Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1518: Block 3 palm

He was blamed by Qin Shi, and he was hurt by the 6 Peng. He said: "The seventh layer, fundamentally my cultivation, the eighth layer is two elders, and you, I also provoke However, so... just think about the ninth floor and try your luck. 81 Chinese "net"


Qin Shi mouth twitching, I really don't know what the brain structure of this 6 Peng looks like, the eighth layer can not afford, the ninth layer will be able?

Qin Shi long sighed, then his brows wrinkled fiercely, and a huge giant pressure fell, he knew that his troubles came.

Qin Shi looked up slightly and looked at the old man. He smiled and said: "Predecessors, you are highly respected, why not compare with a younger generation?"

"In that year, I said, who dares to go to the ninth floor, I will let him not get up in three months! Even if it is Xia Qi, I dare not make it with me. You juniors are not ignorant, today If I don't want this little animal to pay a price, I really think that the old man is a good bully?" The old man sipped.

It seems that this old man did not take 6 Peng seriously injured in March is not willing to give up, Qin Shi can not help but feel scalp.

Wen Yan, 6 Peng is also in the bottom of his heart, pale and no blood, he whispered: "What to do? I do not want to lie in bed for three months."

"In fact, it is also very good, just a small holiday after the cultivation." Qin Shi smiled with a smile on his head.

"Don't, I haven't mastered the anger of the stone brother who taught me! Stone brother... I know, you must have a way, you help me..."

Qin Shi blinked, measuring the old man, and looking inside himself, it is obviously difficult to win this old man in his current state, but... it seems that there is no way. If it is half a month ago, Qin Shi may not This matter, however, now that his soul is breaking through again, it is worth a try, just right, so that he can let him know, to what extent he is now.

Thinking of this, he reached out a palm and stood in front of 6 Peng.

6 Peng squatted, immediately ecstasy, and grasped the hand of Qin Shi: "Thank you Shi Ge! Thank you Shi Ge!"

"Shi Ge's head! I mean, 50,000 sea spirit Dan!" Qin Shi did not look good at 6 Peng, a hand pumped back, five fingers, not obvious?

"Five thousand sea spirits Dan?"

6 Peng is obviously difficult. If it was before, the 50,000 would not be anything to him, but he had just given Qin Shi 30,000, before and after 80,000 sea spirit Dan, this is how many sea people have earned all their lives. Not enough.

"Why, what's the problem? That's OK, then you are ready to put on a three-month holiday." Qin Shi is not polite.

"Don't, don't! 50,000, 50,000, deal!" The words are saying, 6 Peng will put together all the sea ring in the space ring, and finally barely over 50,000, all handed to Qin Shi.

Get 50,000 sea spirit Dan, Qin Shi satisfied with the point: "With these 50,000 sea spirit Dan, you should be able to make the magic blood pressure to the extent of the middle of the field."

Qin Shi nodded, then he raised his eyes and looked at the old man.

The transactions of Qin Shi and Liu Peng were all seen in their eyes. The old man was cold and cold. "The kid, I want to make money from my hands, but it has to pay the price of blood!"

"Oh, the seniors laughed, and since the younger generation took the money, they must do something."

"Good! Good! Good! You kid, it's a little different, good, so don't say that the old man bullies people, as long as you can block me three palms, today's business, the old man will be born, but, If you can't stop me, you will accompany him for three months! How?"

"Block your three palms?"

Qin Shi was a glimpse, and it was a lot easier in the black shackles. Originally, he thought that he would fight against the old man. Then, in his current state, it is inevitable to expose some things at the bottom of the box, but only to block the three palms, but It's a lot easier, at least, you don't need to expose the sword magic, and the glare sword, which he dare not let outsiders know.

"That younger generation, it is better to be respectful than to be alive!"

"Good! Kid, you and I have an appointment first, don't say that the old man bullies the little one!"

"This first palm, named Ding Tianzhang! Have the power of breaking the sky, can you prepare the kid?" The old man is also abiding by the rules, before the cast, Qin Shidao.

Qin Shi single-handedly sank in the day, Jin Mang shot, smiled: "Predecessors shot!"

"Good! Set the palm!"

The old man waved his sleeves, and his whole body suddenly shattered. In a moment, under this deep sea, there was a vacuum. At this time, he squeezed the air into a thin layer with one hand, and volleyed to Qin Shi. The chest is shaking.

Qin Shi black squats, the fingerprints flipped quickly: "Shelley clothes!"


A nine-storey golden pagoda stands suddenly, consisting of tens of millions of tiny golden relics, each with a soul-stretching, extremely strong.


Immediately, the broken space layer slammed into the golden pagoda of Qinshi. At the moment, Qin Shi was dizzy in the golden pagoda. The old man’s palm was really powerful. The relics were the defensive defense of Qin Shi in these years. Martial arts, with his current strength, even if the ordinary world is difficult to break, but under the old man's head, it is a gap in the tears.

But fortunately, this first palm, Qin Shi is blocked, and countless disciples in this scene are slightly surprised.

"This kid can really block the palm?"

"Just a palm, what anxious? It must be that this old man deliberately released water, is there still two palms? There is this little bitter bite to eat."

"Dare to provoke this old man, it is really daring!"

The palm of the hand was blocked by Qin Shi, and the old man was also slightly stunned. He looked at Qin Shi’s body and protected the golden tower: “Soul power? Kid, I didn’t expect you to be a magician?”

Qin Shi smiled lightly and did not respond: "Predecessors, please take the second palm!"

"Good! Kid, my second palm, called the broken palm, has the power to tear it!"


boom! The second palm of the old man is obviously several times stronger than the first palm. The most amazing thing is that this palm of the hand has no brilliance, but is directly composed of powerful impact. People in the distance may not notice it. However, under the palm of the hand, 6 Peng suddenly had the illusion of life and death. He subconsciously pinched his fist. He believed that if he changed his hand, he would not die, and half life would be gone.

However, under this wind, Qin Shi was not stunned, and the two golden towers were gathered in his hands, overlapping in the space in front of him.

boom! boom!

Suddenly, the two golden pagodas were shattered by giant force, and the impulse made the whole cultivation tower tremble. Immediately, the grassroots cracks appeared on the grassroots foundation.


Under the violent violent turmoil, everything gradually faded down, and everyone was curious to stretch the neck.

"How? This second palm, so strong, that kid must die?"

"This, how is this possible..."

Suddenly, everyone was wide-eyed and saw that on the eighth floor of the cultivation tower, behind the two broken golden pagodas, there was a palm-sized gold pagoda between Qin Shi’s palms, but the golden pagoda was the last. The palm of the hand is scattered.

"Block, block it? He really blocked it? This kid, not simple!"

At this time, even the old man was slightly surprised, showing a light smile: "Kid, is it good? At this age, you can block my two palms? Interesting, interesting."

Everyone doesn't know, but the old man's heart is very clear, the first palm, he did not use all his strength, just Liu Chengli, but this second palm, he did not have the slightest reservation, Qin Shi can still block, can not help but let He looked at it with great glare, but this also completely evoked his triumphant heart and sneered: "But kid, don't be proud, you can block this third palm, I am convinced, of course, you still have time to give up, I am not embarrassing you, let the kid give me a good apology, today's business, it will be nothing."

It is a pity that everyone is secretly saying that this old man is clearly giving Qin Shi and 6 Peng opportunities. I am afraid that good drama can't be seen, especially a few Xia Yang's friends and friends, shaking their heads in disappointment.

6 Peng is also taking a golden light at this time, excited: "Shi Ge, I apologize to him! As long as you can not lay for three months, how can you do it!"

"Pending, don't move!" Unexpectedly, Qin Shi suddenly screamed, making 6 Peng suddenly stiff in place, and I was overwhelmed by the hope of Qin Shi, this is a great opportunity, Qin Shi will not want to give up Right? It can be seen from the face of this old man that his third palm is not simple.

Qin Shi is not stupid, but he has his own abacus in his heart. He calmly raised his eyes and smiled at the old man: "Predecessors, you don't have to, say three palms, one palm will not be less!"

"Oh?" The old man stunned, full of surprises to look at Qin Shi, he just, has been a concession, is the so-called, give a step you will be down, not only do not, but even licked his nose on the face? The old man is like a knife, and he is staring at him. 6 Peng is uncomfortable. He has a bit of anger and sneer: "Oh, kid, you really have a little skill, but you don't know the general, it's playing! It seems that this Three two, no one can run!"

Qin Shi did not care for a smile, put his body in the body and opened the posture.

"Kids! This third palm, for the chaos of the sea! It is enough to disturb this endless ocean! This palm, you have to do your best, or it is not a simple three months!"

Suddenly, the water flow around the old man is solidified. From the palm of his hand, the sea water seems to be boiling, and the old man suddenly has a emptiness!

A vast ocean of currents turned into a mad war dragon, and fiercely pounced on Qin Shi.


For a moment, in this ocean, it seems to be hit by meteorites, the whole sea is frantically surging, the waves are turbulent, the waves are surging, and the 6 Peng is behind the Qin Shi, fiercely hit a spirit, chilling, this palm, really It is enough to destroy the land.

However, almost at the same time, Qin Shi's body shape moved, and this third palm also felt strong pressure... and therefore, he chose the most appropriate defense, that is, attack!

"Kowloon Latent!"

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