Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 850: Turn to Wangshan

Seeing the **** letter of the seal in the enchantment, Su Ming was overjoyed from the side and said: "Stone, did you get ready?"

Qin Shi nodded: "I said that Jin Yan is my daughter, I will not take her life to joke."

In a few short sentences, I have already expressed my mind. Yin Mo’s jade reveals self-blame and repentance. At this moment, Qin Shi took a shot of her shoulder: "Don't think too much, I know, you too Worried about gold, believe me, everything will be fine."

"Yeah!" Yin Mo lightly daggers.

And the flower is zero from the side, but it is a weird look toward Qin Shi. Qin Shi’s cautiousness and heart-warming is not the same as that of the year when the pig was smashed, and the pig was smashed. It is a mind and a secret to every point, every inch is the accurate king.

"Rah, I finally understand why you have never met with acquaintances for 30 years, but you have chosen him. He really deserves to be delivered for the rest of your life." In the eyes of zero cold, I finally became a little gentler.

Qin Shi’s big hand waved, and the blood letter was destroyed in the eyes of everyone.

Nowadays, the three strongest people in the sea of ​​clouds have been killed. The sea of ​​clouds has lost the support of the three people. It is already the end of the strong, and most of the military power has been recruited into the hands of Lin Yu, and it is in name only.

And to solve the sea of ​​clouds, the next step is to look at the mountains.

Qin Shi took a deep breath, and the calm black squat was filled with the cold killing. After that, he turned back to the 30-year-old sergeant who said to the cloud: "Next, all the days of the sea of ​​clouds Disciples, follow me to the mountain!"

The thirty-three disciples heard the words frowning, but they did not dare to resist. They understood the truth of Shunchang's retreat, so in a very short time, a total of 37 Tiandi disciples gathered here.

Looking at the thirty-seven people, Qin Shi smiled with satisfaction. After that, he raised his eyes in the night sky and jumped in one step. He was the first to move in the direction of Wangshan.

"let's go!"

Lin Yu everyone followed.

Due to the smoothness of the sea of ​​clouds, the morale of the party called the red side is also greatly increased. Today, the red inflammation, the hand of the beastmaster, the military power of the two empire of the sea of ​​clouds, although not able to dominate the entire hundred tide area, but compared to a few years ago, or A few decades ago, when Chi Yan was arbitrarily slaughtered, he was invaded, and even internal internal struggles continued. When it was divided into four major regions, it was already many times stronger.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu looked up and looked toward Qin Shi, who led everyone in the forefront, and his mouth rose inadvertently.

Because he believes that as long as there is Qin Shi, it will not be long before Chi Yan will become the most powerful force in the past, exceeding the holy wind.

"When at that time, Chi Yan is your strongest backing, let you let go, and in your rear, there will always be this stable place."

The sea of ​​clouds and the distance between the mountains and the mountains, half a wall of the hundred tides, if only Qin Shi, perhaps half a day, enough to cross, but he is not one person, behind him, after all, there are many disciples, so the whole journey is enough It took one day and one night, and when the evening of the second day fell to Xishan, the talents arrived not far from Wangshan.

From the outside of Wangshan, a quiet mountain forest fell, Qin Shi stared at the rolling mountain river, Lin Yu from behind him: "Stone, against Wangshan, you have plans?"

"As before, the Hongteng should leave the Imperial City alone tonight. I will take the lead with Huanuo and kill him. As for Duanmu and the two brothers, I will adapt."

"I am not talking about the three of them, but...!" Lin Yu was anxious.

"I know, what you said is that weird swordsman?"

Lin Yu nodded: "Really, this swordsman, the origin is unknown, the identity is very different, the most important thing is his strength, there are too many changes in his body, if he shot for the mountain, then we will have trouble."

"Really, but you also said that there are too many people's mistakes. Don't think about the plan first. This will cause us to get shackled. If he really appears, give it to me."

Lin Yu heard that he opened his mouth and finally gave up. Not much to say, he really has no other way. He can only deal with the swordsman, only Qin Shi.

"If I can be stronger... just fine." Lin Yu shook his head.

Qin Shi stunned, and then he turned back and smiled: "What do you think, you are already strong, your ability is not an individual, but the army that has the power to dig into the wild, come on, I also count on one day, Chi Yan can become this piece The region, even the continent, is famous for its empire."

"I won't let you down."

Qin Shi nodded, and Lin Yu’s eyes turned and suddenly said: “Yes, this time, you are calling the soldiers of Yunhai. Is there really no problem? If something goes wrong with them, then it’s for us. But it is very unfavorable, and even... even leaking news about the holy wind, then, it is troublesome."

Hearing this statement, Qin Shi smiled and shook his head: "Do not worry, I have their own size, I yelled at them, but also to test them. If they can be stable this time, then they can be reused in the future. After all, now the red inflammation is expanding. The power of the red, but the red hand is limited, want to control the three empires at the same time without chaos, you must have someone you can use, I just want to help you."

"And, you don't have to worry that their rebellion or defect will bring disadvantage to us. When I was collecting military power from them, I injected the power of the soul from each of them. If they dare to have a little rebellion. Heart, I will take their lives right away."

After hearing about Qin Shi, Lin Yu realized that he couldn’t help himself. He was grateful to Qin Shi for his glance: “It seems that you still have a long-term perspective, so I am relieved.”

"Well, organize the people and start to prepare for action. The longer it drags on us, the worse it will be for us." Qin Shi said.

After that, like Yunhai, he and Huanqi took the lead.

The Wangshan Empire is several times more powerful than the sea of ​​clouds. Soon, Qin Shi and Hua Zi have appeared in a position not far from the Imperial City.

"Just wait here, Hong Teng should pass here tonight."

The flower was lightly dagger, and after a long wait, Qin Shi sat cross-legged, and the power of the soul of one glimpse spread and spread, and the insight was a thousand miles.

call out!

Suddenly, a stream of light stars suddenly passed, Qin Shi’s black scorpion indifferently opened, and after seeing Qin Shi’s movement, he asked a question: “How? Come?”

"Well, Hongteng will pass here soon."

"This Hongteng, will you still kill it directly?" The flowers are cold and cold.

But unexpectedly, Qin Shi shook his head at this moment, and the flowers he saw were a bit puzzled: "How? Don't kill him?"

"Kill, it must be killed, just for this Hongteng, can not think of Susan, this mountain empire is no better than the sea of ​​clouds, although Wangshan also sent a large number of troops to the holy wind, but the internal strength is still not to be underestimated, the palace is heavily guarded It is very difficult for me to enter by you." Qin Shi explained: "So, if you want to motivate the Duanmu brothers, this Hongteng is the best bait."

Hearing Qin Shi’s analysis, he spent a few moments and said: “Really, what do you mean?”

"For a while, Hongteng appeared, first deliberately showing weakness, and then, when he played against him, he made as much as possible the movement and the momentum, and shocked the palace. My knowledge of the sea can explore the enchantment outside the imperial city, as long as There is fluctuation on the other side, and it is not too late to kill him."

"That's what you said." After several cooperations, Huanzhi also trusted Qinshi, so he agreed to it without any ambiguity.

"Okay, he is coming."

The beauty of the flower was smothered. Suddenly, the murderous machine called the temperature of the heavens and the earth cold, and the flowers were frozen.

call out!

From the side of the Imperial City, Hongteng held a silver gun, and his feet were floating and flying fast.

"Do it!" Qin Shi opened.


And suddenly, the look of the Hong Teng changed, the silver gun spurted out in the void behind the scenes, and the three pieces of withered yellow leaves turned into pieces: "Who! Get me out!"

"Hongteng old dog, died!" The flower floated up and leaped, rushing to Hongteng for three consecutive palms.

"Is it you?" Seeing the flower zero, Hongteng was obviously amazed by a few points, but soon he was calm and smiled disdainfully: "Who am I, it was the first one of Chiyan’s old days, Xuan Dian Lord: I have zero flowers."

"Less nonsense, you took my sister's child, I am going to die today without a place to die."

Huashi is very screaming, Qin Shi heard from the rear, could not help but smile, the character of zero is stale, not good words, and fighting with others, has always been able to talk, do not speak, today for deliberate delay, will This was done: "It’s really hard for her."

"If he is in the red, maybe I still fear you a bit, but I admire your courage, dare to single-handedly into my mountain, then you are today, don't leave!" Silver gun, rushing to the flower.



Suddenly, between the electric and the Flint, several times of confrontation were pulled from the two, and each time the attack was a big deal, even if it didn’t hurt the Hongteng, it was destroyed in the kilometer. The earth is crushed.

Hongteng frowned. "The rumor says that the flower is the main lord, the heart is hot, this is not a fake, recruiting and killing, but you too much to look down on me?"

"Silver Saddle White Horse!"

Hongteng got up and danced the silver gun, the power of the gun, the broken mountain broke the sea, hehe!


After several rounds of confrontation, the flowers were zero and the teeth were trembled. Hongteng was also a five-day situation, and she was all alone in dealing with it, and it was still very difficult when the former was prepared.

"With you alone, not my opponent." The silver gun forced the flower to zero, and the magnificent silver gun was thrown directly from the hand and stabbed against the fragrant shoulder of the flower.


But at this moment, a golden pagoda rises from the ground and wraps the flowers inside and outside. When the silver gun hits the golden pagoda, the golden pagoda just trembles, and it is hard to shake the silver gun out.

"She can't do it alone, what if I add me?"

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