Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2202: The secret in the cloud

Chapter 2202 The Secret in the Clouds

With the palm just now, awakening did not try his best, and a lot of strength was condensed, otherwise, the colorful **** butterfly has been wiped out.

The colorful Divine Butterfly could also feel this, and the awakening at this moment gave him an unfathomable feeling, which was no different from its older brother.

The colorful **** butterfly liedly said: "Human...human, I tell you, if you dare to kill me, you can't get out of this cloud."


The response to the colorful divine butterfly was a resounding slap.

When the colorful **** butterfly's eyes came to Venus, the awakening voice rang in his ear, "Answer my question."

Such a posture completely ignored the threat of the Colorful Divine Butterfly.

Colorful Divine Butterfly also found out. Waking up is a ruthless person, threatening is useless, so he can honestly say: "What do you want to know?"

"Did all the demon masters and beast masters in the Cangyi Mountains come into the cloud?" Su Xing asked.


"How many demon masters and beast masters are there? What are you doing here?"


After being honest, the colorful Divine Butterfly quickly gave the answer he wanted to wake up.

In the Cangyi Mountains, there are a total of eighteen demon masters and beast masters.

Everyone came to this cloud and mist, looking for Yangling Tianhuo and Xuanyin Netherqi. It is said that after these two things merge, you can obtain "Yin and Yang Divine Fire."

The yin and yang divine fire can not only refine the cultivation base and the physical body, but also increase the awareness of Taoism, it can also be turned into a means of attack, and even take the opportunity to step on the yin and yang road.

"There is such a great opportunity to hide!" Su Xing was quite surprised, Yin Yang Dao, an extremely ancient divine way, no less inferior to his little Zhou Tian Dao.

Next, Suwaken learned many things from the colorful Divine Butterfly.

This cloud and fog area only emerges once every ten years, covering the original lofty mountains and ridges, and many magical places will be born. The two most important places are "Yangling Volcano" and "Xuanyin Diyuan".

Yangling Volcano was the place where Yangling Tianhuo was born, and Xuanyin Diyuan was where Xuanyin Nether Qi was born.

Although the chance of Yin and Yang Shenhuo is good, it is also extremely difficult to obtain.

After so many years, let alone getting the Yin and Yang Divine Fire, even the Yang Ling Tian Huo and the Xuan Yin Nether Qi, not many people got it, and there were many dangers.

"Have you seen any other human beings, who is a master of beast control?" Su Xing asked.

"Master of the beast!" Hearing these three words, the colorful **** butterfly couldn't help gritted his teeth and said: "That damned human has detained many demon beasts, including my two good brothers, the night bird and the wild dragon. ."

"Can you draw his face?" Su Xing asked.

"Wow!" A divine light gushed out of the colorful **** butterfly. According to his thoughts, he drew a portrait in mid-air. He was handsome and young, with a heroic appearance, and it was Xiao Du.

"How strong are your two brothers?" Su Xing asked again.

"It's not like me." Wucai God Butterfly said.

"Is Senior Brother Xiao already so good? It seems that these years, he has also had many opportunities." Su Xing couldn't help but secretly overjoy.

The two brothers of the Colorful Divine Butterfly, like them, possess the first-order power of the Divine Master Realm. Xiao Du is able to detain them, and his own strength is obviously quite strong.

"What's the relationship between you and that human beast control master?" Colorful Divine Butterfly realized that something was wrong and asked towards awakening.

"Shut up!" Su Xing snorted coldly. Although he got a lot of useful news from the colorful butterfly, it does not mean that he has a good impression of the colorful butterfly.

Everywhere the other party wanted to put him to death, if it were not strong enough, it would have been turned into a mass of ashes at this time.

"Do you know where the beast master has gone?" Su Xing asked.

"I don't know, he has disappeared since this cloud emerged." Colorful Divine Butterfly shook his head and answered honestly.

"Did it disappear?" Su Xing frowned, but no matter what, he finally learned the news of Xiao Du. Since the other party is still in this cloud, there is always a chance to meet.

"Take me to Yangling Volcano!"

Awakening escorted the colorful divine butterfly and let it lead the way.

This cloud-shrouded area is very vast, and it seriously obstructs vision, making it easy for people to get lost, and the colorful **** butterfly, the sky monster beast that has been living in the Cangyi Mountains, can obviously distinguish the direction easily.

In addition, Su Xing estimated that Dongguo Rumo and others should have a way to find Yangling Volcano. Since entering this cloud and fog area, he has never found any trace of those people, and most of them went straight to the destination.

After a few hours on the way, the temperature in the air gradually increased.

The surrounding mountains and forests were burned by high temperature, and the vegetation died, creating a desolate scene.

"Is it almost there?" Su Xing said to himself.

Suddenly, there was a sense of vigilance in his heart. With him as the center, the ground under his feet quickly swelled up amid violent shaking, and then huge objects emerged one after another.

At the same time, the surrounding clouds rolled and several black shadows covered the sky.

Su Xing looked around, and there were ten demon beasts in the sky and underground, surrounding him.

Every Heavenly Demon Beast exudes a very tyrannical aura, all possessing the cultivation base of the ninth-tier peak of the Heavenly God Realm, which is simply fierce and mighty.

In the sky, a golden eagle, with wings spread out to several thousand feet, sitting on one side, with a majestic momentum, it is a golden heavenly eagle.

The golden **** Tianying has sharp eyes and utters: "Human, let go of the second master, and leave you a whole body."

Su Xing looked at the colorful divine butterfly beside him, and said coldly, "Did you secretly ask for help?"

The colorful divine butterfly showed an arrogant color, and said nonchalantly: "There is no need to help. Near Yangling Volcano, there are some celestial beasts. If you let me lead the way, it was just a self-rejection."

"Then do you think that with these heavenly monsters, you can get me?" Su Xing squinted.

"They can't do it naturally, but once there is a big disturbance, there will naturally be a steady stream of celestial beasts hearing the news, including the demon master and the beast master, and then it will be difficult for you to get out."

Colorful Divine Butterfly looked like he was holding the overall situation, and said: "It's better to make a deal, you let me go, and I let you go."

It bears the burden of humiliation and is waiting for this moment. Once it is out of danger and has the home court advantage, there are naturally many ways to deal with awakening.

Su Xing shook his head and said, "The idea is good, but you are not qualified to make a deal with me."


He stopped talking, using the Chaos Pool to collect the Colorful Divine Butterfly, stepping on mystery steps, and actively rushing towards the heavenly monsters surrounding him.


As the awakening punched out, a sky demon beast resembling a lion flew out.

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