Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3281: Leaf knife appeared

Chapter 3281: Ye Dao Appears

Eliminate He Tong at the scene, no one wants her to burn her life.

Xia Sen was unwilling, because he really felt a life-and-death crisis, and worried that he would be dragged into the water by the crazy He Tong.

Waking up was even more reluctant. In his heart, this was not a good deal. He Tong's life was countless times more precious than Xia Sen's, and he couldn't make an equivalent exchange at all.

However, he could not stop it.

He Tong was prepared. In the **** day, there was a special force that imprisoned his awakening, which made him unable to even speak, let alone stop him.

At this moment, a sigh resounded across the world.

"Chier, stop!"

No one is seen, only the sound is heard.

Then, the originally swollen blood day shrank back at an extremely fast speed, and then, the awakening and blood day were forcibly taken away by a terrible force.

The world gradually returned to peace.

The **** color that was originally diffused also faded like a tide.

Looking around, countless mountain peaks were razed to the ground, the earth was riddled with holes, and the radius of the mountain was reduced to ruins.

It is precisely because of this that people believe that what happened just now is not a dream.

Xia Sen and Xia Fuxiao stopped.

People such as Xia Fuxiao and others all looked behind them with horror, even Xia Sen and the spatial monk had the same expressions of suspicion, and the emotions in their hearts could not be calmed down for a while.

"Brother, we seem to be hit."

After a long time, Xia Fuxiao spoke calmly.

"Not a Chinese skill."

Xia Sen shook his head and said: "If we don't leave, the girl next to Luo Qing may really die with us. In that case, even me, there is no guarantee that I will survive."

Xia Fuxiao's eyes once again flashed a touch of panic.

Xia Sen couldn't guarantee that he could survive, so wouldn't he be sure to die?

"Grand Prince, that girl is extraordinary, it may really be a reincarnated and powerful generation." The space monk said.

"A person who has died once, there is nothing terrifying. Taking advantage of her strength has not recovered, we have the opportunity to kill her." Xia Sen said with a cold face.

They obviously didn't hear the sigh that resounded through the world.

It was not discovered that there was a mysterious power that took away Su Xing and He Tong.

So I felt that He Tong temporarily stopped, and then left with awakening.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Xia Fuxiao asked.

"Fu Xiao, you go back to Xuantianzong to practice! I will take care of the things here. Luo Qing may not have escaped far. It is estimated that the girl next to him will find it difficult to find us desperately.

Xia Sen spoke calmly.

Although the Blood Day did not explode after all, with Xia Sen's eyesight, he could naturally perceive that He Tong's urging of the Blood Day had also paid a considerable price.

It is estimated that even if he does not die, he will suffer severe damage.


The mountains are long and the lake is blue.

By the lake, the green grass blown by the wind swayed from side to side, and the water was rippling, and the scenery was beautiful.

An old man was sitting by the lake fishing, calmly looking forward, as if he didn't care at all, and came to wake up not far behind him.

I don't know when the blood day has disappeared.

He Tong's figure is also missing.

Those who came to this big lake seemed to only wake up.

"I have seen Senior Ye."

Wake up and stopped behind Ye Dao and saluted.

"That girl is the innate blood sun **** body?"

Ye Dao still didn't look back, but what he asked made it hard to calm down when he was awakened.

Obviously, Ye Dao had already seen things that Xia Sen and the others couldn't see at a glance, and the **** weather couldn't hide his eyes that understood most of the truth in the world.


Wake up and nodded.

When things reached this point, his denial was useless.

"That girl forcibly urged the **** weather and hurt her foundation, so just stay by my side and meditate for a while!" Ye Dao Youyou said.

"So, I will trouble Senior Ye." Su Xing did not refuse.

This is definitely a good thing for He Tong, and if Ye Dao hadn't rescued him just now, I'm afraid He Tong would have been wiped out at this moment.

By all accounts, Ye Dao is the benefactor of He Tong and Wake.

Suwaken did not ask why Ye Dao didn't get rid of Xia Sen and the others. With Ye Dao's seniority, he obviously didn't bother to do that kind of bullying.

Furthermore, it is already rare that Ye Dao can save their lives.

One cannot be insatiable.

As for Xia Sen, Xia Xing wanted to solve it personally.

Once that name is mentioned now, killing intent will inevitably flow in his heart.

"The thing about the Gu family is not as simple as imagined."

"You do it yourself."

The leaf knife opened his mouth flat.

"Senior Ye promises, goodbye!"

Awakening suppressed the shocked expression in his heart, slowly stepped back, then opened the space teleportation, and left here.

He didn't open his mouth to seek Ye Dao's help. The strength of the latter was naturally easy to solve the Gu Clan in water and fire, but Ye Dao obviously didn't intend to make a move.

This is also normal.

When his cultivation level reached his level, there were very few things that could affect his mind.

Besides, he is not related to the Gu family, so how can he care about the little things.

It's just Ye Dao's sentence, "The things about the Gu family are not as simple as imagined", which caused waves in Su Xing's heart. Ye Dao meant something.

"There are always some people in the East Spirit Nine Realms who are ready to move!"

Ye Dao looked at the calm lake and muttered to himself, then he put away the bamboo pole, his figure disappeared by the lake, not knowing where he went.

"What does Senior Ye mean?"

Tens of thousands of miles away, Su Xing thought about Ye Dao's words.

He always felt that there might be more complicated reasons behind Gu's death than he had imagined, but he thought a lot and couldn't figure it out.

If you don't understand, wake up and don't think about it.

He will know the things behind those things one day.

The most urgent task is to solve the Gu family in distress. This is the need to find the hunter.

Fortunately, I never met Xia Sen and others.

This is also normal. Dongling's nine regions are vast and vast, and he is a space monk when he wakes up. It is easy to move by himself. It is indeed very difficult for others to detect his traces.

Wake has traveled many places, the valleys of the Cangshan Mountains, the mountains and the earth, and finally, half a month later, on a plain, stopped.

He was holding a disc in his hand, and there were pointers flashing on the disc.


The awakened figure sank into the earth, and soon after, in the depths of the earth, he saw the hunter.

"Looking at your appearance in the dust, is it because you have encountered some problems?" Shou Zun looked up and down to wake up, and said calmly.

"Senior Qingxiu shouldn't have been disturbed, but, there is indeed something, and I have to come and seek the help of senior." Su Xing arched his hands.

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