Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1797: You return me to wake up!

The first thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven chapters, you return me to wake up!

The bottom of the lake!

As the arms stretched out after waking up, the surrounding lake quickly fell into restlessness, and numerous bubbles appeared.

A slender divine light spilled from the body of the awakening body, densely covering the surroundings, which made him and this water area inextricably linked.

In the waters, the laws of the water system are extremely strong, and the speed of awakening and displaying the waters of the kingdom is much faster. In addition, the power that can erupt is even more powerful.

It’s a pity that there are a lot of dark divine laws in this area of ​​water, making his control of the waters unable to achieve a perfect state of freedom. Otherwise, the power of the Mizusawa kingdom will reach an extremely exaggerated degree.

When I was in the ancestral city, the water system and Shinto laws there were full of richness. At that time, he awakened and used the waters of the kingdom, exerting power far beyond his own.

"If Mizusawa Kingdom can also control the dark divine power in the waters, its power must be very powerful. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to achieve this."

Su Xing shook his head and felt calmly.

Although the Golden Bull gave him the impression that he was not reliable, there should be nothing false about the origins of the Black Aquarium and Aquarium. Then, with the Shui Ze Nation, the Shui Ze Nation might really have something to gain by virtue of the Shui Zu clan magic.


Suddenly, the dark divine power in the surrounding waters fell into a violent state.

In the magma cracks at the bottom of the lake, the black mist flooded out to wake up.

They did react to the aura of the aquatic kingdom, but it was more like a shark smelling blood, and a hungry tiger seeing its prey, with a vicious meaning.

"Old Su, stop!" Li Yixiao's face changed slightly.

But in fact, without him reminding him, he was aware of the abnormal awakening and stopped using the Kingdom of Mizusawa. However, the power of the dark divine way here has been traced to the source and locked him.


The awakened body surface was dazzling with divine light, resisting the power of the dark divine way, but it was only temporary. More and more dark powers poured in at an extremely fast speed, making him more and more pressured.

From the outside, the dark divine power that awakens around has formed a huge black ball, which envelops him and cannot escape.


Xiao Du roared. Although he couldn't control the beast here, he also possessed the third-order cultivation base of the Heavenly God Realm. After the full explosion, his momentum was extremely good.

The dazzling divine light rolled down, and the power that belonged to the law and will whizzed horizontally and horizontally, trying to tear the huge black ball and fish out the awakening from it.

However, even Xiao Du's attack only dimmed one side of the black ball, and the black smoke was weaker, but it couldn't tear it apart.


Li Yixiao moved his fists together.

At this moment, his true cultivation base was revealed, the ninth level of the true god.

Moreover, Li Yixiao also comprehend the law of will.

The vastness of the breath rushed from his body like a tide, and the fist beams burst out with dazzling light, containing shocking power, evaporating a large amount of lake water and killing a huge black ball.

This blow caused the huge black ball to violently shake a few times, and the black smoke once again weakened a large layer, but it still did not completely tear.


Ding Xi took out his sword, and the law of death aura shrouded like a shadow of death.

Even in the process, he had already put on the Heavenly God Royal Dragon Armor, but even a sword that used all his strength only left a small gap on the black ball.

Bei Xuan and Gongsun Qi are also making shots.

They are the lowest strength in the field, but at this time, with more strength, the chance of resuscitation is even greater.

Even the jade phoenix chicken was spreading out with large dark golden flames.

"Niu Ye's Invincible Sword Art!"

The golden barbarians stood up, and the two horns got out of the body and flew out, turning into two extremely sharp swords, standing fiercely on the black ball.

The attack that gathered the power of everyone, even if it was the existence of the hall master of the dark hall, he did not dare to resist head-on, but the black ball resisted it.

The black smoke on its surface became thinner and thinner, but after all, it was not completely torn apart.

And the awakening in it, even though it is also erupting, but the seemingly weak layer of black smoke is countless times stronger than the copper wall and the iron wall, and it cannot penetrate at all.

Moreover, when everyone's attacks were annihilated, a large amount of black smoke would soon be filled to restore the original weakness.

What's more terrible is that the black smoke actually envelops the awakening and descends downwards, trying to escape into the magma crack.

"Hold it up!"

Xiao Du rushed out for the first time and swept under the huge black ball, trying to lift the whole black ball.

Li Yixiao, Ding Xi, Bei Xuan, Gongsun Qi, Huang Jin Niu, and Jade Phoenix Rooster rushed over when they saw this. This really worked.

The black ball was held up by everyone and did not continue to fall.

However, as more and more dark divine powers converge into the black ball, the volume of the black ball becomes larger and larger, and the pressure that everyone feels also increases rapidly, and soon, their faces rise. Red, showing signs of not supporting.

"You hide, you will be led into the magma crack if this goes on." The voice of awakening came from the black ball.

"Stop talking nonsense! Find a way to escape." Ding Xi roared.

"It's useless! I have used even the Forbidden God Realm. The dark divine laws here are too rich." Su Xing sounded with a somewhat depressed voice.


Amid the terrifying loud noise, more and more black **** of dark divine power were gathered, and they suddenly pressed downward, directly blasting Xiao Du, Li Yixiao and others out.

In the next moment, the black ball fell rapidly and plunged into a magma crack.

"Golden Bull, your uncle!"

Awakening sound came out from the magma fissure with a bit of agitated voice.


Everyone returned with dusty heads and faces, gathered again, and shot again one by one, trying to rush into the magma cracks, only to find that there was a strong barrier to protect those magma cracks, and they could not pass through.

"Let's not waste our efforts. The magma cracks are the formation pattern of the Beitian Black Water Array. If the Beitian Black Water Array cannot be broken, it is impossible to enter the inside of the formation." Golden Bull said.

Si Yeli fell into silence, and everyone did not continue to do useless work, but everyone stared at the golden bull with bad eyes, as if to say, "You still I wake up."


The golden bull's body trembled. He also knew that this time the game was too big. If it hadn't been for his suggestion, he wouldn't be able to use the kingdom of water when waking up, and the strange scene just now wouldn't happen.

"After slaughtering this cow, I wanted to taste beef bone soup!" Li Yixiao said viciously.

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