Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3275: Against Xia Sen

Chapter 3275: Against Xia Sen

"Anything you want to say?"

Obviously, everyone understands that the sentence awakening refers to the fact that he took the Nine Profound Sword Token.

More importantly, he made it clear that this posture would not be returned.

People looked at Xia Sen one after another, wondering how the latter would deal with the matter, whether he shot it out in anger, forcibly regaining the Nine Profound Sword Order, or using other methods?

"The Nine Profound Sword Token is also a good-quality saber."

"If you like it, I'll give it to you."

To people's surprise, Xia Sen didn't even pursue it, but instead directly handed over the Nine Profound Sword Order.

"Then should I say thank you?"

Su Xing smiled faintly, it seemed that he was not surprised, Xia Sen would say this.

According to the content of the life and death agreement, once Ning Linchen is defeated, everything he has will be counted as the trophies of awakening, and this naturally includes the Nine Profound Sword Order.

The Nine Profound Sword Order was indeed Xia Sen's sword, but from the moment he lent it to Ning Linchen, it was no longer his.

If Ning Linchen won, he would naturally return the Nine Profound Sword Order.

But now, Ning Linchen has been defeated.

In this matter, Xia Sen didn't have any reason. If he forcefully regained the Nine Profound Sword Order, Awakening would not be his opponent, but Xia Sen would also have a bad reputation for it.

As far as Xiasen is concerned, reputation is more important than Jiu Xuan Jian Ling.

What's more, there was Gu Chen next to Wake. The latter was obviously not easy to watch. Xia Sen shot towards Wake. Xia Sen might not be able to please him.

He is indeed a talented disciple of Daocheng.

But Elder Gu Chen, those who have been famous for a long time already exist.

Once things get messed up, Xia Sen is likely to end up in a situation where he steals chickens and loses money. He is a smart man, so naturally he won't do that.

After weighing the pros and cons, he finally chose to give up the Nine Profound Sword Order.

"It will be long in Japan!"

Xia Sen gave an unexplained smile to wake up.

Then, he left the scene with Xia Fuxiao and others.

"This beam is completely formed."

When people watched this scene, they knew that Xia Sen would probably not let it go. What he lacks is just a good opportunity. Once the opportunity comes, I am afraid that he will start to wake up without hesitation.

Su Xing ignored the discussion around him, and his eyes fell on Qin Qianqiu and others.

It is undoubtedly Qin Qianqiu and others who are most worried and afraid now.

As soon as Ning Linchen died, she became an abandoned son, and the huge East Spirit Nine Realms had no support.

According to the content of the life-and-death agreement, she was reduced to the trophy of awakening, and she had no power to resist.

"Take Qin Han and Qin Qianqiu, and go back to the Dragon Garden first."

Su Xing glanced at Qin Qianqiu, then left a word and left first.

"What about the others?"

Elder Gu Chen looked at the awakened back and said.

"I do not like."

The voice of awakening came from far away.

Simple four words, but it is to make people who are good at the real king and others, their faces pale as paper, which is equivalent to being sentenced to death.

Qin Han and Qin Qianqiu's father and daughter were equally terrified in their eyes.

Awakening is too decisive.

"Elder Gu, you go first, just leave it to me here." There was a hint of excitement in Yue Zhijun's eyes. He looked at the people who are good at True King and others, and said with a smile: "Hahaha...I took yours on behalf of God. Dog life."

"This guy..." He Tong, Yan Feng and others were speechless when they saw Yue Zhijun practiced his own "crow mouth" with the true king and others.

But I have to say that Yue Zhijun's crow mouth this time is absolutely efficacious.

After all, after speaking, he just wants to do it directly.

Xuantianzong naturally protects the disciples of the inner sect, but he is good at Zhenwang and others, even if they die a hundred times, no one will come out to interfere.

In the eyes of the Xuan Tianzong senior officials, they are no different from ants.

Diaolong Court.

In a pavilion, windows on all sides are open, the wind is blowing, the curtains are swayed, the fragrance of tea is overflowing, and the tea mist is rising.

The woman who makes tea has fair skin, delicate and flawless features, white teeth like jade, eyes like autumn water, light and graceful body, graceful and exquisite curves.

Her Qianqianyu's hands made tea like running clouds and flowing water, which was pleasing to the eye.

However, if you observe carefully, you will find that her delicate body is trembling slightly, and there is unconcealable tension, anxiety, and fear in those beautiful eyes.

In front of her, there is a comfortable awakening from a sitting posture.

After a while, Qin Qianqiu cautiously pushed a cup of tea to the face of Awakening, with a respectful expression.

Waking up did not rush to drink tea, but looked up and down Qin Qianqiu, naturally seeing Qin Qianqiu's mood in full view.

At the beginning, when he was in Shengming City, the latter was so high, even though he wanted to solicit awakening, the initiative was still firmly in his own hands.

Awakening did not avenge Qin Qianqiu's evil taste.

People like him have already looked down on those little things.

However, the latter deliberately targeted himself later, and even repeatedly started murderous intentions, this account cannot be ignored.

Suxing took a sip of tea, then let it go at will.

Just such a move made Qin Qianqiu nervous, worried that the tea he was making was not pure and would cause unpleasant awakening. Now the lives of her father and daughter are firmly pinched by the awakening.

The latter decided their life and death in a single thought.

"No... isn't it delicious?" Qin Qianqiu asked tremblingly.

Su Xing did not answer, but said: "Qin Qianqiu, do you regret it?"

"Yeah!" Qin Qianqiu's eyes were tearful, and she nodded lightly. She was a delicate-minded woman, so she didn't understand what Wake was asking.

If she hadn't stood on the opposite side of awakening when she was in Shengming City.

If she was from the beginning, she would be sincere to wake up.

Why did the two sides make such a fuss?

Even if you can't become a couple, you can become good friends no matter how bad you are. Then, in order to wake up to where she is today, isn't her Qin Qianqiu taking off with her?

"It's because of my poor eyesight that I didn't recognize the real dragon." Qin Qianqiu lowered his head and red eyes, holding the hem of his clothes with both hands.

"I'm not a real dragon. I am a disciple of the Xuan Tiantian sect, and that's nothing." Su Xing shook his head, but there was no triumphant gesture.

"No wonder you can make it to today..."

Qin Qianqiu seemed to understand why his awakening growth rate was so amazing.

The latter seems to be humble, but in fact he is extremely energetic. The most important thing is that he can always strive towards his goals. Even the identity of the disciple of Xuan Tianzong is not his ultimate goal.

After that, how far can he grow?

Qin Qianqiu could hardly imagine that she found that her vision was too narrow compared to waking up.

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