Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1346: Devour Domineering Heart!

In the eyes of most people, the most powerful thing about the starry sky tyrants lies in their physical hegemony, which is unparalleled in the world.

However, above the Naha body, there is actually a theory of hegemony.

Cultivated into a dominant body, the physical strength is unmatched.

Cultivation into a domineering mind, Dao Fa Tiancheng.

You Xuan possesses a domineering mind, and his perception of Dao Fa is much easier than other martial arts, so he can cultivate the sixth chapter of sword intent.

In addition, hegemony itself is also an extremely terrifying means of attack.

In the void, that domineering heart was like a big sun, exuding extremely terrifying power fluctuations, and the surrounding light was even distorted.

People looked shocked.

Although most people don't understand what Tyrant Mind is, from the extremely terrifying power fluctuations, it is not difficult to see that Tyrant Mind is mostly extremely extraordinary, and it is a thing against the sky.

Wake's eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression was unconsciously solemn. From the top of his domineering mind, he felt a very dangerous breath of palpitation, knowing that if this blow could not be taken, he might even be in danger of death.

"It seems that I can only use that trick."

Su Xing's heart was awe-inspiring, the Star Overlord Clan was indeed extraordinary, and You Xuan was even more of a leader among the overlord, and a life enemy.


He breathed out a suffocating breath and fully released his cultivation base. The rotation speed of the stars of his life reached an unprecedented extreme. At a certain moment, the scroll of starry sky patterns engraved on the stars lit up.

Shenhe Vision!

At this moment of crisis, Awaken had to take the risk and try to use the Shenhe vision.

Before the change, it was impossible to succeed, and the Shenhe vision was simply difficult to mobilize, but now, with the awakening cultivation base, reaching the peak of the Saint King Realm, there is already such a possibility.


The sound of rolling thunder appeared in the body of the awakening body, and at the same time, the desolate, ancient wild aura gradually overflowed.

It was as if it was an ancient dragon, opening its **** eyes.


Awakening eyebrow cracked, a vertical eye-like mark appeared.

But staring carefully, it was not a mark, it was more like a corner of the sky and the earth being torn apart, there was a hole inside, and the universe was vast.

"Go to hell!"

You Xuan urged his domineering heart, and his hands seemed to be holding up a round of obscuring the sky, thumping towards awakening.

Along the way, where the Domineering Heart passed, a wide, dark road emerged in the void, as if the space was overwhelmed by a large amount, which was frightening.

At this moment, waking up without dodge or avoiding, rushed up against the domineering heart.

From other angles, waking up was like moths fighting the fire, seeking his own way of death, but he himself had unprecedented confidence.


Awakening and Tyrannical Heart collided together, but there was no imaginary sound of earth-shattering explosions, and there was no tragic scene of flesh and blood melted, and the body exploded. On the contrary, the two blended together and quickly merged.

The tyrannical heart, which was originally terrifying in energy, was wrapped in a desolate, ancient barren aura, and suddenly fell silent, turning from a tiger into a docile sheep.

At the same time, Ba Xin's body size shrank rapidly, and finally turned into a gleam of light, piercing into the center of his awakened eyebrows.

Everything returned to calm.

Awakening and standing in the void, it was quite shocked. This situation seemed to be a Shenhe vision that swallowed the domineering heart.

But not far away, You Xuan spurted blood, his face pale as paper.

"how is this possible?"

"My domineering heart, where is my domineering heart?"

You Xuan's heart was overwhelmed. He lost all contact with Baxin, as if he had disappeared out of thin air. This situation has never happened in the history of the Starry Sky Overlord.

Although the level of cultivation base reached to You Xuan, although losing his hegemony will not lead to death, the consequences are extremely serious. The foundation of his cultivation base has almost collapsed, leaving little strength.

"How could this be?"

You Xuan kept talking to himself, desperate.

The people who watched the battle also had an unbelievable look and could not understand why such a scene occurred.

"How can the domineering mind disappear for no reason?"

"Wake up, what's the secret?"

It was a group of big people on the top of the rocky cloud, who also felt incredible and incomprehensible.

"Domain Lord, what is the reason?"

A group of demigods, the supreme masters of great powers, looked at the domain master Li Tianxiao one after another, expecting the latter to answer.

"The Domineering Heart, also known as the'Dominant Star', is the foundation of the Starry Sky Tyrant Clan's cultivation base, just like our natal stars. If you cultivate to great success, it really is like a domineering planet with infinite power."

"But the situation in front of you is really incomprehensible."

"It seems to be waking up and using some kind of defying method to make the Domineering Star lost in a different dimension."

I have to say that as a god, Li Tianxiao's eyesight is still very old. Shenhe's vision is only a short-lived, and he flees in an instant, and Li Tianxiao also feels it.

However, he didn't know that Shenhe's vision belonged to awakening. Instead, he felt that awakening used a special method to open a door to a different dimension and send away the Domineering Star.

On Yutai Mountain, Su Xuan did not go to see You Xuan again, turned and walked towards the eighth stage.

Soon after, he came to the ninth mountain.

No one stopped him anymore.

As strong as You Xuan, they were all defeated by Su Xuan and lost the Overlord Star. The other Tianjiao completely lost their confidence in the first battle.

Awakening in one go, ascended the tenth mountain, aspiring to the championship.

People looked at him from a distance, like a peerless magic weapon, with a sharp edge, and their hearts could not be covered with excitement.

"The Son of God wakes up!"

Countless people began to cheer and their blood boiled.

After today, the name of awakening will surely resound throughout the heavenly sacred mountain and even the purple sky star field.

"Pirate God, congratulations!"

Cangyun Sword Saint surrendered to the Thief God, awakening and ascending to the seat of champion, Thief Star was also the biggest winner of this martial arts conference.

"Haha! Tongxi!"

Pirate God laughed, Pirate Star went from the bottom to the first, and completed the counterattack.

As for the Jiuzu, Baiyuan Demigod and others, their faces are not so pretty. The Jiuzu is still fine. After all, Ji Yuyue took second place, and the Ji clan has another **** son.

Bai Yuan and other demigods had little gain, so naturally they were very unhappy.

Next, Yutianguan began to announce the specific rankings of the Wushu Conference. The first one was Awakening, the second was Ji Yuyue, and the third was the little stone king of the stone clan...

Afterwards, Yu Tianguan would wake up, Ji Yuyue, and King Xiaoshi invited to the top of the rock cloud.

The three of them are all talents. Even when facing a group of big people, they don't have the slightest intention of nervousness. Their expressions are calm and calm. Only this attitude is beyond people's reach.

"Brother Su, I'm interested in going to my Shi Clan to take a seat." Little Shi Wang stood beside Wake and said. "If there is a chance!" Su Xing smiled slightly, did not reject this kindness, and the strength of King Stone is extremely extraordinary, the physical body has reached the power of the six dragons, and he is very proficient in the ultimate transformation. It is very powerful. One

A rare helper.

"Wake up!" At this time, domain lord Li Tianxiao spoke, his eyes falling on Wake up.

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