Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 848: Surround and anti-surround

Qin Shi and Hua Zi escaped, and the sea of ​​clouds was unstoppable.

"Come on! Come to me!" Hey! With a loud bang, the palm of the hand was forced, and the earth under his feet shattered directly, scaring many people in the palace to be frightened and rushing into the palace.

"Emperor, what happened...!"

The remaining generals of the Yunhai Empire all rushed in. They just opened the inquiry, but when they saw the blood inside the palace, all of them were dumb. Chen Xiezhe’s body was so horizontally on the ground, and there was still on the neck. The pinch of people.

"Chen Xiezhe Guoshi? Yes, who killed him?"

&n novels ww.zhu.bsp; "It is Qin Shi!" The cold picture of the cloud, immediately he rushed to a few people: "pass me orders, block the palace, no, block the imperial city, prohibit everyone from coming in and out, give me a search, At all costs, kill me, kill him, and directly promote to the national division, and seal the world, I just see the body of Qin Shi, here!"

A few people glanced at each other and held a fist: "Yes!"

Next, the Imperial City of the Yunhai Empire was on alert, and several generals conveyed the news. After hearing the seal of the world and the national division, all the soldiers were boiling. Under the advancement of desire, all the people did not care about life and death, and they were crazy. Search the whole process.

Yuntu himself was not idle. He buried Chen Xiezhe’s body, buried it, and sensationalized the imperial city. After that, he kept the tomb in front of Chen Xiezhe’s tomb for a long time, until the middle of the night, he was about to approach dawn. Even when I got up, I was murdered.


In the city's alert, Qin Shi and Hua Zi's figure have already leapt a few kilometers away from the imperial city. In a quiet forest, the two stopped under an old tree.

Qin Shichao took a look at the zero, and the chest with zero flowers was still undulating, and the blood was flowing from her red cheongsam: "How are you hurting?"

"I'm fine." The flower shook his head reluctantly.

Qin Shi sighed, and immediately he said nothing, directly step forward, fingers bent, with the position of the knuckles from the left shoulder of the flower zero to continue to point a few times, suddenly called the flower painful pain: "Drink! ”

She angered Qin Shi: "What are you doing?"

"The bones on the left shoulder are all shattered, blood is necrotic, you still say that you are fine, sit down, I will heal you."

"I do not need!"

The flower bite the teeth, but before her voice fell, her beauty glimpsed a little, Qin Shi directly around her behind, the big hand gathered together a faint green light, a palm shot at her shoulder: "Do not talk nonsense, then Reluctantly, you don't have to use your left hand. I don't want to save you for you. I don't want Rocha to blame me."

"I...!" The zero-yellow cherry lips were opened, but when she saw the appearance of Qin Shi certification, she finally sighed and no longer talked nonsense.

She also knows that Qin Shi is not scaring her. The palm of her hand is very strong. She has always been hard-supporting. In fact, she has been suffering from it.

Seeing the flowers and zeros is not struggling, Qin Shi faint smile: "Oh, it is so quiet, not very good, which is so beautiful, but no one dares to pursue you."

"Less nonsense, you have to play with me, I just broke this hand, and you don't have to heal me." The flowers were cold and snoring.

Qin Shi’s mouth is too lazy to argue with Hua Zi.

However, he is really curious, what kind of man will eventually find a flower, or which man can control this overbearing woman, he shook his head and revealed a few expectations.

"I have to force the blood in your body first, this process will be very painful, you endure a little, force it out, just fine." Qin Shiyi said.

"What is you doing is how so many words!" Flowers are arrogant and arrogant.

Wen Yan, Qin Shi smiled a bit, this woman is really helpless, but he has no nonsense, the palm retracted, hovering around the chest, a layer of fluorescence wrapped it, he suddenly forced, a shot into the flower zero The body.


The flower is fascinating and faint, and a bit of black blood has been spurted out. However, this woman is really strong. Under such severe pain, it is hard to make an attempt. Just like that, it is a bit shocking to see Qin Shi.

"It's a cold and proud woman." Qin Shi shook his head, when the congestion had already been forced out, he was not nonsense, the two hands sealed, and the manipulation method: "Ganlin rain shower!"

An emerald green enchantment unfolded, and soon the soil at the foot of Qin Shi was affected by the vitality. They all bloomed in the green light, and a pink flower opened.

But the flower just bloomed and was stained with zero blood, and it faded.

In the full bloom and withering, the zero-zero injury finally got better. Qin Shi put away his hand and said: "Although I have not recovered, I have already helped you to connect the broken bones. As long as you quietly nursed, you should It will be restored soon."

Standing up in the jade body, the flower has zero internal vision, and the eye of the apricot eye flashes a little bit differently. Her injury is the most clear to her. The kind of injury is her five-day situation. She also needs to stay for a hundred days, but in With the help of Qin Shi, how did it recover so soon? Moreover, it should be cured within three days. What is the ability?

"Thank you, thank you." Hesitate, spend zero or say a sentence.

Wen Yan, Qin Shi Gujing no wave of black 眸 flashed a few different, and smiled: "Oh, you will say thank you ah?"

Flower zero jade face red, shyly stunned Qin Shi, then she did not say much, jumped open the topic: "Yu Su and Chen Xiezhe have been killed, and now there is a cloud map, I do not know him Will it catch up?"

Qin Shi was silent for a while, and the black scorpion looked toward the direction of a hundred meters away. He smiled and said: "Don't worry, the coming will always come. This is not, we should continue on our way."

"How? The cloud map has already been chased?"

Qin Shi smiled and didn't speak, but he had already used his actions to tell Huan zero. Even though he jumped, he jumped into the air and waved at the flower. "Hurry up, get caught up here, if you pick it up. Hand, it’s bad for us both."

She also understands the meaning of Qin Shi. She is deeply injured. Although she understands Qin Shi, Qin Shiyi should be enough to fight against the cloud, but here is the Yunhai Empire. There may be only one person. If there are more than a few heavens, it is Qin Shi, and it will not be good. After all, she can understand the truth of the wolves.

The two men got up again, Qin Shi did not improve the speed because of the zero injury, and the reason why he did so was also deliberately called Yuntu to sense his breath, and pursued it.

The two passed through the Imperial City and soon reached the border of the East Sea of ​​Yunhai. At the border of the national wall, Qin Shi took the lead to stop.

After the flower zero followed, he frowned: "How did you stop here? If I remember correctly, and Lin Yu’s position they agreed, shouldn’t it be?”

"It is not this, you wait for me a little."

Qin Shi nodded, and did not explain much later. Instead, he sat down on his knees and joined his mind into the sea.

In the sea of ​​knowledge, he manipulated the power of the soul. The layer of phantom wave swayed him to the center and spread it toward the surrounding layers. After that, he opened the black scorpion and stood up and rushed to the flower: "Good Let's go."

"what have you done?"

"There is nothing, just give yourself more insurance."

Wen Yan, the flower rushed Qin Shi tossed a blank eye: "What is mysterious."

Qin Shi shrugged helplessly, and then he and Huanqi went forward again. At this time, he looked at him with a squint. The figure of the cloud figure has appeared in the scope of his knowledge of the sea. This is called his mouth rising: "Is it close?" This distance is just right."

call out!

Immediately, the two accelerated again. After half an hour, in a dark jungle, where the trees were lush and the old trees towered into the clouds.

After hiding in the branches and leaves of an old tree, it is really difficult to find two people if they do not carefully detect them.


But under such secrets, a huge blast sounded from the jungle, and the figure of the cloud had arrived here. He slammed the two palms down at the bottom, and the old tree that had been rough collapsed, called Qin Shi and Hua Zi. The figure is exposed.

"Qin Shi, come out and die!"

"Is it discovered?" Qin Shi jumped out of the woods and patted the dust on the black robe.

Wen Yan, the cloud sneer: "You think you can escape here, you can escape? Innocent!"

Immediately, he looked around and yelled at Qin Shi. "The scenery in this area is good. You will also pick the place. If that is the case, then I will be more compassionate and let you die here."

In the end, he rushed to the back and waved his hand: "The Yunhai army is out of the ranks, everyone is obeying, killing Qin Shi, sealing the world, winning the official three products, catching Qin Shi live, directly upgrading to the national division, enjoying endless prosperity!"

call out! Hey!

That magnificent sound sounds through the valley Tens of thousands of heavenly powers have jumped out, and instantly placed Qin Shi and Hua Zhi in the center, subject to the trend of desire, dozens of people looked at Qin Shi Just like a hungry wolf seeing prey, full of smashing and killing.

Seeing these dozens of people, Qin Shi frowned, and the black scorpion deliberately flashed a few points of fear: "Oh, it seems that my position in the mind of the Emperor of the Cloud is still very high, even sent out more than 30 days. Great power."

"Hey, stinky boy, you must die today!" The picture is excited and roaring.

But in this regard, Qin Shi suddenly smiled, he laughed so calmly, looking at the cloud map and the sea of ​​clouds, many of the heavens are creepy: "If you want to kill me, just rely on these people, I am afraid that is not enough."

“Well?” The picture frowned, but just as he was still in trouble, a very loud voice, like a dragon and a tiger, passed from the secluded forest.

"Red Yan disciples listen to orders, encircle the sea of ​​clouds, Yunhai quickly surrender, offenders, kill innocent!"

boom! Boom! In the successive days, the earth was trembled, and the spiritual pressure of more than 30 heavens was extinguished in a moment, and what was replaced was the hundred heavens that Lin Yu brushed.

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