Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 849: The message is revealed?

Suddenly jumped out of hundreds of heavens, the face of the cloud picture suddenly became blue, and immediately, his eyes looked around. When he saw Lin Yu, even if he was a monarch like him, it would be difficult to calm down: "The Red Emperor?"

"Oh, Yuntu Emperor, it’s been a long time since I saw it." Lin Yu chuckled.

The old eyes of the cloud are arrogant, smashing, and the vicious looking toward Qin Shi: "Boy, you have already done an ambush, is this hooked on me?"

Qin Shi shrugged and did not hide: "But the Yuntu Emperor really thought, I have been worried about you chasing me?"

"Then why are you still deliberately hiding?"

"If it is not installed, the cloud figure emperor will be easy to hook up?" Qin Shi smiled lightly, the fear that was still floating in the face, at this time has long been unknown, but the replacement is a touch of innate domineering And self-confidence: "I said in your palace, hurting my Qin Shi family, the result is only death."

"A arrogant boy!" Under a dispute, the cloud suddenly calmed down. After all, he was the king who had been sitting for a hundred years, and more than 100 people could not scare him.

A bang, the peak of the seven days, the half-step eight-day spirit of the dragon as the dragon went out to sea, suddenly shot from his eyebrows, hovering in the air.

It’s just that power, so many of the disciples of Chi Yan have stepped back.

The pressure was sacrificed, and the cloud was very proud of his open arms. He laughed and said: "Bad boy, do you think that with this group of shrimps and crabs, can you kill me? Infatuation!"

"The strength of the Emperor of the Clouds is really good." Standing in the pressure, even the flowers are a little vigilant, only Qin Shi does not move like a mountain, he is holding hands, his mouth is still hanging smile: "Just, I never thought they could kill you. They just need to help me resist those harassment. The one who wants to kill you is me."

"You?" The cloud picture screamed for a while, and then it laughed out loudly: "Haha, hahaha, a little four days, just because you want to kill me? Is it a bit of a delusion?"

"Is it a delusion? Wait until you have tried it. Do you know it?" Qin Shi smiled calmly, and then he did not hesitate, his body flashed, and a thunder light penetrated the night, directly approaching the chest of the cloud.

The picture shows the pupil shrinking: "Hurry!"

boom! Hey!

In succession, Qin Shi's four palms were connected, like a thunder and crossing the sea, and the earth was lifted up by layers of sand. The cloud map was caught off guard by the strong attack. After a while, it was forced to retreat a few steps.

However, Qin Shi did not intend to close the hand. When the cloud figure retreated, he approached and turned around as a punch. The boxing style shattered the space.


Suddenly, the loud noise trembled from the square kilometers, and the cloud picture showed a few surprises: "Four days, tearing up the space? Kid, you hide the strength?"

Wen Yan, Qin Shi smiled and shook his head, he did not hide, he is really only four days, but his four days, but unusual four days.

"I don't hide, I don't hide, and there is nothing to do with death and death." The punch was barely blocked by the cloud, and Qin Shi's foot was smashed, and a kick was made, and the crescent was swept toward the cloud.


This time, the cloud map is really unable to withstand, Qin Shi's speed is really too fast.


At one foot, the cloud map was directly hit by Qin Shi for several kilometers, and the bang, the violent recoil, called Yuntusheng hit the cliff behind the forest, and the half-walled cliffs collapsed into gravel powder.

"Emperor!" The thirty-nine Yunhai Tianjing saw the sound of the sound, and immediately everyone looked at each other and got up at the same time: "Together, kill the kid, we will be developed!"


But just when they just wanted to get up, the more violent pressure surged, Lin Yu was the first to bear the brunt, the first one stopped everyone: "I advise you, it is best to stay here quietly, otherwise, die!"

The last word, domineering.

All the people in the sea of ​​clouds were suppressed by the suppression. Qin Shi approached the cloud from a distance, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Cloud map, you lost, these disciples of your Yunhai Empire are not opponents of Chi Yan."

Qin Shi stepped tightly, the cloud angered and attacked, and a blood spurted out. He bit his lip and angered: "Bad boy, restless, if not my vast army of heaven and earth, most of them are transferred to the holy wind. You have a chance to be here!"

Hearing words, Qin Shi shook his head, and immediately he waved his sword and took out the water-cutting sword. The brilliance of the famous instrument was like a burning day, stinging countless disciples.

Many people are amazed: "The horrible sword."

Holding the water, Qin Shi bowed his head and looked around the forest. He said: "This forest is really good, but it was chosen by me for you. If you die here, it will be consistent with your identity."


The water was lifted up by him, and the layering of spiritual power was sacrificed from his wrist. He continued to accumulate on the broken sword, called the blade, and the silver star flashed.


He tried his best, and his speed was so fast that he couldn't dodge the cloud. The fierce sword mans pierced his heart directly, and a blood spurted from his mouth.


The **** reddish night sky, the cloud figure is stunned and staring at Qin Shi: "You, you, you really dare!"

Qin Shi shook his head: "The wrong thing you did is not to provoke red inflammation, but since it has already happened, unless it can return to the day you re-elected, otherwise it is in vain, you must be for you. Choice, pay the price!"

"Bad boy, don't be crazy, I admit, you are very strong, but this is not over yet, no end!" Yuntou mouth spurted blood, he gave up resistance, let the life go, shouting at Qin Shi: "My sea is extinct However, you will not be good in red inflammation. If it is not long, the red inflammation will be destroyed, the holy wind will not let you go, the power will not let you go, haha, hahaha!"

"The holy wind will know soon, you want to disperse and split our three empires, you can't think, that is, I will die, and I won't ask you to succeed!" Yun said, he suddenly will be the last strength of the whole body, the last In one breath, all of them forced into the mouth, and he suddenly spurted out into the sky.

call out!

The blood sacrifice, carrying out the night sky, directly shot through the defense line composed of Lin Yu and other people, and quickly penetrated the eastern border of the sea of ​​clouds.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yu and others frowned, and immediately Lin Yu suddenly yelled: "Fast, stop the blood sacrifice, the cloud map wants to spread the message to the holy wind!"

Wen Yan, Yin Mo and Su Ming, everyone including Hua Zi is dignified. If the news is really passed out, then the golden words are dangerous.

"This **** old dog is going to die and is not safe!" Su Ming roared.

When the flower slammed into the clear sky, then she rushed to chase the blood sacrifice, but when she had just blocked the blood sacrifice, she was stunned, and the blood sacrifice was full of intense spiritual power. It was an eight-day battle that made her unable to resist.

With a bang, the flower zero was directly shot and flew out.

"No!" When the flower was turned up, everything was too late, and the blood sacrifice had disappeared into the air under the watchful eyes of everyone.

The cloud picture laughs wildly: "Haha, hahaha, did you notice? Late, it’s late, the holy wind will know your plan right away, the little girl, and the old man, will die soon, I am going to die, but I am waiting below, stinky boy, don't worry, you will come down soon, I am waiting for you below, that force will definitely kill you, that is the existence you can't afford!"


Qin Shi’s eyes were cold, and the water was thrown into the air. With a wave of power, the water was directly shot out, and the neck of the cloud was penetrated. The last vitality of the cloud figure disappeared.

The cloud map is dead, and the three strongest players in the sea of ​​clouds are all killed. This time the plan is successfully completed, but there is no joy in the field. The atmosphere between the trees is cold, and everyone’s face is changed. Condensation and embarrassment.

It was only at this moment that Qin Shi suddenly smiled. He calmly approached the remaining thirty-three Tianjing disciples in Yunhai. He said with a loud voice: "Your emperor has lost, now there is in front of you. Two roads, either surrender, follow the red inflammation, or die!"

The last dead word, Qin Shi did not conceal the slightest killing, suddenly called those Yunhai officers to squat, and continuously retreated.

"You still have three seconds to think about."

Hearing the words, more than thirty people looked at each other. In the foremost one, they finally put down their soldiers: "I am willing to surrender."

"I, I am willing." Someone took the lead, and the so-called persistence in the heart was naturally defeated. Thirty people eventually went down and sacrificed their military powers to gather together. For one piece.

After picking up the military order, Qin Shi smiled with satisfaction. After that, he went back and walked to Lin Yu: "This is for you, the first empire has been solved, and the remaining two will soon come to you." In the hands of."

Lin Yu stared at the military power order He was silent for a long time, only to accept it.

At this moment, Yin Mo suddenly rushed forward from the rear, angryly pushed Qin Shi, Jiao Jiao said: "Qin Shi, are you crazy? Your daughter, your grandfather, if the news is passed out, All will be dangerous, you still have the mood to care about military power here! You have no long heart?"

Yin Mo’s roaring provoked the anger of countless people. This time even Su Ming was squinting and staring at Qin Shi with disappointment.

"Stone, that is your daughter!"

But just in the anger of everyone, Qin Shi suddenly smiled.

"You can still laugh out!" Yin Mo is even more angry.

But when she reached out again, Qin Shi suddenly moved, grabbing Yin Mo’s bracelet, and immediately he read the power and merged with the sea, waving at the border of the sea of ​​the sea, from that direction, a false enchantment flashed, and In the center of the enchantment, it is a blood-red light. If you look closely, isn’t that the **** letter that the cloud figure finally killed?

Seeing the enchantment, the zero-eyed jade eyes are slightly lost: "This is the enchantment just?"

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