Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1799: Lihuo Sect Water Cloud View!

The first thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine chapters Lihuo Zong Shuiyun Guan!

"Are you sure?" Xiao Du asked.

For the answer of the golden bull, everyone still remains skeptical.

It's really that this cow's previous performance is too unreliable, and he likes to hide privately. I don't know how many secrets are in the cow's belly. If it weren't for awakening and being lost, it is estimated that even Shimen would not be said.

As for the fuzzy memory in the mouth of the golden man, everyone will not even believe a stroke, what is not good to play, but amnesia, can you be a little creative?

"Yes!" said the golden bull urn, and the bull head kept nodding.

"Then wait!" Xiao Du looked at the others, Li Yixiao shrugged, Ding Xi frowned, Bei Xuan and Gongsun Qi looked blank, and Jade Phoenix Chicken remained silent.

There is no better way, everyone can only choose to wait.

However, you can't just wait foolishly. It's not nothing to do. First of all, you should be familiar with the surrounding environment. The quaint Shimen is tall and boundless, and the surrounding area is naturally very vast.

The lake is isolated from the soul and the eyesight is severely blocked. In this case, checking the surrounding environment can play a preventive role.

Secondly, everyone knows that Yunmeng has suffered such a big loss this time and will definitely not let it go. Now that everyone is trapped in an unknown place and cannot leave, this gives Yunmeng an excellent opportunity for revenge.

In addition, the Northern Sky Black Water Array makes all those who step into the Great Lakes eventually arrive at Shimen. Once the Cloud Alliance strikes, they will inevitably collide, so some preparations must be made.

Otherwise, it is very likely that it will be his turn to suffer a big loss.

The Yun League has a profound background, and even if the dark guards are dead, they still have power to use, but everyone is different, they are all close friends, and no one wants to see anyone fall.

Dingxi, Beixuan, and Gongsunqi formed a search team, and the golden bull and the jade phoenix were teamed up to investigate the surrounding environment.

Li Yixiao began to portray the spell.

Ding Xi's figure rose. On the way, everyone had discovered that ascending and descending in the big lake would not be affected by the Northern Sky Black Water Array.

In addition, at a height of about 100,000 meters, the sky monsters would not be pressured by that invisible aura.

Ding Xi quickly got in touch with the Sky Monster Beasts under his control, allowing those Sky Monster Beasts to lurch at a height of 100,000 meters for coping purposes.

Once encountering an attack from the Cloud Alliance, everyone can quickly ascend and use the Sky Monster Beast to protect themselves.

After a short while, everyone was busy.

At this time, a large number of figures gradually appeared in the waters near Shimen. There were individuals with profound cultivation in the Celestial Divine Realm, as well as large forces gathered together, making this area of ​​waters lively and extraordinary.

Among them, there are two forces, the most eye-catching.

A powerful force was led by a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man wore a fiery red armor with a strong sense of majesty between his brows. His body was stalwart, and his divine power fluctuated greatly.

The other force was led by a middle-aged woman. The woman wore a long aqua-blue dress with a feminine meaning.

The most eye-catching thing is that the woman holds a black jade bottle in her hand, which is filled with unusual fluctuations. It is obviously a very powerful artifact. The lone spiritual practitioners nearby are watching The dark blue jade bottle could not hide the fear in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, Li Huo Sect and Shui Yun Guan both sent people to this unknown place."

"Moreover, there is a land elder leading the team. The land elder Tian Yan of Lihuo Sect, and the land elder Shui Wuyue of Shui Yunguan, the cultivation base of these two people has reached at least the seventh stage of the heavenly god."

"A person who can become a land grade elder has a combat power far surpassing his cultivation base, and he is bound to enter the ranks of the Second Tribulation."

"It is rumored that the reason why the Lihuo Sect and Shuiyunguan established the sect near the Diyou riverbed was to obtain the treasure in the Diyou riverbed. Now that the news of the treasure has just spread, the two sects dispatched the land elders. , It seems that the rumors are true."


The lone spiritual practitioners around are whispering.

Their eyes focused on the man in the fire-red **** armor and the woman in the aqua blue dress.

Among them, the man's name is Tian Yan, who is the elder of Lihuo Sect, and the woman is named Shui Wuyue, who is the elder of Shuiyunguan.

Both the Huo Sect and the Shuiyun Temple control nearly ten lands of the gods. They are the two most powerful sects near the Diyou riverbed.

Their every move naturally attracted attention.

Since the unknown place in the Diyou Riverbed, the news that the treasure was present came out, both the Lihuo Sect and Shuiyunguan have attached great importance to them, and let the nearby land elders lead the team at the fastest speed.

The elders of the sect forces of the Northern God Realm are generally divided into three ranks: Person, Earth, and Heaven, corresponding to the elders of the First Xuantian, Second Xuantian, and San Xuantian of Fengwu Blessed Land.

Although the Celestial Grade elders of other sects are hard to compare with the Three Profound Sky Elders of Fengwu Fudi, they are also quite extraordinary. For example, Tian Yan and Shui Wuyue, their combat power levels have basically reached the Celestial God Realm. Nine levels.

The lone spiritual practitioners present there are many powerful, but compared with Tian Yan and Shui Wuyue, there are still some gaps. What's more, the overall strength of the people led by the two should not be underestimated.

But the temptation of treasures made the lone spiritual practitioners not retreat, and wanted to fight for it. After all, who had the chance to win, also had the element of luck. If luck is good, even if the strength is a little less, it may be possible to get the chance.

Furthermore, even if you don't get the greatest opportunity, following Li Huo Sect and Shui Yun Guan, picking up some leaks, and getting a little chance is a good harvest.

Tian Yan and Shui Wuyue also understood the thoughts of these lone spiritual practitioners, but did not stop them.

As a result, even if they combined the strengths of their two families, it would be difficult to complete the clearance.

Secondly, they are well aware of the power of the Black Shui Clan, and this process of obtaining opportunities is bound to be dangerous. With the help of these lone spiritual practitioners, their pressure will be much less.

Thirdly, they also knew that after the news spread this time, it would definitely attract the power that made them jealous, the magic door.

The gazes of Tian Yan and Shui Wuyue fell on each other's body in unison.

"Shui Wuyue, have we not seen each other for decades?" Tian Yan said with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, "I don't know how much your strength has grown in these decades."

"You can try it." Shui Wuyue said blankly.

Hearing this, the lonely spiritual practitioners around, their eyes lit up.

It is not difficult to see that Tian Yan and Shui Wuyue are old opponents.

As for the treasure this time, they both have the determination to win, and regard each other as their biggest rivals. Both sides want to try something, but they have scruples.

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