Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3250: Wushuang Xuejun

Chapter 3250: Unparalleled Blood King


Wake up for a while speechless.

He completely understood the intention of Bai Muzhi.

Sending out this three-life Dao fruit is not only to earn a great favor for oneself, but also to get rid of the Lord of Darkness through the hands of the Lord of Blood, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

"Could it be that the Lord of Darkness is the key to trapping Senior White?" Su Xing murmured, most likely that was the case, and with his strength, it was obviously impossible to solve the Lord of Darkness.

Then, the role of the blood king is crucial.

"Frowning, what are you thinking?" At this moment, a long voice sounded from the side of the awakening.

"I'm thinking about how to invite the Blood Lord... to Xuantianzong as a guest." Su Xing almost blurted out his true thoughts, but fortunately he changed his words in time at the last minute.

"I'm not interested." Mr. Xue refused.

"Oh! That's really a shame." Su Xing's face was regretful, and he didn't care at all in his heart. He looked at the Blood Lord, and the latter's face recovered some blood.

The facial features are delicate and flawless, and the skin is as delicate as early winter snow.

Three thousand green silks hung in the back at will, with a graceful figure. What kind of yin prince does this look like, and how many beautiful women have been overshadowed by their grace.

Especially that kind of cold and noble temperament, giving people a kind of unparalleled feeling.

The extreme of Yin is Yang.

If Lord Yin has cultivated to the highest level, he will be born toward the sun, and the extremely Yin ghost energy in his body will change.

The Blood Lord should not have reached that level for the time being, but, compared to before, it should be countless times stronger, giving the feeling of awakening, it seems to be more terrifying than the Lord of Darkness.

"Have you seen enough?" Mr. Xue said lightly.

"Not enough...cough cough." Su Xing hurriedly explained: "A woman like the blood king is unique in the world. No matter who she is, she will be impressed by your demeanor."

"According to what I know about you, when you flatter, you usually ask others." Blood Jun said.

"As expected to be the Blood Lord, nothing can escape your divine eyes." Su Xing simply admitted generously.

"Then let's talk about it! What do you want me to do for you, do you want to save your friends, or kill Old Gray Man and Lin Mo?" Mr. Xue said calmly.

When she said that she killed Old Man Hui and Lin Mo, her expression remained the same.

To him, those two were just strangers, there was no difference between killing and not killing.

However, since Lord Blood took the initiative to speak, it means that her mood should be pretty good, probably related to the refining of the three generations of Dao Guo, and she also felt that she owed a lot of favors to wake up.

"Those things, I should be able to solve them myself." Awakening paused, and then said: "Does the blood lord feel that the Lord of Darkness under the abyss is a little in the way?"

"If you want me to help deal with the Lord of Darkness, just say it straight." Blood Jun said.

"Ah! I just feel that if we don't get rid of that Lord of Darkness, we can't leave this place at all." Suwa said.

"That's true." Mr. Xue nodded slightly: "I just want to find someone to practice hand skills, then you can go and see with me!"


A ray of blood surged, and the sting awoke and couldn't open his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he came to the edge of the ancient continent. The broken bridge was still there. This was where the group had just set foot on the ancient continent.

Unexpectedly, in just an instant, the blood king came here with awakening.

You know, the group of people before, but it took a lot of effort to reach the huge cave on the mountainside.

In this way, the restrictions, rules, and dangers on this ancient continent can no longer cause any threat to the blood king, she is already able to come and go freely.

"You are standing here." Xuejun left a word, and walked towards the abyss that was regarded as absolutely dangerous before, and there was no pontoon under her feet, so she just stood floating in the air.

But this time, no evil spirit came close.

The evil spirits have sensed the horror of the blood lord, no less than the lord of darkness.

And below the endless abyss, there was silence.

It seems that even the Lord of Darkness is afraid of the Blood Lord.

"Your Excellency can leave."

After a long time, a voice came from under the abyss.

This is to ask Mr. Blood to leave.

This kind of thing, I am afraid, has never happened in the history of Great Black Abyss.

"What if I don't leave?"

Xuejun spoke plainly, and three thousand green silks flew gently.

"Your cultivation level is the same as mine. They are both at the peak of the ninth rank of God Sovereign Realm. However, I am in the dark and occupy the right place. You should not be impulsive."

The voice of the Lord of Darkness came from the abyss again.

A shocked color flashed across the face of Wake.

The ninth-level peak of the God Sovereign Realm, is this the current cultivation realm of the Blood Lord?

Before that, she was just a third-order Yin Monarch.

Doesn't this mean that after refining the three generations of Dao Guo, the strength of the blood king has broken through six great realms?

This is too exaggerated!

Rejuvenated face twitched fiercely, and couldn't help feeling the pain, my treasure! So it was eaten by the blood king.

"Are you in the dark?" Lord Xue looked down at the abyss below calmly: "But, what about it?"

"Your Excellency, you are toasting and not eating fine wine. I just don't want to be an enemy of you, so I make a certain existence cheaper. It does not mean that I am afraid of you."

"It really pushes me, you are going to be buried in the dark."

The Lord of Darkness sounded with an angry voice.

He has repeatedly backed down, but the blood prince didn't know how to advance or retreat. The clay figure still had three points of anger, and the Lord of Darkness was not a good-tempered good stubble. This time, it was naturally intolerable.

"Buried in darkness?"

"I came from darkness. In this world, who can tell me to be buried in darkness?"

In Xuejun's cold eyes, there was an instant confusion.

These words, she blurted out subconsciously, but could not understand the meaning.

The lost memory is still lost.


In the next moment, blood burst into the sky, and the blood king plunged into the boundless darkness.


The terrible roar sounded in the dark abyss, which could not be subdued for a long time.

The entire ancient continent began to tremble slightly at this moment. It is hard to imagine what a terrible fierce battle erupted in the abyss of endless darkness.

This battle lasted for about several hours.

A few hours later, the figure of the blood king came from the darkness, and her body was surrounded by a faint light, like the only light in the darkness.

"The favor I owe you will be returned to you in the future."


Mr. Blood simply dropped a word and walked towards the void.

That slender and graceful figure is unparalleled in the world.

It seems that there are no rules in this world that can restrain her.

Because she is the person who sets the rules.


A ray of light tore through the sky, and the figure of the Blood Lord completely disappeared.

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