Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3283: Changming Hall Meeting

Chapter 3283 Changming Palace Meeting

The Gu family almost became a turtle in the urn.

Putting this in the past, things that the cultivators of the Azure Dragon Realm would not dare to imagine are happening now.

Yeming Mountains, Changming Peak, Changming Hall!

The Gu's senior management headed by Gu Tianfeng is holding a meeting,

The atmosphere of the Changming Hall is very depressing.

A clan elder is reporting to everyone that the current status of the Yeming Mountain Range, the most important of which is the number of legal circle restrictions left in the Yeming Mountain Range.

Originally, there were thousands of magic circles in the Yeming Mountains, and it was almost impossible for outsiders to break in.

But now, under the siege of the Ning family, the Shang family, and the Ouyang family, most of the magic circles have been destroyed, and now there are only more than 100 left.

This is definitely a dangerous signal.

Once this last law circle restriction is broken, it means that the Gu family has lost the last defensive power, and then it will be the day of the final decisive battle.

In the face of the Ning family, Shang family, and Ouyang family, can the Gu family win a head-on battle?

The answer is undoubtedly no.

Basically, there is no possibility.

The strength of the two sides is too far apart.

Once the battle is over, the Gu clan will go up to the gods, down to the gods, and so on. Almost all of them have to face opponents several times their own. Where is the hope of winning?

Such as Gu Tianfeng, he is indeed powerful, and he is the Patriarch of the Gu family and exists as a god.

However, let him face the three masters of the Ning family, Shang family, and Ouyang family with one against three. He will also fall into a situation where two fists are hard to beat four hands. After all, the three masters are all weak and all. God.

"Patriarch, what did the ancestors say over there?" Gu Hongyi asked. As a third-rate Celestial Clan, Gu Tianfeng is naturally more than a god.

In fact, the number of gods in the Gu clan is five.

Except for Gu Tianfeng, the other four people are all of very high seniority and ignore world affairs, and most people have no chance to meet.

"The ancestors mean to fight to the death, but other preparations are also needed, such as creating a way out for young people." Gu Tianfeng said.

As soon as this statement came out, many people in the Changming Palace couldn't help but sink in their hearts.

To fight for the young people's survival is to leave incense to the Gu family, leaving hope for continuation. Even the ancestors said so, the situation is at the most critical moment.

Otherwise, more than that?

Gu Hongyi took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "I will follow the will of the ancestors."

"That one……"

"Otherwise, shall we hand over Qi Xuan?"

At this time, an untimely voice suddenly sounded.

People looked at the clan elder, who was Gu Zhe's father, Gu Qingfeng.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Gu Qingfeng also felt the pressure, but still said: "The Ning family, Shang family, and Ouyang family, didn't they use Qi Xuan as an excuse to send troops to us?"

"Hand over Qi Xuan, don't they have no reason to send troops?"

Gu Tianfeng stared at Gu Qingfeng expressionlessly: "Do you really think that if you hand over Qi Xuan, the Ning Family, Shang Family, and Ouyang Family will win their soldiers?"

Gu Qingfeng replied with some lack of confidence: "Success or failure, always have to try!"

"You fart!" Gu Hongyi suddenly yelled, "Gu Qingfeng, your brain was kicked by a donkey? That's human life. Can you try it out?"

This curse also made Gu Qingfeng a little confused.

But after losing face, he quickly roared with an angry face: "Gu Hongyi, we are all going to die, why can't we take our lives to try? If there is a clamor for Gu Qingfeng to apologize for death, I will immediately go with."

"Then you go!" Gu Hongyi said angrily.

"...Gu Hongyi, you are making trouble unreasonably." Gu Qingfeng would naturally not go, after all, the fuse of the whole thing was not on him.


Gu Tianfeng suddenly gave a cold drink, causing the originally noisy Changming Hall to become quiet.

Gu Tianfeng looked at Gu Qingfeng and said, "Qingfeng, not only can we not sacrifice Qi Xuan, but we must also find a way to save her life and **** her away."


Gu Qingfeng roared with red eyes, "Everyone in the room can die, but Qi Xuan can't die? Is she Gu Yucheng's concubine room higher than ours?"

"Patriarch, are you fair in doing things this way?"

It is rare for Gu Hongyi to refute.

It wasn't that he recognized Gu Qingfeng's words, but he could understand how Gu Qingfeng felt.

Gu Zhe died, and Gu Qingfeng lost his son in the middle of his life. During this time, he felt very depressed. This time the Gu clan was in a disaster, and Gu Qingfeng also had his ambition to die and was willing to sacrifice for the Gu clan.

But Gu Tianfeng wanted to save Qi Xuan's life, and it sounded a bit unfair.

"It has nothing to do with fairness or not."

"The reason why I saved Qi Xuan's life is not because of Yucheng..."

Gu Tianfeng shook his head and sighed, "Qingfeng, the most important thing is that Qi Xuan is Luo Qing's sister! Don't you understand this?"

"I don't understand!" Gu Qingfeng said with red eyes: "Patriarch, how about Qi Xuan is Luo Qing's sister? Is that worth the huge price we should spend to save her life?"

"It's worth it!" Gu Tianfeng nodded very surely, then looked around and said: "During this period of time, the Higu family had internal and external troubles, but he forgot to tell everyone something."

"Not long ago, I learned through secret channels that Luo Qing has become the first disciple of Xuantianzong in this session, and even Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan joined forces and ended in a disastrous defeat."


"Luo Qing is so good?"

Soon after the incident, the Yeming Mountain Range was blocked again, causing many of the Gu clan to not know the remarkable record of awakening. At this moment, they were naturally surprised to hear it.

The reputation of Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan was spread far and wide, and to the senior Gu Clan, they almost existed like thunderous ears.

One is that Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan have extraordinary origins.

Second, they are all extremely talented.

Awakening defeated the two of them, this news easily caused everyone's shock.

"so what?"

"Now our Gu family is in trouble, and we haven't seen him come to help!"

Gu Qingfeng curled his lips and said somewhat unhappy.

"Qingfeng, what you said is a bit difficult for a strong man!"

"Yes! No matter how talented Luo Qing is, he is still young after all, and he needs time to grow up!"

Without Gu Tianfeng speaking, many clan elders took the initiative to defend awakening.

Gu Tianfeng looked at Gu Qingfeng and sighed: "Qingfeng, the Gu family suffered such a catastrophe. It is not Luo Qing's fault, nor Qi Xuan's fault. Since the Gu family's ending is set, then we people cannot die in vain. "

"Gu, you can't just let it go."

"And the Gu family wants to rise, want revenge, I am afraid that in the future, they will need to rely on Luo Qing.

"Only he has the ability to avenge us, and can lead the young people of the Gu clan to regain glory and become the master of the Yeming Mountains again."

"So, we must send Qi Xuan away so that Luo Qing will be grateful for this kindness."

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