Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3274: Murder

Chapter 3274 Murder and Kill

Although today's life and death battle is extremely exciting and intense, it is about to come to an end, stimulating people's nerves.

However, when he woke up and took the Nine Profound Sword Order forcibly, it still caused a lot of shock.

Now everyone knows that the Nine Profound Sword Order is one of Xia Sen's swords.

And waking up to do so is tantamount to openly confronting Xia Sen and starting a head-on conflict.

This is extraordinary.

Xia Sen is not Ning Linchen, his status and status are respected, his talent and strength are high, and he is one of the few in the Eastern Realm, and he is the leader of the young people in the Eastern Realm.

Offending him, obviously the consequences are very serious.

"It's too irrational to wake up!"

"That is, if he offends Xia Sen in this way, it will be difficult to do anything in Xuantianzong!"

"Haha! I'm afraid that when the time comes, I don't even know what I died, and I don't know the heights of the sky."

Many people shook their heads, feeling that the awakening was too impulsive, and they would definitely pay for it.

Su Xing did not pay attention to the discussion around him, nor did he explain anything.

Xia Sen had already made a secret move. He and the Xia family were also on opposite sides because of the contradiction between Xia Fuxiao. In this case, even if he did not take the Nine Profound Sword Order, Xia Sen would release it. Passed him?

Obviously not!

If so, why be polite to Xia Sen?

Why have too many scruples?

People respect me, and I respect others.

On the contrary, if people deceive me by a foot, then they have to ask for it directly.

Awakening looked down, Ning Linchen, who crawled out from the ground, was completely absent, seriously injured, bloodstained and embarrassed.

And in those eyes, there was also an uncontrollable panic.

The cards were all out, but they were still defeated.

Ning Linchen knew what this meant, but he didn't want to die, he was still young, he had a great future, and the endless glory and wealth, just died like this, really unwilling.

Sword Qi struck, Ning Linchen knelt down involuntarily because of heavy legs.

Such a posture is naturally incomparable shame.

However, Ning Linchen did not show any anger. He just wanted to live now. In contrast, dignity was nothing.

"Luo Qing, let me go."

Ning Linchen spoke with difficulty. Obviously, this sentence was still somewhat difficult to express.

"You are quite spineless."

Su Wake looked down at Ning Linchen and said flatly: "Then tell me, who killed Gu Yucheng?"

"I said, you can let me go?" Ning Linchen gritted his teeth.

"You can think about it." Awakening expression was indifferent, but his mind was also slightly moved. Ning Linchen's appearance obviously really knew something.

"Okay! Then I say..."

Before Ning Linchen finished a sentence, there was a strong palm, whizzing in from the outside of the stage of life and death, and it hit Ning Linchen's back fiercely.

This blow came very abruptly.

And the power contained was extraordinary, and even waking up had to temporarily retreat.

With one blow, Ning Linchen's figure was torn apart, and the truth that was about to be revealed was buried forever.

Su Xing's eyes were like electricity, and he looked at a middle-aged person outside the stage of life and death. The other person came along with Ning Linchen. It was a high-level Ning family and at the same time Nei Zong elder named "Ning Xiu'an."

No one would have thought that Ning Xiuan would suddenly kill Ning Linchen.

Undoubtedly, this scene caused a great shock.

Many people looked at Ning Xiuan with an incredible expression.

"What are you doing?" Su Xing stared at Ning Xiuan with cold eyes, and shouted in a deep voice.

"Since it is a decisive battle of life and death, it should be clean and tidy. How can my Ning family be afraid of death? It is unbelievable. Since Ning Linchen is defeated, he should die vigorously."

Ning Xiuan said indifferently, "Everything will be implemented in accordance with the life and death agreement."

This explanation basically meant that Ning Xiuan had acted in order to maintain the dignity of the Ning family, and he did not want to see Ning Linchen begging for a living.

No matter how you look at it, this explanation seems rather pale.

The key is that no one expected Ning Xiuan to be so cruel, and he did not hesitate.

"I think you are worried. Ning Linchen will confess the truth of that matter to the world!"

Su Xing squinted and stared at Ning Xiu'an. The latter did not do it early or late, but it was Ning Linchen who was about to tell the truth about the Gu Yucheng incident, and suddenly shot, if there is no ghost in his heart, it would be strange.

"I do not understand what you're saying."

"Ning Linchen is dead, and today's battle has ended."

After Ning Xiuan finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave.

"Ning Xiu'an, the truth of this matter will definitely come to light in the world." Su Xing stared at Ning Xi'an's back and said coldly.

"Really?" Ning Xiuan suddenly turned around and glanced indifferently to wake up: "I advise you to take care of your curiosity. Also, I should have saved your life today."

After speaking, Ning Xiuan did not linger anymore, and soon his figure turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.

But what he left behind is worth thinking about.

Especially that sentence, which saved the life of awakening, made awakening frown.

What does Ning Xiuan mean?

Could it be that once Ning Linchen tells the truth, he will be silenced by others?

But in broad daylight, who would dare to vain Gu Xuantianzong's laws and openly attack him?

Wake up and wonder.

If what Ning Xiuan said is true, isn't the person behind the scenes with hands and eyes open to the sky?

But, how can you kill Gu Yucheng when it exists?

Can't figure it out!

Su Xing did not expect that Ning Linchen's death would involve so many doubts.

The whole thing seems to be shrouded in countless mysteries.


At this time, the magic circle barrier on the stage of life and death has been lifted.

Taking a step toward regaining consciousness is to leave the stage of life and death and meet with Elder He Tong, Gu Chen and others.

"Good job!"

Elder Gu Chen was naturally overjoyed.

Suwaken actually won and killed Ning Linchen. From then on, his position as the number one new disciple was unbreakable, and no one dared to question it.

And after this battle, awakening will inevitably become famous.

In general, a big win.

The Gu family had picked up a treasure, and it was the wisest decision to favor awakening.


Many people congratulated the awakening.

The winner is king.

Waking up with this battle, proved himself.

Suddenly, Wake felt a ray of cold light falling on his body, raised his eyes and looked up, colliding with Xia Sen's eyes in the void, as if there was a roar.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became quiet.

"Is there anything you want to say?" Su Xing said, looking directly at Xia Sen, without backing away.

He Tong, Gu Shanying and others stood by his side and gave their support.

People couldn't help looking at Xia Sen, who was calm on the surface, but there should be a lot of anger in his heart! You know, waking up is a blatant provocation.

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