Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2203: Charge skyfire

Chapter 2203 Collecting Skyfire

Compared with the surrounding sky monsters, awakening is as small as an ant.

However, within that seemingly small body, it exuded a tyrannical aura, completely overwhelming the other sky demon beasts, and punching it out was even more shocking.

The sky demon beast resembling a lion smashed several large mountains in succession and fell into a basin, covered with countless wounds, gushing out pillar-like blood water, and soon stained the basin red.


"Human, you are looking for death!"

"kill him."

The other sky monsters, including the Golden God Sky Eagle, fell into a state of rage.

The Golden God Skyhawk opened its huge golden beak and sprayed out a large swath of sharp golden light, rushing to wake up.

The other sky monsters also launched attacks one after another.

The mighty divine power screamed and raged, completely submerging the awakened figure, and this mountain forest was shaking violently, the earth cracked, the mountain forest collapsed, and the soil and rocks melted, as if the end is coming.

However, none of the attacks really came close to waking up.

With him as the center, within a radius of a thousand feet, a tyrannical forbidden domain is formed, and any attack that falls into it will be invisible.


The awakened figure ejected and slammed its foot on the back of the Golden God Sky Eagle. The power of ninety thousand dragons exploded, and the Golden God Sky Eagle fell like a meteorite and hit the ground fiercely.

In his body, the internal organs and other organs were shattered in an instant.

After a while, he awoke and stepped away from the messy mountain forest. The ten sky monsters that surrounded him had been killed by him, and he put the body into a storage bag.

And shortly after waking up and leaving, many behemoths descended on this mountain forest, and there was a terrifying fierce power that enveloped the world.

The cloud mist was pushed away, and a giant silver wolf stepped out.

It is ten thousand feet long, covered with silver hair, and its head is as big as a mountain, and its silver eyes exudes a dazzling light, like two groups of thunder.

"See Sir Sirius."

All the sky monsters around, all bowed and bowed.

The silver giant wolf is a demon lord, a "Silver Moon Heavenly Wolf".

"Get up!"

Yinyue Sirius uttered words, his whole body shone, his body shrank quickly, and he quickly transformed into a middle-aged man, wearing a silver robe, full of silver hair, and even his pupils.

He looked at this mountain forest, in his silver eyes, a hint of cold light appeared, and he murmured: "I feel the breath of the forbidden law domain. It seems that a physical **** has come to this cloud area, you Go and tell Master Shendie about this matter."


Awakening followed the source of the high temperature, and after more than half an hour, finally arrived near Yangling Volcano.

Looking up, the clouds and fog in this area have become very thin, and the visibility far exceeds that of other places.

Thousands of miles away, stands a huge volcano, the mountain is extremely majestic, the mountain pass is gushing with fire, exudes terrifying high temperature, even if it is far away, wake up and feel a sense of heart palpitations.

It seems that even if he gets close to the volcano, he will be melted away, which is incredible.

Wake hid in the clouds and mist, did not show up, observing the surroundings.

Soon after, Dongguo Rumo, Lu Xingfeng, Gongsunlan, Xuanxu Taoist, and Huizheng, led their troops to this area.

They occupies a position to the west, separated by a distance, watching each other help.

On the east side, ten huge figures appeared one after another, exuding monstrous fierce might, lined up, they were ten beast masters.

In front of them, there are eight figures standing, which are eight demon masters.

Among them, the Silver Moon Sirius was impressively listed.

But it is not in the middle position.

In that middle position, standing was a young man wearing a cyan gown, handsome and handsome, with a very unique temperament, giving people a stalwart and powerful feeling.

He is also a transcendent divine butterfly, the brother of the colorful divine butterfly.

Moreover, he has cultivated to become a six-color divine butterfly, the most powerful demon lord in the Cangyi Mountains.

The human race and the monster beast are facing each other across Yangling Volcano.

Even if Dong Guo entered the ink and looked at the Six-Colored Divine Butterfly who became a young man, he felt pressure.

"Humans are not qualified to walk into the Cangyi Mountains, either leave now or die." Silvermoon Sirius spoke first, making no secret of his killing intent, with a strong attitude.

"Really?" Dong Guo didn't care about entering the ink, and said with a faint smile: "I would like to advise you demon masters and beast owners, it is not a wise choice to start a confrontation in such a place."

"Dong Guo Shinephew made sense. We should first collect Yangling Tianhuo by our own ability! If you want to fight, wait until you leave here." Lu Xingfeng also said.

"Yes!" Liucai Divine Butterfly nodded, preventing other demon masters and beast masters from continuing.

The power contained in Yangling Volcano is extremely dangerous. Fighting in this kind of place will cause the Yangling Volcano to erupt, and no one will be able to get any benefit.


Suddenly, a fiery flame rose from the crater, flying towards the west.

A master of the Northern Sky Ranking of Nine Star God Kingdom, with quick eyes and quick hands, immediately greeted him.

As soon as his body touched the flames, it ignited spontaneously. He seemed to have suffered a great deal of pain, and he let out a scream.

But in less than a few breaths, the screams stopped abruptly, because the North Sky ranking master had been wiped out, and even the soul, could not escape.

Lu Xingfeng's eyes sank slightly, and he said to the people of the nine-star kingdom of God beside him: "Yangling Tianhuo is very dangerous. If you can't subdue them, you will be burned to ashes. Everyone should do what they can."

"I'll try it!"

The prince of the Nine Star God Kingdom, Lu Hanfei rushed out.

A large radiant divine brilliance rose from his body, condensed into nine huge stars, besieged the sun and sky fire, and refined it step by step.

After a while, Yang Ling Tianhuo became more docile, and Lu Han approached the past.

By the time Lu Hanfei returned, he had already refined the sun-spirited sky fire, and his face could not hide his joy.

The other nearby North Sky ranking masters cast their enviable eyes.

Yangling Tianhuo can refine cultivation base, physical body, etc., for divine cultivation, it has many benefits.

Soon, there was fire rushing out of the mountain pass. This time, five yangling sky fires flew out. Three of them flew to the east and the other two flew to the west.

To the east, two beast masters and one demon master rushed out, refining Yangling Tianhuo.

In the west, Gongsun Run and Sankong Taoist rushed out.

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