Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3248: Sanshi Daoguo

The third thousandth chapter three hundred and forty-eight

Awakening can naturally understand Shiraki's thoughts. The latter is justified in doing so.

It's just that, why did you miss the Blood Lord?

Shiraki Zhi is not like that kind of person who can make mistakes on this kind of problem.

"Young patriarch, are all those people your friends?" Bai Muzhi asked.

"No, the three Yin Monarchs are all evil people, no, they are evil spirits." Suwaken said without hesitation.

I have to say that the eyesight of the blood king is still very old, and sure enough, if you wake up, you can't believe it, not only deceiving women, but even female ghosts.

What did not kill her.

I just didn't dare to expose it.

No, the fox's tail is all exposed.

"Are you referring to the old man in gray, the man in black, and the woman in red?" Bai Muzhi asked. She had clearly seen the problem a long time ago.

From the time when the group of people awakened and stepped into the ancient continent, she had been watching secretly.

Therefore, she is very aware of the contradiction between Awakening and the three. The reason why she asked one more question just now was just to confirm it at the end.

"Yes!" Su Xing nodded.

"But as far as I know, the woman in red doesn't seem to have much killing intent on the young patriarch?" Bai Muzhi asked.

"But she also used me as cannon fodder." Su Xing said.

"That's true." Bai Muzhi paused, and then said: "Young patriarch, why don't you turn into a jade with the woman in red?"

"Huh?" Su Xing looked confused, not understanding why Bai Muzhi wanted to say that.

"The other two, I can help the young patriarch solve them, but for the woman in red, the young patriarch still chooses to befriend her, or it will be good for the young patriarch in the future." Bai Muzhi said.

"What is the origin of the blood king?"

How clever he was to wake up, he immediately noticed something was wrong in Bai Muzhi's tone.

"It may have a great origin." Bai Muzhi nodded.

"The origin of Tianda?" Su Xing was startled, he couldn't see through the cultivation realm of Bai Muzhi, but as a Taoist couple who was a clear and clean Taoist, how could he be a general generation?

At least, a large number of gods and yin lords can be destroyed with a wave of hands.

People like her must have a very high vision.

She can be said to be the origin of heaven, then the origin of the blood prince, it is very likely that it is truly earth-shaking.

This made the awakening unexpected.

He knew that the Blood Lord had an extraordinary origin, but he did not expect that extraordinary had reached this level.

"I don't know the specific origin. The breath on her body is particularly obscure. It should be a lack of memory and has a complicated experience. However, she should be related to the few outstanding women in the ancient times."

Bai Muzhi paused, and then said: "Those women, some of them had competed with the empress for beauty."

"Is it so powerful?"

Su Xing's face changed. What a character his mother was back then, a woman who could compete with her, even if she was defeated in the end, it was extraordinary. Although defeat was glorious, no one would dare to despise it.

"Can you be more specific?" Su Xing asked.

"No." Bai Muzhi shook his head: "I can't see too much, I can only vaguely, there is a feeling, young patriarch, we still don't want to provoke such existence."

"You know, the centipede is dead but not stiff."

"What's more, those existences have already reached the level of gong participating in good fortune. Even if they are now down, they may rise again someday. Everything about them cannot be inferred according to common sense."

"So, why don't the young patriarch go for a good relationship?"

Wake up and nodded: "Senior White, what you said is very reasonable. In fact, I also think that at the first sight of the blood king, we cultivators naturally have to do things according to our hearts and follow the will of God!"

Shiraki smiled, not surprised.

The female emperor's personality jumped off, awakening as the other's own flesh and blood, there must be some inheritance in personality, and a thicker skin is really normal.

"It shouldn't be too late, I'll make arrangements for the young patriarch now, and by the way, I also give a favor to the blood king."

Bai Muzhi moves very fast, she just looks old, with her cultivation strength, in fact, she will not really age at all, at least she will not die of old age.

The scenery in front of him changed rapidly, and when he opened his eyes again, he appeared on a huge altar.

The location of the altar is a huge underground palace.

A huge chain stretched out from the mountain wall, fixing the altar in midair.

And on a certain mountain wall, there is a huge hole.

Soon after, the graceful figure of Xuejun appeared at the entrance of the cave, and she found it at a glance, standing on the altar with her back facing her awakening.


The blood king tapped his toes, like a glimpse of floating light, and appeared beside him in a flash.

"Are you okay?"

Mr. Xue looked at his awakening in surprise.

"Under that white light, I was randomly teleported into a maze. When I walked out, I appeared here. How did the blood king come?"

Awakening will have long thought out the rhetoric and said it.

"According to what you said before you disappeared, I have been walking along the cave, and finally came here." The Blood Lord looked up and down to wake up: "You are not in danger?"

"Fortunately! This cave should be a very huge secret palace."

"The purpose is to trap people here."

Su Xing said his "conjecture".

"In this way, your friends should be safe for the time being." Blood Jundao.

"This is a blessing in misfortune." Su Xing said with emotion, pointing to the center of the altar, and said: "Look at the blood lord, what the altar is sealed off seems to be a kind of treasure."

In the center of the altar, a red fruit looks simple and unpretentious.

The only peculiar thing is that there are three marks on the fruit.

However, Lord Blood's gaze flickered: "This is the Taoist Fruit of the Third Generation?"

"Three generations of Tao fruit?"

"What is that thing?"

Wake up curiously.

"Tao fruit is something that is hard to find in the world. After experiencing the reincarnation of the three generations, Dao Yun has accumulated and possessed extraordinary energy, which has countless benefits for the cultivator."

Xuejun murmured.

She actually didn't know these words before.

But the moment I saw the Tao Guo of the three generations, I remembered it and blurted out.

"Since the Blood Lord is so familiar with these three generations of Dao Fruit, please pick it!" Su Xing said.

"You don't want to get it?" Mr. Xue awakened with a surprised glance. As far as she knew, the latter was not a good person willing to give away the opportunity.

What's more, they are not yet familiar with each other and have no friendship.

"The sword is a gift to the hero, the treasure of opportunity, naturally, it is also for the destined person!" Su Xing found an excuse, naturally he couldn't directly say that this three-life Tao fruit was deliberately arranged by Bai Muzhi to give it to the blood king Yours!

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