Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1345: Sword Intent Battle!


During the confrontation, You Xuan took out a sword.

The body of the sword is as black as ink, with a deep breath, it is a powerful sacred instrument.

But this is not the point.

The point is that in everyone’s eyes, You Xuan, from the Starry Sky Overlord Clan, is the most powerful body, not swordsmanship. Especially when he dances his sword before awakening in the sixth chapter of Sword Intent, he is somewhat suspect .

You Xuan ignored the others. With a tick at the corner of his mouth, he slashed out with a sword in his hand. The black sword light revealed an indescribable profound meaning, and a breath of supremacy was revealed.

"Sword Intent Chapter 6!"

"You Xuan actually understood the sixth chapter of the sword intent, how is this possible?"

People looked at the black sword light, and they couldn't help shocking again and again.

Just awakening, the same eyes condensed.

In the black sword light, there are countless kendo notches flashing, broad and profound, which is derived from the sixth chapter of sword intent.

"Cang Lengxiao reminded me before that I was not the only one who comprehended the sixth chapter of Sword Intent. It seems that the person he was talking about was You Xuan."

Su Xing put away the surprise, holding the Holy Sword of Faith, and slammed it out suddenly. The blazing sword light also carried an extremely sharp aura and collided with the black sword light.


The two sword lights collided like white clouds and dark clouds, and suddenly thunder burst out, and the endless sharp sword intent raged vertically and horizontally, making the space present a sense of distortion.

"Kendo Gu Changye!"

You Xuan gave a soft drink and swung a sword again, and the endless black sword light spread out across the sky, turning day into night, but in that night sky, a little bit of stars gleamed unsteadily. The kendo notch that does not disperse.

The awakening mind moved slightly, and You Xuan seemed to have been immersed in the sixth chapter of the sword intent for a long time. He was more proficient in the use of sword intent than him, which had a great enlightening effect on awakening.

The strands of sword light flowed around the awakening. At a certain moment, with his sword pierced straight out, with a bang, the surging sword light soared for ninety thousand li, like an electric light running through the heart of the sky, thrilling.

I saw above the sky, the night cracked, and a gap appeared. In an instant, the gap quickly enlarged, and in a flash, the night turned into day again.

And in this process, the kendo notch that belongs to the awakening and the kendo notch that belongs to You Xuan fell into a state of crazy killing, as if the two sides were armed with thousands of troops and launched a large-scale war.


There was a huge roar, as if the sky was about to collapse.

Soon, waking up has the upper hand.

Although he and You Xuan are also in the sixth chapter of Sword Intent, his realm is more advanced, reaching the sixth chapter of Sword Intent Consummation, only a short distance from the seventh chapter, and You Xuan, at best, is nothing but The sixth chapter of Jianyi Dacheng.

At this moment, You Xuan took the initiative to rush to wake up, holding a sword in his right hand and a fist in his left hand.

This is for melee combat.

You Xuan saw that the realm of Sword Intent of Awakening was higher than that of him, and he tried to use his best melee combat to move back to the disadvantage, and then defeated Awakening.

Awakening did not retreat, although his physical strength was inferior to You Xuan, but he was still fearless.


The two of them collided like a comet hitting the earth.

"Ba Ti Wushuang!"

You Xuan burst out, his body is extremely flexible, swords, palms, fists, elbows, legs, etc., are all weapons, and the attacks are endless and endless.

Su Xing's eyes were sharp, and he didn't let it go. Although his use of physical power was not as good as You Xuan's, he could take advantage of the geographical advantage to the greatest extent by relying on Shen Cicada's subtle changes.

Coupled with the sixth chapter of Dzogchen's sword intent, the offensive is also extremely fierce.

In addition, You Xuan always had room for him, and he was obviously very afraid of the ten-step killing of awakening his physical body, and he was always on guard.

"Boom boom boom!"

Under the fierce battle, the sound of collision was endless, like the thunder rolling in the sky.

People are excited.

This battle was the fiercest battle since the start of the Wushu Conference.

Especially this kind of close combat is extremely dangerous, and if you don't pay attention, you will be killed by the opponent.

What's more rare is that Suwa and You Xuan are busy and not chaotic, their attacks seem chaotic, but with a strong sense of rhythm, they stretch endlessly, like squally storms.


After thousands of rounds of fierce battle, Su Xing and You Xuan separated.

Blood overflowed from the corners of their mouths, both of them were already injured, but their fighting spirit was even colder, and both reached an unprecedented peak.

In this battle, it was definitely the tip of the needle against the Maimang.


"These two people, even if they are not sons of God, are not far apart. They are definitely better than Feng Tianjiao!"

People's blood swelled and they discussed loudly.


"Wake up, you are a good opponent!"

"In that case, I don't need to continue to hide. Today, I, You Xuan, stepped on you to become the champion."

You Xuan let out a long whistle, and suddenly, the holy power loomed and shuttled around, turning into a **** phantom behind him.

The foundation of the gods is undoubtedly revealed!

"You Xuan is the son of God!"

"Oh my God!"

"He is actually a son of God, he deserves to be the Starry Sky Tyrant!"

People are shocked inexplicably.

First Ji Yuyue, now You Xuan.

In one martial arts conference, two gods appeared, which was unprecedented.

Even those big shots couldn't help feeling very moved at this moment.

But when the shock had not dissipated, people suddenly discovered that behind the awakening, a ghost of the gods also appeared, majestic and holy.

"Awakening is also a son of God!"


"In one martial arts conference, three gods appeared?"

People were dumbfounded, and almost speechless in shock.

No one thought that such a situation would happen, which simply subverted people's perception.

In the usual martial arts conferences, the appearance of a **** son was enough to cause a great sensation, but now, there are three people who have never been before. They can definitely be recorded in the annals of history and shine forever.


Neither Su Xing nor You Xuan continued to speak much, and rushed towards each other.

Until now, the two of them have played a real fire, and their strength has been fully released without any reservations.

And as they started, the phantom of the gods that appeared behind them also moved, plundering the rules of Taoism in a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and attacking them as they wish.


You Xuan burst out, raising his hands high, and between those hands, an extremely bright light emerged, which was uncertain, like a beating heart, exuding a breath of incomparable horror.

This is the heart of You Xuan, a heart of domineering body.

The people of the world only know the Wushuang of the Starry Sky Tyrant Clan, but they don't know that there is a Tyrant Heart above the Nasty. There is no one who cultivates into a domineering mind.

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