wake up frowning, he has heard of it for the first time.

It seems that the so-called ultimate place has nothing to do with the four forbidden places, it is completely new.

"Luoshan Sect's four forbidden places are actually just four roads to the ultimate land. Although there are good opportunities in the four forbidden areas, this time is truly out of chance, in the ultimate land."

"It seems to be related to good luck."

The Red Moon language is not surprising and endless.

Even with the awakened state of mind, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Good fortune represents the ultimate power of the gods, such as the twelve giants, the reason why they are beyond the physical is because they control the power of good fortune.

"Since it has something to do with good fortune, why didn't it attract big figures from the central realm?" Su Xing asked.

"There are two reasons."

Hongyue explained: "First, there are not many people who know that the Ultimate Land is related to good fortune. Second, the news about the Ultimate Land and good fortune is just a rumor."

"And similar rumors, in fact, there are not many in the central realm."

"But they are basically fake, so many people are already numb, even dismissive of it."

Suddenly wake up.

He looked at the red moon and said: "Then do you believe this rumor?"

Hongyue calmly said: "It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. I want to create an innate divine body for Juechen this time, and second, it's a chance. If there is a chance for good fortune, even if I am lucky."

Wake up and nodded.

He glanced at Juechen on the roof outside.

Although the seven sons of Beizong had killed a few at the time, many people were still alive. For example, Dark Star, the second-ranked killer, left a deep impression on Awakening.

If it weren't for the Sky Shadow Rat, it would be difficult for someone to suppress Dark Star.

But now, there was only one Juechen who followed Hongyue.

Whether the others were dead or alive, Hongyue didn't say, nor did he ask when he woke up.

"Which way are you going to choose?" Su Xing asked.

The four forbidden areas are the Scarlet Sand Sea, the Ghost Capital of Fog, Longtou Mountain Pass, and the Waste Hole.

Among them, except for the Scarlet Sand Sea, the other three forbidden areas have never been to wake up, and even the Scarlet Sand Sea, there are areas he does not know.

"Mist hidden ghosts!" Red Moon said.

"Why did you choose there?" Su Xing asked.

"Blood Shahai used to have an innate divine body, and you have visited it before. I have no interest." Hongyue glanced at her to wake up, and said: "Your goddess, it is said that she chose the waste pit."

"I had no choice but to avoid the edge."

"If the remaining misty ghosts are with Longtou Mountain Pass, you can choose any place."

"Do you have any comments?"

After waking up for a while, he shook his head and said, "Then all ghosts are hidden in the mist!"

Anyway, he is equally unfamiliar with Longtou Mountain Pass and Wu Yingui, and it is fine to choose one at random.

"Do you know anyone who also chose the ghost capital of the fog?" Su Xing asked.

"I don't know for the time being." Hongyue shook her head and said again: "The goddess who got rid of you will tell her own choice directly without scheming. Others are hiding very deeply."

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