Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1347: Yuheng Galaxy!

The awards for the top three in the Martial Arts Conference were bestowed by the domain lord Li Tianxiao himself, while the fourth to tenth place was arranged by the imperial official.

The emphasis is completely different.


With a big wave of Li Tianxiao's hand, a ray of light flew out, with a storage bag wrapped in it, suspended in front of him.

"In this storage bag, there is a divine order, one million source of the best holy spirit, which is the reward you deserve." Li Tianxiao said slowly.

There are four kinds of rewards for the champion of the Wushu Conference, including the removal of the gods' order, the one million source of the best holy spirit, the opportunity to enter the blessed land of the gods, and the opportunity to enter the palace hall for three years to enlighten.

For the latter two, there is no need for any credentials. When you wake up and want to go to the palace and palace, you can go there by yourself. Li Tianxiao will naturally make arrangements.

"Thank you, Master Domain Lord!" Su Xing saluted respectfully. This was the first time he observed the existence of a **** like Li Tianxiao up close. He felt completely invisible, including cultivation level, strength, thoughts, etc., as if they were all covered. A group of mist shrouded.


Li Tianxiao looked at Ji Yuyue with a much closer attitude: "How many years have we not seen each other?"

"It's only been more than five years!" Ji Yuyue blinked her eyes and smiled slyly. Even the demigod didn't dare to joke with Li Tianxiao, but she did, and Li Tianxiao didn't mean to be angry.

"You girl!" Li Tianxiao gave a wry smile, then gave her the reward that belonged to Ji Yuyue, and then gave Xiaoshiwang the third place reward.


Originally, the Martial Arts Conference should be over by this time, but the Thief God's dress coughed a few times and stared at the old **** who was waking up.

"Wake up, have you forgotten something?" Thief reminded.

"No!" Su Xing shook his head.

The corner of Thief God's mouth trembled. Knowing that this guy was playing sloppy eyes, he had to remind again: "The token in your storage bag, show me a look?"

Su Xing shook his head and looked ignorant and ignorant: "What token? I don't understand what you are talking about."

The Pirates trembled all over, and had to gritted his teeth and said, "How about one million source of the best holy spirit in exchange for a divine order?"

The words have already been said, and I can’t continue to pretend to be stupid when I wake up, the corner of my mouth twitches, and he smiles: "A divine order is worth one million of the best source of the holy spirit. The favor of the host is so worthless. ?"


"Li Xingfeng, you are insulting Lord Domain!"

The demigod Bai Yuan and others immediately spoke up, completely disgusting and stealing the gods.

"Wake up, my Ji clan will give out five million top-grade holy spirit sources to buy your divine order." The nine ancestors directly offered sky-high prices to compete with the thief.

"My Shang clan has produced 10 million of the best source of the Holy Spirit!" The ancestor of the Shang clan said, and immediately doubled the price, which is called a wealthy man.

Awakening secretly smacked his tongue. He just said casually. He didn't expect that things would develop to this point. Ten million of the best source of the Holy Spirit, this is even a demigod's heart-pounding wealth.

Thief God's face turned dark, and he awoke with a vicious stare.

Su Xing smiled and said, "Everyone, I don't mean to sell God's Spirit Order."

"Bring the token, I will take down a galaxy on this basis, and you will also have a place at that time." Thief God had to show the last hole card.

"Okay!" At this time, Su Xing agreed swiftly. He understood the meaning of the myth of Pirates. After taking down a galaxy, he could allow the people of the central Shenlu to move here, free from the imprisonment of godlessness.

"Domain Lord!"

The Pirate God got the token, stood up, and bowed to Li Tianxiao.

Li Tianxiao nodded and waved his big hand. A ray of light turned into a three-dimensional map, suspended in mid-air. There were densely packed stars, thousands of them, and clusters of stars, forming a constellation galaxy.

This is the full picture of the Zixiao Starfield.

"South China Sea Galaxy, Tianwei Galaxy, and Yuheng Galaxy, these three galaxies have only been developed in recent years. Which one does the Pirate God want to choose?" Li Tianxiao asked.

Many demi-god ancestors of the family, and the sects of the major forces, have been eager for a while.

These three major galaxies were newly developed, and they are rich in resources. If you get the right to manage, the background of a power will immediately improve.

This is also the spiritual order, where the greatest value lies.

A hundred years ago, the Ji family obtained a galaxy based on this, and the family background has greatly improved.

And the Pirate Star controlled by the Pirate God is just a small planet. In terms of the background, it is considered the worst among the major forces on the scene. If you get a galaxy, it will suddenly be different.

In the future, there is no need to do any Star Thief.

"I choose the Yuheng galaxy." Thief God has long thought about it. Although the Yuheng galaxy is the smallest of the three galaxies, it is also the most undeveloped place, full of many unknown wonders.

In addition, the Yuheng galaxy is the closest to the land without gods, and the move of stealing the gods is also convenient for awakening.

"it is good!"

Li Tianxiao nodded and agreed, the light flashed, and there was an extra roll of bright yellow imperial decree in his hand.

Giving the destiny and divine decree represents the Thief God and has the official management right of the Yuheng Galaxy. It only needs to tribute a certain amount of wealth to the Tongtian Mountain every year, and everything else belongs to the Thief God.

"The Thief God, now that he has an official territory, there is no need to do it, right?" Li Tianxiao asked.

"Understood!" The Thief God nodded. He also knew that although the Star Thief hadn't done anything terrible, his reputation was not good after all, and it was time to take this opportunity to wash it away.

The Pirate God returned the order of the gods and took over the destiny, although he looked calm, but he was very excited.

With the Yuheng galaxy, he has finished all these years of wandering, no longer needs to hide, and he has truly gained a foothold.

The end of the Wu Conference.

Many forces left the Tongtian Mountain one after another and embarked on the return journey.

However, there are also some forces that did not leave here. They got the top ten of the Wushu Conference, the leading Tianjiao in the gate, and will enter the gods' blessed land in five years.

Open the holy pavilion!

The Pirate God and the great Pirate Saints have left to take over the Yuheng Galaxy. There are many things to be busy, such as dominating the Quartet, setting up laws, and reclaiming wasteland in unknown places.

Even Ji Yuyue and Fatty participated in it.

But obviously, Ji Yuyue is curious a lot, and there is still a small half of the Yuheng galaxy that has not been developed.

Ji Yuyue seemed very enthusiastic about the novelty things like land reclamation.

But when he woke up, he stayed.

On the top of the mountain, the morning sun is faintly dazzling, the mist is lingering, and it is a scene of the fairy family. Wake up sitting on a rock, closing his eyes lightly, sinking into Shenhe's vision, and quickly discovering the domineering heart.

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