Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3284: War is coming

Chapter 3284: War is about to begin

Gu Qingfeng fell silent.

He is not stupid, how can he not understand what Gu Tianfeng said.

"Then leave it to me!"

Gu Qingfeng raised his eyes, looked at Gu Tianfeng, and said, "I will fight this old life and win Qi Xuan's life."

"it is good!"

Gu Tianfeng thought for a while, nodded and agreed.

He knows that there have been some festivals between Su Xing and Gu Zhe, and there are many younger generations in Gu Qingfeng's line. Gu Qingfeng escorts Qi Xuan away. Even if Gu Qingfeng is dead, it must be because of this incident. Embarrass his junior again.

Another day passed.

There are only dozens of magic circle restrictions in the Yeming Mountains.

It's not that the Gu clan didn't want to stop it, but the Ning family, Shang family, and Ouyang clan's soldiers were too strong, causing the Gu clan to just watch, and those magic circle restrictions were destroyed layer by layer.

In fact, what those three houses destroyed was more than the restrictions imposed by the magic circle.

In the entire Qinglong Territory, almost all of the Gu family's industrial resources were uprooted by the Ning family, Shang family, and Ouyang family. The number of Gu family members and affiliated families killed and injured is unknown.

The bloodshed in the Azure Dragon Region during this period was many times more than the constant ten years combined.

The Yeming Mountains, a towering mountain ridge.

There are many soldiers and horses gathered around the mountains, and they can be pulled out by a single person. At least they are the ninth-order **** kings. If they are thrown into the North God Realm or the Boundary Sea, they are almost invincible.

But at this moment, they turned out to be just the most ordinary members here.

Get rid of the Ninth-Order Divine King, there are even more powerful auras, and those are all masters in the trilemma.

But the most terrifying thing is the three stalwart figures on the mountains.

They are the heads of the three families of the Ning family, the Shang family, and the Ouyang family.

The head of the Ning family was named Ning Kuo.

He seemed to be just a middle-aged man, his appearance was somewhat similar to Ning Linchen, he was Ning Linchen's father, and he had a unique charm of a middle-aged man.

Obviously, the handsome and suave Ning Linchen inherited Ning Kuo's fine lineage.

Compared with usual, Ning Kuo's eyebrows were filled with a lot of hostility. In those deep pupils, there seemed to be a terrible killing intent hidden deep, which might burst out at any time.

This is naturally because of Ning Linchen's death.

The loss of a child in the middle age is a very angry and sad thing for ordinary people or for the aloof Ning Kuo.

It's a pity that even if he was a dignified god, he couldn't reach the back mountain of Xuantianzong.

When he heard the news of Ning Linchen's death, his whole body was struck by lightning. In those few days, he looked obviously older, and only recently he gradually recovered.

But this so-called recovery only looks much calmer on the surface.

In his heart, Ning Kuo naturally couldn't let go.

Because of this, he directly started the plan, which should have been started only a few months later.

Only killing can wash away the pain in his heart.

Ning Kuo's gaze fell on Changming Peak. The originally huge Yeming Mountains were all Gu's territory, but now Gu can only shrink to the area where Changming Peak is located.

But that was only temporary.

It won't be long before he's so broad that he will razed Changming Peak to the ground.

"Patriarch Ning, when are you going to do it?" It was the Patriarch of the Shang family, Shang Zhixiang, who spoke.

Shang Zhixiang is not tall and obese. He looks like a rich businessman with a big belly, but there is a kind of arrogance in him.

Especially his long and narrow eyes, once they are slightly narrowed, they will always give people a sense of fright.

Obviously, such people are by no means kind.

"If you count the time, the action is about to start over there, so three days later, directly launch a general attack and destroy the Gu Clan in one fell swoop! What do you think?"

Ning Kuo glanced at Shang Zhixiang, and then at Ouyang Jinglei, the owner of the Ouyang clan.

Ouyang Jinglei was wearing a long silver dress. He was tall and towering. The most eye-catching thing was his silver technique. It seemed that every strand of hair was a thunder.

An electric arc flashed across Ouyang Jinglei's eyes and nodded, "Since Brother Ning has set the time, it's up to you."

Shang Zhixiang spread his hands and smiled: "I have no problem, everything depends on Brother Ning."

Ning Kuo's expression did not see the joy, anger, sorrow or joy, and said: "After the matter is completed, the Azure Dragon Region will be the second place, but your time is not particularly large. Within three years, you need to pool all the manpower you need. Qi."

"No problem!" Ouyang Jinglei nodded.

"Yes." Shang Zhixiang also expressed his stance, paused, and said with a smile: "It is indeed time for the heavens of the Nine Regions of the East Spirit to change, otherwise, it will be a pool of stagnant water!"

"Such words, it is better to say as little as possible before things happen." Ning Kuo stared at Shang Zhixiang.

"Yes, there are ears on the wall." Shang Zhixiang smiled, as if he knew he was wrong, and seemed to be invisible, it was a bit of fear and peace.

"It's the Ning Family's Heaven Punishment profound strength that is mysterious enough!" Shang Zhixiang murmured in his heart after thinking of something.

Three days passed in a flash.

In the past three days, the magic circle restriction in the area where Changming Peak was located was broken one after another. Now, there are only the last ten layers left, which are also the last ten barriers to protect the Gu family.

Once all are broken, it is the time when fierce fighting breaks out.

In fact, people have already predicted that the decisive battle will break out today, so the Yeming Mountain Range has become more lively than ever before.

However, no one dared to approach Changming Peak.

In fact, those spectators who came to watch the excitement after hearing the news all chose to stand in a very safe place to prevent the outbreak of fierce fighting and their own being affected.

Looking around, with Changming Peak as the center, crowded black figures gather around.

The sky and the earth are in solitude.

Ning Kuo, Shang Zhixiang, and Ouyang Jinglei, respectively, led their own family and horses, standing in one of the directions of Changming Peak. They were already encircling Changming Peak.

Among the distant spectators, the crowd headed by Gong Kun happened to be in it.

Gong Kun looked at the tense situation ahead, then glanced at the sky around him, feeling really anxious: "Why didn't that kid come back? Didn't you go to rescue soldiers? If you don't come back, the day lily will be cold!"

Don't blame Gong Kun's mood has been chaotic.

The current situation is really too severe.

And Gu Shanying, Ge Lingyi, Xun Yu, Di Fei, and others around him, each with a calm complexion, their eyes flashing, indicating that once there is a confrontation, they will directly participate in the battle.

Gong Kun knew that Gu Shanying and others were undoubtedly seeking their own deaths when they joined the battlefield.

In that case, Awakening would definitely blame him.

Gong Kun had made up his mind, and what he said later was to stop Gu Shanying and others from acting impulsively, even if they would be hated by the other party for a lifetime.

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