Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3273: Space jade plate

Chapter 3273: Space Jade Plate

Thousands of miles away, wake up and stabilize his figure.

There was blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth and his face was composed.

The Nine Profound Sword Light suddenly increased in power, which he did not expect. The Xuanhuang Divine Light had a strong defense because it had incorporated a ray of Xuanhuang Qi, but after all, it was too little.

Just now, awakening was still boiled by a little bit of Nine Profound Sword Qi.

If this were to be replaced by any other ninth-order peak **** king, it is estimated that under the sword just now, he would have died and it would be difficult to survive.

Looking up, the power of the Nine Profound Sword Command at this time has surged to a peak.

The brilliant sword light completely wrapped Ning Linchen.

At a glance, the man and the sword have become one, I don't know whether the man is directing the sword or the sword is leading the man.

Su Xing cold eyes glanced at Xia Sen's direction.

With his wisdom, he naturally saw some clues, but Xia Sen's actions were concealed, and for a while, it was difficult to find evidence of the opponent's intervention in the battle after waking up.

This is the benefit of being strong.

Awakening heart is depressed, but he can't say anything. In fact, he also knows that this world has never been absolutely fair.

The most urgent matter is **** Ning Linchen.

Once Ning Linchen died, this battle would be declared over, and Xia Sen naturally did not dare to continue to intervene.


Ning Linchen merged with the Nine Profound Sword Ling and quickly attacked towards awakening.

The speed is extremely fast, and the sword energy is surging in all directions, and it turns out to be preparing to once again block all the retreats for awakening.

In the eyes of those who watched the battle, the awakening at this moment is dangerous and difficult, and it is not far from defeat. At best, it is only a matter of time.

"It's a pity, Luo Qing will eventually fight to death."

"Yes! The defeat in this battle is not because he is mediocre, but he has provoked people who should not be provoked."

"So this is a man! Still have to keep a low profile."

"Haha! Of course you have a mediocre aptitude, low-key, like Luo Qing, who is so radiant, why bother to cover yourself?"

The discussion outside the life and death stage has not stopped since the beginning of this battle.

The vast majority of people feel that the awakening defeat is set and will eventually fall today, but there are also some people who hope that awakening can come to life from desperation and turn the tide.

Unknowingly, waking up in this huge back mountain, there are also some supporters.

This is actually quite normal. After all, he is so young and talented, and he has defeated Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan. If there is no immediate change, he will have a bright future.


"Luo Qing, you can't escape."

"You are dead, and today, it is inevitable."

Ning Linchen's joyous laughter sounded in the stage of life and death, and his mood seemed better than ever.

At the same time, the offensive never stopped.

Although Awakening used the void to shuttle and avoid it time and time again, it was soon followed by Ning Linchen again.

"Ning Linchen, you are too happy too early."

At a certain moment, Wake stopped, no longer hesitating, and between his hands, a azure jade plate appeared in his palm, but in an instant, the jade plate flew out and appeared under his body.

At the same time, Su Xing chose to sit in the jade plate.

On the round jade plate, there are a total of nine small apertures, and many runes are constructed. If people with high spatial attainments are here, you can recognize that those runes are all spatial runes.

Moreover, it is extremely broad and profound.

The name of the jade plate is also called "space jade plate".

This space jade plate is a parting gift from Bai Muzhi to Su Xing.

It has also become a very important hole card for Suwa, and he does not want to use it as a last resort.

But at this moment, because Xia Sen moved his hands and feet in secret, he had to wake up and take out the space jade plate.

The space jade plate itself does not have any offensive and defensive capabilities.

Its sole function is to absorb and store a large amount of space power, which can then be extracted and used by awakening.


"Luo Qing, are you ready to sit down?"

"It's a pity! I won't give you this opportunity. Today, I want you to die extremely miserably, and I will step on your reputation."

Ning Linchen laughed unscrupulously.

There was a deep hatred in his voice. Since his debut, he has not been so embarrassed. In today's battle, he has been suppressed by awakening everywhere. Now even if he wins, he probably won't have a good reputation.

Therefore, he simply did not stop doing two things and wanted to wake up and trample to death.

Wake up and ignore it.

At a certain moment, looking at Ning Linchen who rushed in quickly, he raised his hand and slapped out in the air.

It's just the first void hand in Heaven's Solution.

However, as he awakened and raised his hand, in the jade plate of space, the majestic space power was immediately drawn out, resulting in this seemingly simple trick with infinite power.


When Ning Linchen's figure was only a few hundred miles away from waking up, a big hand pressed down in the void.

Suddenly, the terrifying power bombarded straight down.

Ning Linchen and the Nine Profound Sword Order were shot directly into the void and smashed into the black earth where the magma was flowing below. The earth cracked, the magma evaporated, and the chaos was abnormal.

At this moment, the audience suddenly became quiet.

Everyone was awakened by the terrifying attack that came suddenly, and was shocked.

Who could have thought that at such a moment, Awakening still had such a powerful hole card? If you don't make a move, you will be shocked.


"Luo Qing, you are looking for death!"

Ning Linchen's angry roar sounded, and he quickly rushed out of the ground with one sword and one man.

But the next moment, another huge palm fell from the sky, causing Ning Linchen to be photographed underground again.

Next, a dramatic scene happened.

Ning Linchen tried to rush out again and again, but was awakened and shot down again and again.

This is tantamount to being awakened and stepped on the foot again and again.

This kind of humiliation probably made Ning Linchen want to die, and people gradually realized that most of the awakening was intentional, and the purpose was to humiliate Ning Linchen.

"So cruel!"

Some people were silent.

I probably know that Awakening is not a good old person. Whoever wants to deal with him should first think about what it is like to offend him.

After dozens of slaps, Ning Linchen was finally hit hard.

Suddenly, the Nine Profound Sword Ling soared into the sky, and after realizing that the general situation was gone, he tried to abandon Ning Linchen and escape.

People couldn't help looking at Xia Sen, who looked calm, at least on the surface, for the time being.

But suddenly, Xia Sen's face suddenly sank.

I saw that the Nine Profound Sword Order that had just rushed into the sky was firmly grasped by a big hand that emerged out of thin air, and then turned into a ray of light into the awakened Chaos Pool.

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