Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3347: News about Luo Qingxue

Chapter 3347: News about Luo Qingxue

The four forbidden areas in the back mountain of Xuantianzong are merged and are ready to open to the outside world.

This is an unprecedented event.

The sensation caused was more concerned by the world than the chaotic situation in the nine regions of East Spirit.

As a result, the current situation of the East Spirit Nine Regions has temporarily stabilized because of this incident. At least in the past six months, no Celestial Clan has been destroyed, and no large-scale war has broken out.

The focus of each family is the forbidden area after integration.

If one of the arrogances of one's own family gets the unworldly opportunity in the forbidden land, it will inevitably appear that one person gains the Tao and the chickens and dogs ascend to the sky. Then, who else would dare to provoke oneself?

I am afraid that even Xuan Tianzong will protect it!

After all, the future of the innate divine body is limitless. Even if it goes to the Haotian Taoist school, it will be intensively cultivated. It is extremely possible to grow up in the future and feed back to the Xuantian School.

However, once Xuan Tianzong clearly protects a heavenly clan, how can anyone dare to mess around?

I am afraid that it is too late for the various Celestial races to make good friends and fawn.

Such as the Zhong family, is the most distinctive representative.

The Zhong family is located in the Xuanwu divine realm.

They were originally a very inconspicuous Liuliu Tianzu in the Xuanwu Divine Realm, struggling to survive in the cracks.

However, all of this has completely changed with the appearance of the unworldly arrogant of the Zhong family.

That worldless Tianjiao is named Zhong Shenqiu.

Back then, he broke into the dark forest in the sea of ​​blood-colored sand. In the end, he got the chance of lifelessness and created the innate body in one fell swoop.

Then he was picked up and led away by the Haotian Dao Sect.

As for the Zhong family, they are so prosperous. Although their background cannot be improved in a short time, no one dares to offend them.

Even the Xia family and the Ji family will not offend the Zhong family.

On the contrary, they will also take the initiative to make friends with the Zhong family and donate a variety of precious training resources to help the Zhong family improve its heritage.

Even many senior members of the Xuan Tianzong have an excellent relationship with the Zhong family, and they often move around.

Who doesn't understand everyone's intentions?

Not in favor of the Zhong family, but in favor of the promising Zhong Shenqiu.

In the future, when Zhong Shenqiu is cultivated as a great success, when he returns to the Eastern Boundary, people who make friends with the Zhong family will naturally get some benefits.

And an innate divine body, the lowest achievement, can also break into the divine ancestor realm.

God ancestor, that is the existence that stands tall in the gods.

What they gave away casually is also a treasure to the people of the Eastern Realm.

However, what it is like to offend a **** ancestor, I am afraid I can know with my toes.

Because of these factors, the Zhong family nowadays is quite detached.

It can be said that although they are not the Siliu Celestial Clan, even the Siliu Celestial Clan does not dare to offend them. Almost all of them can walk sideways in the entire East Spirit Nine Regions, and even the Eastern Boundary.

As long as the name of the Zhong family is reported, few people are willing to offend them.

Including Wanxiang Tower and Zhenwu Shenmen.

And this time, the Zhong family also sent a Tianjiao, ready to enter the forbidden area after fusion, to fight for opportunities.

It would be really incredible if the Zhong family had another unworldly arrogant.

"The Vientiane Tower, Zhenwu Shenmen, Zhong Family..."

Gong Kun sighed: "This time the forbidden area after the fusion is opened, it is really lively!"

Even if he became a god, he felt very stressed.

"Not only that!"

As Gu Chen spoke, he first turned on the restrictions in the room, and said with a serious look: "I heard the gossip that someone has arrived at the Haotian Daomen."

"Haotian Dao Sect is also here?" Gong Kun widened his eyes.

"This is not surprising. Xuan Tianzong has the chance of innate divine body because of the special relationship of occupying the Tongtian Divine Mountain, but Haotian Taoist does not necessarily have the opportunity."

Waking up, there was no accident.

It is about the innate divine body, even the Tianjiao in the Haotian Taoist sect, will be heart-shaped.

Naturally, I just want to cross the foot.

Of course, it can't be said that it is a cross. After all, Xuan Tianzong belongs to the Haotian Dao Sect. They are also fighting for opportunities in their own territory.

Speaking of which, they are the masters.

"It is said that a man and a woman came to Haotian Dao Sect this time."

"And, that woman does not seem to belong to the Haotian Dao Sect. It is rumored that she comes from the congenital dojo, and is already a congenital divine body with a great background."

Gu Chen threw another important news.


"real or fake?"

"Even the innate dojo has come?"

Gong Kun couldn't help taking a breath.

On the top power of the Southern God Realm, the Haotian Dao Sect can naturally occupy a place.

However, compared with the Xiantian Daochang, there is still a big gap in their foundation.

Xiantian Taoist Temple, Sheji Temple, and Hall of Gods.

These three giants have a very long history, and even the existence of twelve giants will give them face.

The Xiantian Taoist Temple actually sent someone to come, which sounds like a fantasy.

However, nothing comes from nothing.

Since Gu Chen spoke, although it was only heard, it was mostly true.

Gu Chen glanced at his awakening and said, "Luo Qing, I heard people say that the woman with a lot of background in the congenital dojo seems to have the same surname as you."


Su Xing's eyes flashed a few times unconsciously.

Innate dojo, surnamed Luo.

It's a woman again.

He thought of Luo Qingxue subconsciously.

"Will it be Qingxue?"

Wake up heartbeat unconsciously speed up a lot.

There is a sense of suffering.

The congenital dojo is very large, and there are probably many women surnamed Luo, not necessarily Luo Qingxue.

However, if it is true.

Doesn't that mean that he can see Luo Qingxue?

Try not to think too much when you wake up.

"This is really a pool of muddy water!"

Gong Kun couldn't help but said with emotion.

Xiantian Daochang, Haotian Gate, Xuantianzong, Wanxiang Tower, Zhenwu God Gate, Zhong Family, as well as the great heavenly tribes of the Eastern Realm, countless celebrities...

There are also demons hidden in the dark.

Today, they all want to go to the forbidden area after the fusion, and compete for the world's chance.

No matter how many opportunities there are in the forbidden area, I am afraid that when the time comes, it will be beaten and the competition will be extremely fierce.

No one can predict, whose chance will eventually go to.


A crimson light talisman for communication broke through the air and fell into the hands of awakening.

"I'll go out!"

Reawakening glanced at it and said to everyone.

Next, his figure disappeared instantly.

"Hey! Red Moon came over, are you so anxious to meet?" He Tong shook his head with contempt, and said to Gu Shanying again: "Sakura Sakura, you have to be careful!"

"The witch is the most deceptive, man! It's easy to lose control."

Gu Shanying lowered her eyes shyly.

In my heart, there is actually some tension, but when I think of waking up, I feel relieved.

"What am I thinking?"

"Brother Luo didn't establish that kind of relationship with me..."

Gu Shanying was concentrating on her mind, trying not to let herself go crazy.

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