Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2204: Refining Yang Spirit Mother Fire

The 2204th Chapter Refining Yang Spirit Mother Fire

Knowing that Yangling Tianhuo is very dangerous, those who dared to try it are not ordinary people.

For example, Gongsun Run and Sankong Daoist are talented and are the successors of their respective forces.

Also like those beast masters and demon masters, they are quite strong.

Next, a large number of Yang Ling Tianhu flew out.

The human race and the monster beast respectively rushed out from the strong to carry out refining.

About an hour later, there were a total of more than 100 creatures refining Yangling Tianhuo, but only more than 50 succeeded, and the rest all ended in defeat.

The difficulty of refining Yangling Tianhuo has once again refreshed everyone's understanding.

Among them, the most dazzling performance are several powerful demon masters, as well as the three of Xuanxu Dao Master, Huizhen Divine Master, and Gongsun Lan, each of whom has refined five or more Yang Ling Tianhuo.

Especially the Silver Moon Sky Wolf, which has refined eight Dao Yang Ling Tianhuo, and its terrifying strength surprised everyone.

However, Liu Cai Shendie, Dong Guo Rumo, and Lu Xingfeng have not acted until now.

The Yangling Heavenly Fire that is emerging now is just a "child fire", they don't look at it, they are all trying to collect a more powerful "mother fire".

The effect of the Yang Spirit Mother Fire in tempering the body is many times stronger than that of the Zi Huo.

Moreover, you can take the opportunity to comprehend the Heavenly Fire Taoism, blend into the attack, and have endless magical uses.


Suddenly, a huge roar came from the crater.

Then four or five groups of scarlet fire clouds rushed out and flew in all directions.

Each cloud of fire contains terrifying power. Wherever it passes, even the clouds are evaporated in large areas, and the stones on the ground are quickly melted away and turned into broad lava fields.

Six-color Divine Butterfly, Dong Guo Entering Mo, and Lu Xingfeng moved immediately.

Each of the three chose a group of scarlet fire clouds and quickly pursued them.

The Six-Colored Divine Butterfly is the fastest, and its body transforms into a glaze color, and a large six-color divine light is shot out from the hand, which hits the crimson fire cloud.

Then even the powerful six-color sacred light, before it got close to the fire cloud, was quickly distorted and scattered by the terrifying heat.

It is absolutely extremely difficult to conquer the fire of the Yang Spirit.

Even if it is the Six-Colored Divine Butterfly, if you are not careful, there will be a danger of falling.

When Lu Xingfeng raised his hand, nine dazzling stars were also shot. This was the Nine-Star God Kingdom’s Nine-Star God Nation’s Nine-Star God Nation’s Nine-Star God State’s Nine-Star God Nation’s Divine Art, Nine-Star Destruction God’s Art, and a Heavenly-Granted Divine Art.

The same is the Nine Star God Destruction Technique, which was displayed in the hands of Lu Xingfeng, completely different from the power displayed by Lu Han.

The nine stars shine brightly, exuding majestic coercion, and their momentum is extremely spectacular.

However, even with the Nine Star Destroying Technique, facing the Sun Spirit Mother Fire, it was unable to cause a rainbow-like crushing force. The nine bright stars burned into a raging fire, as if they were about to turn into flying ash.

In the other direction, beside Dong Guo entering the ink, there were five corpses of gods, each of which exuded majestic coercion, and they were all the powers of the **** master realm during his lifetime.

Dongguo entered the ink and controlled five corpses, rushing towards a cloud of fire formed by the cremation of the Yang Spirit Mother.

Every **** corpse raised its hand to attack, besieging the fire of the Yang Spirit Mother.

But soon, the bodies of the five corpses were also covered with a layer of scarlet flames, which burned blazingly. If they hadn't died long ago, they couldn't perceive the pain, and it would be unbearable to change to a normal god.

After getting rid of Dongguo Rumo, Lu Xingfeng, and Liucai Divine Butterfly, the others did not dare to try to subdue the Yang Spirit Mother Fire and stayed in place, waiting for the result.

And the three of Dongguo entering Mo just stopped the fire of the Three Dao Yang Spirit Mother.

There are still two yang spirit mother fires, which are now raging in the clouds and flying towards the distance.

Along the way, all the creatures are far away, afraid to approach.

At this time, he awakened from hiding in the dark, took a step forward, displayed rapid speed, and caught up with one of the yang spirit mother fire. He quickly released the dark divine current and enveloped the sun spirit mother fire.

Then, it flew towards another Yang Spirit Mother Fire.

In such a posture, he actually wanted to subdue two Yang Spirit Mother Fires in one go.

No one dared to approach at all, and there were clouds and mist covering their souls, otherwise, other people would definitely drop their jaws when they saw this scene.

This courage is a bit too much.


After waking up to the second Yang Spirit Mother Fire, his expression was abnormally calm, and the sword light roared out like a tide between his hands.

At the same time, he controlled the dark divine flow with one heart and two uses, refining the first Yang Spirit Mother Fire.

The Dark Divine Flow is extremely special, and Yang Spirit Mother Fire can hardly obtain it, but has been gradually suppressed.

If it weren't for awakening the current dark gods currently under his control, the number is not too much, he can completely incorporate the two Yang spirit mother fires into the dark gods, and that will save a lot of trouble.

The sharp sword energy quickly melted away after approaching the second Yang Spirit Mother Fire, and it was impossible to form a suppressing effect.

"Is it so stubborn?" Awakening calmly, three simple imprints appeared in the palms of the palms, and they were shot with one palm. The three imprints were divided into three directions and appeared beside the second Yang Spirit Mother Fire.


In each mark, a majestic aura of power is exuded, intertwined and connected to each other, forming a unique field, which completely immobilizes the second Yang Spirit Mother Fire.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Awaken swallowed the two yang spirit mother fires into his body.

Even if the Yang Spirit Mother Fire at this time has become a lot more docile, the high temperature they emit is also extremely terrifying, and it is simply unbearable for ordinary divine cultivation.

However, the physical quality of awakening today has also reached a very good level.

Under the tempering of the two yang spirit mother fires, his physical quality was steadily elevated. At a certain moment, the shackles of the physical body were broken and he entered a brand new field.

At the same time, awakened and took out the Qi of the primordial origin, ran the fire to refining the gods, and quickly refining.

His physical strength grew rapidly.

A quarter of an hour later, he reached the power of one hundred thousand dragons.

Awakened and stood up, couldn't help but let out a long scream. The ninth-level physical power of the Heavenly God Realm was the power of ninety thousand dragons, and when it reached the Divine Lord realm, it was the power of one hundred thousand dragons.

It seemed that it only increased the power of ten thousand dragons, but it was a leap of qualitative change with extraordinary significance.


Su Xing stretched out his palm and gently patted it forward. Suddenly, a terrifying wave of air surged, leaving a huge gully hundreds of miles long on the ground.

"Unexpectedly, the physical body was one step ahead of the cultivation base and entered the Divine Lord Realm!" The awakening eyes were clear, but he resisted the impulse to break the cultivation base to the Divine Lord Realm.

Because he has more important things to do.

After refining the two Yang Spirit Mother Fires, his body's resistance to high temperatures reached an astonishing level. He was about to enter Yangling Volcano to see if he could receive the most powerful "Yangling Source Fire".

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