Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3249: Refining Dao Guo

Chapter 3249-Refining Dao Fruit

"Then how can you be sure that I am the destined person?" Lord Xue stared at awakening, and then said: "You know, are you the first to arrive here?"

"You are such a handsome and outstanding character like you, naturally you are destined." Su Xing righteously said without changing his face: "I can't do it, although mine is the first to arrive here."

"However, I have no ability to collect the treasures in this altar."

I didn't feel heartache when I was awakened. Isn't it the three generations of Tao fruit! Since Bai Muzhi took out one, there will definitely be a second and third one.

He doesn't need to speak, the other party will definitely give it to him.

Mr. Xue took a deep look to wake up: "Who did you learn this flattering skill from? It sucks."


The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He never thought that sending a favor would be so difficult.

At the moment, Su Xing's face blushed and said, "Well, even if I want to get this opportunity, I can't beat the Blood Lord! It's not as beautiful as an adult."

"This sentence is quite honest."

The Blood Lord paused, then said: "However, I always feel that you still have something to hide from me."

"The conscience of heaven and earth is absolutely gone." Su Xing hurriedly said. At this time, he must be beaten to death without admitting.

"I'll accept this favor." Blood Lord suddenly said.

"Ah! That's great." Su Xing couldn't help getting excited.

"You step back a little bit, the third world Dao Guo is extraordinary..." Before the blood king finished speaking, he stopped, because the awakening had fled to the entrance of the cave, the speed was fast.

Xuejun's cold face also twitched slightly.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the entire underground palace was enveloped by the rich and unparalleled atmosphere of the avenue, and the terrible waves of air were rolling endlessly, accompanied by a huge roar.

Even though he had escaped to the entrance of the cave when he was awakened, when the air wave swept over him, he was directly lifted out.

"Is it so scary?"

Although he didn't suffer much injury, he was shocked when he woke up.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that he had seriously underestimated the rarity and preciousness of the three generations of Tao fruit.

"Senior White's action is too generous!"

"It looks like I want to refine the three generations of Dao Guo, and I still need Senior Bai's assistance. She shouldn't refuse, eh! Maybe it's already arranged."

When Su Xing was muttering to himself, one was suddenly frightened, and Bai Muzhi appeared beside him at some unknown time.

"Senior White, when you show up next time, can you say hello in advance?" Su Xing said with a grudge on his face.

"This can scare you too!" Bai Muzhi chuckled lightly.

"I wasn't really scared, I was worried that Lord Blood had noticed your existence." Su Xing said.

"Don't worry! That person now needs to refining the three generations of Dao Guo with all his strength, so he has no time to care." Bai Muzhi said indifferently.

"Ang! That's it! How long does it take?" Su Xing asked.

"I don't know." Bai Muzhi shook his head directly, seeing Su Xing's face bewildered, and couldn't help but explain: "The existence of the blood prince, nothing can be guessed by common sense."

"It is normal for ordinary people to refine the three generations of Dao Fruit for several years, or even more than ten years."

Waking up could not help being surprised, "Does it take so long?"

Bai Muzhi smiled and said, "I have said that they are ordinary people, and the Blood Lord may be able to do it in a few days."

Wake up: "Senior White, you have misunderstood what I mean. I mean, how long does it take for a person like me to refine a three-life Dao fruit?"

"You?" Bai Muzhi glanced in surprise and regained consciousness, and said, "With your current cultivation level, you can't refine the three generations of Dao Guo at all!"


Awakening was stunned.

"Furthermore, I don't have a third-generation Taoist fruit here!" Bai Mu Zhi Tan said, "That is a very precious divine object. I have only cultivated one for so many years."

"Just one? You gave it directly to Lord Blood?" Su Xing's eyes widened. This is too generous!

"Existing like her, ordinary gods, how can she be eye-catching! Must have enough weight to be remembered by her." Shiruki explained.

"Okay!" Wake up to death.

The Blood Lord is already refining the three generations of Dao Guo, and the boat is done, and he can't **** it.

"What about the second life Dao fruit, or the first life Dao fruit?" Su Xing had to retreat to the next best thing. He was afraid that Bai Muzhi would be generous, and then gave the remaining Dao fruit to Lord Blood, so he had to take the initiative to speak.

"It's still a little bit." Bai Muzhi glanced at his awakening and smiled: "But the young patriarch, Dao Guo, is only suitable for the cultivation of the **** ancestors. No matter how talented you are, it is estimated that you will need to reach the late stage of the gods to be able to do so. Forcibly refining."

"So, don't worry about Dao Guo."


Su Xing opened his mouth, speechless.

Bai Muzhi felt a little amused when he saw his waking up and deflating, and said, "But, human beings are alive, and there is no way. I can dilute the Tao fruit into a liquid. Then, the energy in the Tao fruit will be It's much gentler."

"Perhaps, the young patriarch can directly absorb refining."

Hearing this, my awakening mood finally improved a bit.

It's just that the Blood Lord directly refines the third-life Dao Fruit, and he can only get the water after the first-life Dao Fruit is diluted, and he always feels a little uncomfortable.

Anyway, we have worked so hard to get here!

Is it true that people and ghosts have different paths and need to be treated differently?


At this time, monstrous coercion broke out again in the entire underground palace.

That coercion seems to be able to directly extinguish the awakening, and the majestic energy of the three-life Tao fruit has completely exploded at this moment.

Fortunately, Shiraki Zhi took the overwhelming coercion for awakening.

"very scary!"

"Mr. Blood has absorbed the three generations of Dao Fruit, what level of strength does he have to grow to?"

Wake up with a shock.

"The strength of the blood monarch is much stronger than the black-clothed man and the gray-robed old man. Those two have just entered the level of the yin prince, and the blood prince is already a third-order yin prince."

The so-called third-order Yin Monarch is equivalent to the third-order of the gods.

With the extraordinary origins of the blood monarch, her level of combat power must have surpassed the level of her own cultivation level, and really duel with others, I am afraid that even Tier 4 Yin Lord, and even Tier 5 Yin Lord, are not her opponents.

After a few hours, the energy in the underground palace gradually subsided.

"It's worthy of that level of existence! Sure enough, it cannot be inferred by common sense. It is so fast that it can refine the Tao fruit of the three generations."

There was also a shock in Bai Muzhi's eyes. She quickly awakened and said: "Young patriarch, I will leave first. The Blood Lord has gained tremendous benefits and must remember your favor."

"You can ask her to get rid of the Lord of Darkness, just saying that it will open up a way out for you."

After speaking, Shiraki's figure disappeared.

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