Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3282: Rumors

Chapter 3282: Rumors Are Overwhelming

Seeing Awakening again, Shou Zun was quite happy when he was surprised.

He is very optimistic about awakening, not only because awakening helped him in the first place, but also because he knows the potential for awakening is extraordinary. In the future, his clan will have a lot of benefits to make good contact with awakening.

"So that's it..."

Shou Zun couldn't help but suddenly realized after hearing the reason for awakening.

"Rescue the Gu family in your mouth, for me, it's really not a big deal, but the clansmen still need to recuperate for the time being, so I can't accompany you on a trip."

The hunter looked at the awakening and said: "It's better to solve this matter by yourself."


He awoke for a moment.

If he had that strength, he would have left for the Gu family long ago.

Shou Zun nodded and smiled: "With your own strength, naturally it won't work, but I will give you a piece of strength. It must be enough to help you solve the current crisis of the Gu family."


Azure Dragon Region, Yeming Mountains.

This ancient and vast mountains has always been a very sacred place in the eyes of countless gods in the entire Azure Dragon Region, and there is even no shortage of worshippers every year.

This is naturally because the Yeming Mountains are the ancestral land of the Gu family.

A deity makes a mountain, not its altitude.

What's more, the Yeming Mountain Range is a beautiful place.

However, who would have thought that the Yeming Mountain Range would one day be reduced to a battlefield, and the Gu clan, who is high in people's minds, would also fall into a huge crisis.

The building will fall, and the entire Azure Dragon Realm will boil.

Many people find it incredible.

Some people think that these are just rumors.

But after more than half a month passed, when countless gods saw with their own eyes that many of the Gu family's properties in the Azure Dragon Region were uprooted, everyone had to believe it even if they didn't believe it.

In the Yeming Mountains, the magic circle is forbidden to open layer by layer.

From a distance, it was the beautifully beautiful Yeming Mountain Range, which looked even more sacred and extraordinary, like a huge prehistoric behemoth, with its fangs and teeth open.

However, this prehistoric behemoth just assumed a posture of self-defense.

Because around it, there is also a prehistoric behemoth haunting it, opening its fangs.

With the Yeming Mountains as the center, most people and horses are infested, and everyone is not a general generation. Among them, there are countless ninth-order **** kings.

In addition, there are many masters in the trilemma.

There are even more figures of gods, appearing from time to time.

If you look down from the extremely high sky, you will find that there are three people around the Yeming Mountains. They are flying bright flags, namely the Ning family, the Shang family, and the Ouyang family.

The monk's house of the Ouyang clan is the other two behemoths in the Azure Dragon Realm, and the Gu clan has always presented a three-legged trend.

No one thought that they would suddenly aim their soldiers at the Gu family.

What was even more unexpected was that the Ning Family of Vermilion Bird Region also participated.

Not to mention other people, even the Gu himself was unexpected.

With one enemy three, they missed the opportunity again.

Thinking about it this way, it is reasonable for the Gu family to fall into a huge crisis.

In fact, the Gu clan also had many allies, and many Celestial Clan who had a good relationship with them, but at this moment, none of those allies offered a helping hand.

This is more than just human feelings.

There must be other factors in this, even if those allies want to support the Gu Clan, they probably won't be able to do it.

"You said, why did the Shang family and the Ouyang clan suddenly join forces to target the Gu clan?"

"I heard that it seems that it was because the Gu family's little concubine who had died, was harassed by the Shang family and the Ouyang family's Tianjiao, and then the people around the little concubine took action to teach the Ouyang family's monk Tianjiao."

"Then, it caused a big contradiction."

"Are you talking about Gu Yucheng's concubine, Qi Xuan?"

"Yes! It's her, it's really a disaster! The Gu family suffered such a disaster."

"Damn! Brother, can you not be so naive, do you believe in such a suffocated reason for sending troops?"

Throughout history, it seems that all major events started because of a small matter. This time is no exception, but anyone with a bit of wisdom will not believe the reason for the Ouyang monk's family to send troops.

Three feet of freezing is not a day's cold.

How can the game between the middle and third-rate heavenly races be affected by a mere woman?

Having said that, this also pushed Qi Xuan to the cusp of the storm, who made her very unfortunate, and became an excuse for the monk family of Ouyang to send troops.

"What about the Ning family? Why did you come all the way from the Vermillion Bird Territory to participate in this battle? Qi Xuan has not always been harassed by the Ning family's arrogance?"

"The Ning family’s participation has nothing to do with Qi Xuan. I heard that it was because Ning Linchen’s girlfriend, the youngest member of the Ning family, had an affair with Luo Qing and put a green hat on Ning Linchen. The Ning family was angry and sent troops directly to the Gu family. , Hate to say."

"I heard that Luo Qing and Qi Xuan are siblings?"

"It seems to be... this brother and sister can really toss."

The speech during this period can be described as flying all over the sky.

Under the guidance of a caring person, the focus of the remarks focused on Su Xing and Qi Xuan, but the Gu family did not comment on this.

And the death of Ning Linchen was also spread in Azure Dragon Region.

People are naturally amazed at the high talent and strength of Awakening, but at the same time, in the Ning family's propaganda, the main reason why Ning Linchen fought with Awakening life and death was that Awakening gave him a green hat.

This is naturally pure nonsense.

But the power of the rumors is terrible, and the Ning family is obviously prepared, and the rumors compiled are reasonable and well-founded. It is said that Su Xing and Qin Qianqiu had already met since they were in Shengming City.

This alone makes people feel that things are detailed and true.

Everyone didn't accuse Awakening of misconduct, man! Who can have no idea about beautiful women? What's more, awakening is talented, and it really attracts the attention of beautiful women.

People just felt that waking up was too bold, even the women of Ning Linchen dared to get involved and acted unscrupulously, which made the Gu family worse.

"Where is Luo Qing? Has he returned to the Azure Dragon Region?"

"Fart back, how could he put himself in a dangerous situation and stay safe in Xuantianzong, wouldn't it be wonderful?"

"Human feelings are warm and cold! The Gu family really looked away from it."

Many people shook their heads and sighed, feeling that waking up was just an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

For all this, Gu did not make any sound.

In fact, this is mainly because the Gu family now retreats to the Yeming Mountains and is blocked by the three families of Ning, Shang, and Ouyang. There is no way to make the sound.

For more than half a month, Ning, Shang and Ouyang have attacked the Gu family every day.

The barriers of the magic circle buried in the Yeming Mountains were broken layer by layer, as if pulling a silk and peeling a cocoon, tearing apart Gu's heavy defenses, causing Gu's situation to become increasingly difficult.

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