Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1798: Shimen at the bottom of the lake!

Chapter 1798: Shimen at the bottom of the lake!

"You return my boss, I'm going to take your cowhide and pull your beef tendon!"

Bei Xuan and Gongsun Qi's eyes were red, and they really had the heart to kill the golden bull.

Ding Xi had a cold face, and Xiao Du also had a dark face.

Even the Jade Phoenix Chicken, who has always had a good relationship with the Golden Bull, this time stood on the opposite side of the Golden Bull, as if I could not save you.

It's really this cow, this time he really played a big game, and he lost his master when he woke up.

This word spread out, and it's a horror in the world.

"If Yunmeng learns this news, will he lose his teeth?" Li Yixiao said with a black face.

"Do you still have your heart to think about this at this time?" Ding Xi's mouth twitched, and Li gave a smile.

"Quickly talk about how to save Junior Brother." Xiao Du stared at the golden bull, feeling a little pain in his brain. He had never seen such an unreliable mountain spirit.

"I think that the black ball was brought into the ancestral land of the Heishui tribe. The ancestral land of the Heishui tribe is a secret palace. The entrance is a stone gate, which should be at the bottom of the lake. We can find it." Niu said.

"Didn't you say that the memory is fuzzy before, and you can't remember the others after removing the Heishui Clan and Beitian Heishui Great Array?" Ding Xi said suspiciously.

"Now my mind is clear." Golden Bull saw other people, mostly unbelieving eyes, and said anxiously: "I really didn't lie to you this time."

"That said, you deliberately deceived Old Su to display the kingdom of water?" Li Yixiao stared at the golden bull with malicious intent.

"...Actually, I just want to see what changes will happen after the Realm of Mizusawa is deployed. I didn't expect the dark divine power here to react so intensely."

Seeing that the other people were about to kill him again, the golden bull hurriedly said: "Don't mess around, the overall situation is the most important thing. Our top priority is to rescue him first."

The latter sentence is recognized by everyone.

Before waking up and disappearing, although he was furious and bad, he was full of breath. It didn't sound like he was in the black ball. What danger was encountered, it was more like the black ball was going to take him somewhere.

However, this place is full of crises and weird everywhere. Wake up is taken away inexplicably. Everyone still has no idea, worrying that he will encounter other dangers.

"Where is the stone gate leading to the secret palace of the Heishui Clan?" Xiao Du asked.

"After the Beitian Black Water Array is activated, no matter which direction we go, we will eventually reach the stone gate." Golden Bull said.

"It's so simple?" Li Yi smiled, he always felt that this bull was still unreliable.

"Golden Bull, anyway, Junior Brother Su is your master, if something goes wrong with him, it won't be a good thing to Kunxu Peak, it will damage everything, do you understand?" Xiao Du said seriously.

"Yes! Old Niu, why do you continue to pit us?" Yuhuangji said too.

"What I said this time is true..." Golden Bull opened his mouth and said again: "But the stone gate is difficult to open, and there is danger near the stone gate."

"You bull, you really didn't have a good heart. If you cheat Lao Su, do you want to cheat us?" Hearing this, Li Yixiao suddenly cursed.

After scolding, I found that I had some problems with speaking.

What does it mean to pit Lao Su?

Bei Xuan and Gongsun Qi were the first to be unhappy, and they said they were good brothers.

"Ahem, don't care about the details, let's let this cow talk about the danger near the Shimen!" Li Yi smiled.

"Blackwater God Guard!"

"Shimen is guarded by black water gods!"

"It's the people of the Black Water Clan. They can't enter without permission. Once outsiders break through, they will inevitably encounter a crazy attack from the Black Water God Guard."

The Golden Bull was very refreshing this time and explained what he knew.

"Isn't the Hei Shui Clan gone? How come there is a Hei Shui Guardian? Isn't it your alarmist talk?" Li Yi smiled.

"The Black Water Race is gone, and the Black Water Guards must also exist, because they are not creatures at all, but idol puppets." The Golden Bull stared at Li Yi with a cold smile, and said: "If you think it is alarmist, you will come later. One rushes up."

"...Fart! You'll know if you look at it in the past." Li Yixiao said without showing weakness.

"Let's go! We have already delayed a lot of time, Yunmeng may send someone to come, we better seize the opportunity." Xiao Du made a decisive decision and set off first.

Everyone quickly followed.

As the Beitian Black Water Array disrupted the rules of space, it was relatively easy to reach Shimen.

But this large lake is too vast. After flying for a short time, everyone arrived at Shimen. On the undulating bottom of the lake, there stands a very majestic stone gate, which is tens of thousands of meters high.

The ancient stone gate pillars are carved with many runes, giving people a very mysterious and strange taste.

The stone gate is closed, surrounded by magma cracks, extending far away.

With Shimen as the center, the lake is crowded out, forming a unique area.

"Where is Heishui Divine Guard?" Li Yixiao glanced at the golden bull and said lightly.

"Look at it for yourself!" The golden bull took off a horn, turned it into a sharp sword, and shot it at Shimen. After a while, black light burst out from the magma cracks near the Shimen.

The black light was extremely fast, like black lightning, instantly smashed on the horned sword, but the horned sword was extremely strong and was not destroyed, but was blown out.

The golden bull took the opportunity to withdraw the horned sword, and the black light did not pursue it. It stopped in place, revealing its figure. It was a black **** like ink, generally about three feet tall.

What is even more surprising is that the divine power fluctuations emanating from the gods are very profound and vast, and they are all in the heavenly gods.

"These are just a few ordinary blackwater guards. Among those magma cracks, there are a lot of these ordinary blackwater guards, and there are even more powerful blackwater guards."

The golden man took a new pause, and then said: "The most terrifying thing is that the black water guards are in crisis, and they can spur the power of the northern sky black water formation at the expense of themselves, so many people go to die."

Everyone fell silent, and the difficulty of opening the stone gate was much greater than imagined. More precisely, it was almost impossible to do so.

"Is there no other way?" Bei Xuan asked.

"No! Only waiting for Shimen to open automatically." Golden Bull shook his head.

"Automatically open? Do you think it is possible?" Li Yixiao rolled his eyes.

"Possibly!" The golden bull nodded, seeing everyone looking puzzled, and then said: "The activation of the Beitian Black Water Array itself is a sign that Shimen is about to open."

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