Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1517: The 9th floor [cool snail]

In the Dongfu, Qin Shi did not care, but in a blink of an eye it was half a month. 』『8Ω1中文』』Δ网

During this period, Qin Shi carried out the soul quenching according to the record method of the star and the hegemony, and with the jade in the book as an aid, some of the places that were originally more difficult were solved, and the fourth layer of the star-studded body: the refining **** .

The so-called refining **** refers to the **** of the spirit of God, God, self-god, god, and wisdom. All of this is mapped by the sea of ​​knowledge. Beasts, fierce devils must have an advantage, but because of the weakness of the flesh, often after the fierce beast is repaired, it will be dropped a lot, but since then it can be explained that the mind can rely on the cultivation of the day after tomorrow, such as jade in the book. This is a spirit, after a thousand years of tempering, to generate the mind.

The fourth layer of refining God, which is the star of the squad, is a more violent way of cultivation.

Refining the gods is actually to understand the gods and gods of Qin Shi. They are called the three gods. They are destroyed by the sea and then recast. Every time they practice, they are extremely painful. Even a few pains to Qin Shi. I want to scratch the wall... Every time... it’s all about making him die, and the huge sea of ​​nearly a million meters is blown up. It’s like being on Qin Shi’s body, a piece of meat and meat is dug down. The pain that can't stand it.

This kind of cultivation method is quite similar to the first three layers of the original Xuantian ancient array. The soul is crushed into powder and reorganized.


"Do these ancient gods have a tendency to self-abuse?"

Can not help, Qin Shi secretly said, but have to say that this way of cultivation really works, in just two weeks, Qin Shi's knowledge of the sea has been infinitely expanded, even, under the almost smashing hundreds of torture, Qin Shi’s spirits have reached an unprecedented height. In one fell swoop, he broke into the curse domain and Dacheng did not say that his soul is extraordinarily strong and no longer wobbles like the original.

"Almost, with your current soul, although you can't reach the soul, you can fight alone, but there should be no problem in leaving the body in a short time. In this way, the fourth layer of the star-studded system is also an initial effect, however, Don't forget, the real power of the star-fighting system is to be able to take advantage of the power of the beast, the first three layers, and the last two layers."

"You mean, this fourth layer can be harnessed by the power of the beast?"

Thinking of this, Qin Shi slightly frowns, the first three layers he naturally understands, with the help of the beast of the beast, with the muscles of the beast, with the beast of the beast, but this fourth layer, refining the god... is it with the help of the beast God?

"This fourth layer, not by means of, but by engulfing, is to enrich your **** by engulfing the gods of the beasts."

"This is not anxious. When you have finished casting your body, you will naturally have the opportunity to test it yourself."

"The fifth layer of refining soul is to devour the soul?"

"The fifth layer..." refers to the fifth layer. The evil spirits of the ancient demon have a slight ripple, and they become very mellow. They shake their heads. "I don't know, this fifth layer, even I can't see through it, maybe only You can only know when you cultivate to the fifth floor."

Wen Yan said that Qin Shi was slightly disappointed, but he was not in a hurry. Anyway, he would cultivate it sooner or later. He still has confidence in this point.

"Now, can you tell me about the casting of the body?"

"Well, casting the body is actually a very tedious thing. It takes a few years. During this period, you need to re-extract blood, tendons, roots and bones to create a second set of identical five internal organs. The body of the law is considered a preliminary."

"That doesn't mean, re-create a new flesh?"

"The body of law, this is the case, but this body is built in your original body. Of course, if you refine the body of the demon in the future, and the soul is strong enough, you can control the two bodies by yourself. ”

Qin Shi wakes up, this is equal to, two people have the same soul.

"how should I do?"

"First of all, you have to collect the body of a strong leader first, which will be a lot easier."

"The physical body of the powerful realm?" Qin Shi slightly screamed, this is not an easy task...not to mention that with his current cultivation, it is difficult to overcome the situation, even if it can, in this peripheral sea palace Whether there are any strong players in the world is two.

"So, you have to find a way to enter the three thousand."

"This is really a long way." Qin Shi couldn't help but feel helpless... He thought that refining a powerful enough soul would be able to cast the body, but did not expect that this was just the beginning... and this road The end point is even more extreme.

"This is also why, I want them ten years!"

"Ten years..."

The demon said at this time: "Actually, you have a good chance to lift the three thousand."

"You mean, deep sea source pool?"

"Well, yes, the deep sea source pool has also existed in the Devil's Sea. Once it appears, it must be a treasure that thousands of people are vying for, and it is certainly no exception in this seven thousand sea palace."

After the pause, Qin Shi shook his head, and the demon said it was really good, but he was not a man of anti-Ir: "Forget it, look for another chance. Since the ticket has already been given to Tuoba, don't think about it." ”

"There is still a chance for the ticket. Have you forgotten the kid's words?"

"You mean, Shifang Temple?"

"Yes, the Shifang Temple will organize the comparison of the disciples around you. With your ability, now the soul is strong and strong, the suppression of the blood is strengthening a few points. Wait until then, look at the periphery, it should be difficult to find the enemy, want to take another one. Tickets are not difficult."

Qin Shi’s discretion, this is indeed a solution. He nodded. “This matter has to be considered from a long-term perspective. I think the qualification for this ticket should be limited. It’s not urgent. It’s still early from the deep sea source pool. Looking back, I will ask. , figure it out and make plans."

The demon is no different. As for the rest of the time, Qin Shi is naturally used to suppress the blood.

Of course, in the past two months, he was calm in the cave, and the outside world was a hurricane.

Qin Shi robbed the 6 Pengdong House, directly shocked the entire cultivation tower, 6 Peng from the first floor, all the way back to the seventh floor, now in the cultivation tower, is full of hate for Qin Shi, but it is Dare to anger and not speak.

In a blink of an eye, it is half a month. In a month's time, Qin Shi has been retreating in Xianfu. The only time he went out was to find 6 Peng. In exchange for his perfect anger, he waved for 30,000 sea spirits. In this way, the deep suppression of the magic blood, I have to say, 6 Peng is really rich in oil, see the improved anger after the wave of the wave, not to mention, 30,000 sea soul Dan will be paid to Qin Shi.

For the 6 Peng, Qin Shi is also aware of some, is a downright Wu Du, do not care about the politics of the Tuo Gong Palace, and only study the martial arts and practice one way, but it is much better than the three brothers of Tuo Yuli.

The next day, early morning.

In the practice tower, suddenly there was a huge change.


This change is to disturb the entire cultivation tower. It is built by the deep sea and black iron. It is still being alarmed by the outside spirit. Qin Shi is in the middle of the cave, and he is not frowning. Just now, he is in the process of suppressing the blood. At a critical juncture, this sudden abnormality almost made him feel bloody, which made him rise a little angry.

When the blood is stable, Qin Shi gradually opened his eyes. This change also caused him to be curious. The fluctuation of power that can penetrate into the deep sea is not something that ordinary people can do.

At this time, the inside and outside of the cultivation tower has long been chaotic.

"Fast! Fast! The machine can't be lost, no more!"

"What happened to you?"

"Someone is challenging the ninth floor!"

"What? Challenge the ninth floor? Don't you want to die?"

At this time, in addition to the cultivation tower, countless Tuoba Palace disciples are coming from the wind.

Throughout the cultivation tower, thousands of disciples have all walked out of Dongfu. They are curious to know who is so desperate and dare to challenge the ninth floor.

Qin Shigang just walked out of the Dongfu, and when the air passed on the magnificent pressure, his brows wrinkled and the shadows flashed, which was saved from the impact. Immediately, the eighth floor fence was shattered, and a wolverine figure 狠狠砸On the above, it is already out of gas, the intake is less, seeing the figure, Qin Shi looks slightly changed, this figure is actually 6 Peng?

The sixth layer of the challenge is actually 6 Peng?

Qin Shi slightly blinked, and this slowly raised his head and looked at the ninth-level cultivation tower. I saw that in front of the ninth floor of the Dongfu Gate, it was an old man of pale age, with pale snow. And the white bearded man, quite a bit of scent, his old eyes are like a knife, very sharp, falling on 6 Peng: "Oh, this year's little dolls that don't have long eyes are quite a lot."

"But, I said that in the past, I dare to go to the ninth floor, no matter what the background, I have to pay three months!"

At this time, the old man slowly raised his hand, the palm of his hand was facing the chest of 6 Peng, a spiritual light ball that was compressed to the limit, flexing his finger and suddenly hitting 6 Peng.

"Half-step environment?"

The ball of light was pulled from the hands of the old man, and the black stone of Qin Shi suddenly changed suddenly. From the atmosphere of the old man, he let him smell the taste of the faint boundary. However, there is still a slight gap with the real boundary. It is undoubtedly a half-step situation. Degree.

Half-step boundary At this time, after Qin Shi came to the Seven Thousand Sea Palace, in addition to the original Longjia three brothers and sisters, I saw the most powerful group, that is, Qiu Shanyao brothers and Tuoba mad in front of this old man It’s a bit worse.

Therefore, Qin Shi is very clear, if this attack hits 6 Peng, as the old man said, 6 Peng will have to pay three months to bed, or even fatal.

Qin Shiyi looked up, he hesitated a little, and finally he was still behind one hand, pinching two weird forces, a void, and the body of 6 Peng was taken out of the aura under him.


Immediately, the platform of the eighth layer of cultivation tower was shattered into powder. When I saw this scene, Qin Shi blinked slightly. This old guy really wants 6 life.

6 Peng was rescued by Qin Shi, seeing the smashed gap in the distance and stunned his sweat.

"Do you know that at this time? Good end to challenge the ninth floor to do?" Qin Shi did not have a good air.


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