Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3251: Dark Lady

Chapter 3251 Dark Lady

The darkness is calm.

The world is also calm again.

The Blood Lord has been here, and it seems that he has never been in the future.

She didn't talk about the result of the battle with the Lord of Darkness, because the result is no longer necessary.

The Lord of Darkness is dead.

Even if he is in the dark and occupying the right place, he is not the opponent of the blood king.

"It deserves to exist like that!"

"Divine Sovereign Realm's cultivation base of the ninth-level peak can possess the power of the **** ancestor."

"The Lord of Darkness relies on the darkness, and in front of her, it is just a joke, because she is the one who truly controls the darkness."

The long voice sounded around the awakened side.

Shiraki branch did not know when he appeared.

"Master of darkness?"

"Senior White, have you guessed the origin of Blood Lord?"

Su Xing raised his eyes and looked at the sky, muttering.

"It's still not entirely certain, it's just a little doubtful." Bai Muzhi said.

"Please also Senior White to talk carefully." Su Xing said.

"In the ancient times, there was a woman who walked out of the darkness and brought a period of darkness to this world. She was honored as the "dark goddess"."

"Later, under the leadership of the Empress, many giants joined forces, finally expelling the darkness and beheading the Dark Goddess."

"Now it seems that it exists like a dark goddess, and it should not be so easy to be killed."

Bai Muzhi said leisurely.

"Speaking of which, isn't it because the mother and the dark goddess have a lot of hatred?" Su Xing was startled.

"You can say that." Bai Muzhi smiled: "But their level of existence generally won't transfer anger to us, so you don't have to worry."


I can't help but smile when I wake up, I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

He can only pray in his heart now, Bai Muzhi's suspicion is wrong, the blood king is not a dark goddess at all, she is just a blood king who remembers her love.

Su Xing tilted his head to look at Bai Muzhi, and couldn't help but feel shocked.

Bai Muzhi is still gray-haired, but her face is not as old as before, but with a nice complexion, dignified and beautiful, and generous.

On the whole, it looks like a young woman about thirty years old.

"Senior White, you..."

"The Lord of Darkness is the key to guarding the seal here. When he is dead, I can easily break the seal, and my appearance will return to the appearance of my youth."

"Then your hair."

"Our white finches have white hair since we were born. When I was a little white finches, I was raised by the female emperor..."

After Bai Muzhi's explanation, Su Xing realized that Bai Muzhi used to be the servant girl of Empress Void.

Later, he became in love with Tantaiqian.

After being aware of this, the female emperor did not object, but gave her a marriage.

There is no race in her eyes, the most annoying thing in her life is the kind of restraint.

The female emperor spoke, and the rest of the Void Bereaved Clan naturally didn't dare to refute it. After all, no one wanted to be kicked out by the female emperor. Some old stubborn things like that have been experienced a lot.

From the original unconvinced to the final conviction.

In the words of the Empress, if you refuse to accept it, then you will be beaten until you take it.

"Senior White, other members of the Void Bereaved Clan, why didn't I see it?" Su Xing asked.

"I am the only one in this Great Black Abyss." Bai Muzhi explained: "The others were imprisoned in the other three forbidden areas of Xuantianzong, the ghost capital of the mist, the Longtou mountain pass, and the waste pit."

"So that's the case." Su Xing nodded. This means that he was imprisoned separately. He didn't care too much, but said: "Then, when Senior White gets out of trouble, he should be able to go to the other three forbidden areas and rescue the remaining people!"

"I'm afraid not." Bai Muzhi shook his head.

"Why?" Su Xing was startled, not understanding what Bai Muzhi meant.

"This matter still needs the young patriarch to do it." Bai Muzhi explained: "A Xuantian Sect in a small area does not have the strength to imprison us. The real murderer is the Haotian Dao Sect behind Xuantianzong."

"This Great Black Abyss, including the Lord of Darkness, is also the handwriting of the Haotian Taoist Sect."

"Once I leave the Great Black Abyss, the Haotian Taoist Sect will be aware of the clues for the first time. At that time, there will definitely be a real strong coming."

The strong man in Bai Muzhi's mouth is estimated to be the existence of the ancestor.

Su Xing frowned: "Then what should I do?"

Bai Muzhi said: "You only need to release the prohibition seal of the clansmen in other places..."

What she meant was that everyone did not need to leave their prisons, but the key to entering and exiting the prisons needed to be in their own hands. Then, they could practice in the prisons and restore their strength.

When the time was right, he planned how to leave and got rid of the Haotian Taoist sect.

Such consideration is more comprehensive than what I want to wake up.

This is mainly because Bai Muzhi's understanding of the Haotian Taoist school is much deeper than that of Awakening. If he follows the plan of Awakening, it is easy to be exposed and has many shortcomings.

To put it bluntly, it is difficult to have a deeper understanding of the Haotian Dao Sect from the perspective of awakening the current cultivation, and therefore, a wrong judgment appeared.

"Then follow what Senior Bai said." Su Xing nodded and agreed.

"Let's go! I arranged some opportunities for those of your friends." Bai Muzhi waved his hand, and returned to the White Palace together with Awakening.

Due to the existence of white wood branches, it cannot be exposed.

The relationship between her and Wake is even less known to others, so she needs to act in a scene.

"When I was fine on weekdays, I made a back garden, and your friends are in it. Now, I will send you there too..."

Bai Muzhi waved his hand, and spatial ripples emerged around him.

The next moment, his figure disappeared.

When it appeared again, it appeared in a garden.

Bai Muzhi is also proficient in Heaven's Solution. Although it is not as clean as Tantai, it is also unpredictable for Su Xing and others, and the so-called back garden has a huge internal space.

Looking around, there are many magical medicines and strange flowers planted on the vast land.

Some flowers are as big as a hundred miles in radius, exuding bursts of strange fragrance.

He Tong, Gu Shanying, Huang Yulong... and the gray-robed old man, Lin Mo, including the later awakening, all fell into a coma on a huge flower.

The difference is that the others are really unconscious.

And awakening is pretending.

Lin Mo and the gray-robed old man woke up first. They looked at the back garden where the magic medicine was everywhere, their eyes were full of greed.

"We have reached the place of opportunity, these guys are of no use keeping them, why don't they kill them all?" The gray-robed old man glanced at Su Xing and the others, with murderous flickering in his eyes.

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