Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3285: Guy Gu, fight to the end

Chapter 3285, Gu's man, fight to the end

The emotions of Gu Shanying, Ge Lingyi, Xun Yu, Di Fei and others were far more agitated than they looked.

Their hearts are turbulent, unable to calm down.

Even, already holding on to death, want to coexist and die with the Gu family.

Their relatives were all at the location of Changming Peak. They couldn't help but die in front of them.

Like Xun Yu and Di Fei, the Xun family and Di family where they both belonged, have always been in the same boat with the Gu family. These years, they have even been separated from each other.

This time the Pangu family was in trouble, and the Xun and Di families took the lead in helping the Yeming Mountains.

It's a pity that the two of them have shallow backgrounds, and in this terrifying sea, they are just two lonely boats.

Similar families are not in the minority.

However, some of the families, because they were too late to rush to the Yeming Mountains, were completely annihilated on the way and were stopped by the Ning family, Shang family, and Ouyang family.

There are also some families who have taken refuge in the Shang family and the Ouyang clan.

The survival moments of life and death can always reveal humanity nakedly, filthy, dark, bloody, betrayal, etc., quickly swept out of the corner, under the shadow of self-beam.

So those who are worth cherishing become more worthy of cherishment.

Gong Kun felt the pressure was huge, and he could not guarantee that he could stop Gu Shanying and the others. Although he was much stronger in terms of cultivation strength, he could really stop a group of people who went to death?

Ahead, Changming Peak area.

Ning Kuo stood in midair, equal to the height of the Changming Peak, looking forward, and finally fell on Gu Tianfeng on the Changming Peak.

"Gu Tianfeng, the development of the Gu clan has not been easy so far, and I don't have to destroy your Gu clan. If you choose to surrender, the Fengning family will be the master, there may be a silver lining.

Ning Kuo opened his mouth flat, and his eyes were as deep as an abyss.

"Ning Kuo, your fart is smelly!"

"What kind of thing is your Ning family worthy of letting our Gu clan bow our heads? You can't say it."

Gu Tianfeng was almost exasperated, and then unceremoniously abused.

Ning Kuo's surrendering of his head to court is not just a simple sentence. If the Gu clan chooses to surrender, then his destiny will be controlled by the Ning family.

At that time, the Gu clan would even become a servant of the Ning family.

Life and death depend on the expression of Ning's face.

Shi can be killed, not insulted!

Naturally, Gu Tianfeng would not make that choice.

Ning Kuo wasn't angry, but said flatly: "In this way, your Gu family is determined to die today."

"Hey! If you want to destroy our Gu family, I'm afraid you will have to pay a lot of money! Do you really think about it?" Gu Tianfeng's eyes flashed fiercely, and he was willing to kill the emperor. Pull down the posture.

Until the last moment, the Gu family naturally did not want to fight back.

After all, that would mean that the Gu family would overthrow.

Therefore, Gu Tianfeng tried to threaten the Ning Family, Shang Family and Ouyang Family in this way.

However, what Gu Tianfeng didn't expect was that Ning Kuo, Shang Zhixiang, and Ouyang Jinglei were all unmoved and didn't care about his threat, which made his heart sink.

These three are really determined to kill!

"Gu Tianfeng, you can't threaten us. You have only two choices today, surrender or die." Ning Kuo said flatly.

"Ning Kuo, you are arrogant! Your son Ning Linchen, are the bones cold or hot now?" Gu Tianfeng suddenly laughed coldly.

This sentence obviously hit Ning Kuo's sore spot.

Ning Linchen's death caused him to have a very bad mood during this period, and his temper was abnormal.

"Gu Tianfeng, it is not a good thing for you Gu Tianfeng to stir up my anger at this time." Ning Kuo's expression has become very cold and sharp.

"Really? How about let's play a game? When I was young, there was no winner or loser. Now is the time." Gu Tianfeng continued to provoke. He seemed reckless, but in fact, his mind was delicate.

After all, with the current situation, it's better to be alone than to be targeted together.

If it can take the opportunity to defeat Ning Kuo, it may even have the effect of catching the thieves first, causing others to be restrained. By then, the Gu family will really have a glimmer of life.

Unfortunately, Ning Kuo was not dazzled by anger.

"Gu Tianfeng, I have never regarded you as an opponent. In my eyes, you have always had only four words of evaluation, but that's it."

Ningko paused and sneered: "So, I am not interested in fighting with you alone."

This is simply because the oil and salt are not being added, and Gu Tianfeng also feels a little weak.

"Gu Tianfeng, give you one last chance, surrender or die!"

"Gu's man, fight to the end!"

Gu Tianfeng looked serious, revealing his determination to fight to the death.


Ning Kuo stopped talking, and with a big wave of his hand, the Ning family began to move forward in an orderly manner.

On the other two sides, Shang Zhixiang and Ouyang Jinglei saw this, and they also let their family members attack and cooperate with Ning Kuo.

Over the past half a month, the three parties have formed a tacit understanding.


The soaring light, accompanied by huge power fluctuations, resounded around Changming Peak.

Changming Peak can be regarded as the core place of the Gu family. With it as the center, the law circle that Gu family has been in business for many years is naturally extraordinary.

Especially for the last ten layers of magic circle restrictions, even if the gods make a move, it is difficult to break.

However, no matter how strong the law formation is forbidden, it can't restrain the frenzied bombing by thousands of troops.

In particular, the Ning Family, Shang Family, and Ouyang Family have made sufficient preparations for this time. Among the three parties, there is no shortage of savvy formation mages, who are very helpful in breaking the formation.

The earth quaked and the vegetation collapsed.

The formation in the Changming Peak area was constantly being broken.

The mood of everyone in the Gu family also became heavier. This feeling of watching death approaching step by step is really a great test for a person's mood.

Finally, Gu's formation was restricted, and only the last layer was left.

"Gu's man, fight to the end!"

With a spear in hand, Gu Tianfeng shouted, his eyes burst with sharp sharpness, and his whole body was soaring.

At this time, those who desperately need the helm to boost morale and inspire people.


"Gu's man, fight to the end!"

The Changming Peak was roaring like thunder. At this moment, all the guys of the Gu family were all ready to fight their backs, and everyone's eyes were full of scarlet luster.

On this day, countless people looked at the Changming Peak, and they all felt the Gu family's real edge.

Despite facing enemies that are several times greater than ourselves, no one is afraid.


When the last layer of magic circle was broken open, the battle broke out instantly.

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