Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1516: Lu Peng

Since ancient times, it’s not too big to watch the excitement, it’s not a big hang, it’s a unique and interesting folk style... It’s no exception in Tuoba Palace. Many disciples are coveted on the eighth floor of the cultivation tower. Oh, but because of the three strengths on the eighth floor, few people are willing to stand up and get into trouble, get it bad, lose people, and get rid of it. After all, you can reach the eighth floor. The palace has some status. 81" 』文网

But others challenge, everyone is very happy to see this lively.

"But then, this kid is so strange, why didn't I see him?"

"You don't know, this kid, is only entering the Tuoba Palace. It was brought back from the outside by the palace in the past few days. It is said that he saved the young master during the trial of the strait. The palace owner is grateful to him. Only then will he be taken in. Otherwise, he will enter the Tuoba Palace with a small domain, and he will be enshrined as a guest elder?"

"Oh? The elders of the domain Xiaocheng? The old man is confused?"

"Who knows, this kid is also blameless, and when he enters the Tuogong Palace cheaply, he is lurking with shackles. He has to sneak a moth. This time, he has provoked 6 Peng, lost people, and later跋 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

All kinds of arguments kept ringing, and the disciples were all looking at the Qin Shi.

At this time, the palm of the 6 Peng has approached Qin Shi half a meter, Qin Shi slightly blinked, this 6 Peng road is indeed extraordinary, strong palm power, although only the domain of Dacheng, but no less than the domain is complete Even he believes that in the practice, the 6 Peng is still on the summer of the first day of the Tuoba, presumably, it should be a long-term retreat, so that it is not known to outsiders, right?

Qin Shi thought at the bottom of his heart, and immediately he set his mind slightly. Although the palm of the 6 Peng is very difficult, it is only limited to the difficulty... For him, he has not reached the point of difficulty, he is split open. The power grid, a void, pointing to the 6 Peng anger point, a huge force, suddenly like a torn beast from the space, a **** mouth will swallow the 6 Peng palm.


Immediately, a loud noise, seeing this scene, 6 Peng slightly frowning: "Boy, are you a mine attribute?"

Qin Shi can not be denied, Lei attribute has a natural suppression of water properties, can only say that this 6 Peng, luck is not very good.

6 Peng gradually blinked: "Hey, line, kid, but you don't think that the property of Lei has suppressed me, you can turn up the waves. Once the water property reaches the true strength, you can only see the thunder sparks. Extinguished life!"

"Furious and waved!"

6 Peng steadily stepped, and directed at Qin Shi, it was a void.


This palm, full of power, I saw the current in front of the 6 Peng was compressed into a group, into a huge water cannon bomb burst into the Qin stone.

"It is a wrath of the waves! This martial arts, that is the martial arts of the palace master!"

"This 6 Peng is trying to kill this kid?"

"I see it, after all, no one dared to anger him."

"Oh, it’s interesting."

Everyone is reporting to see the lively heart of Qin Shi.

The rolling waves are constantly approaching. The most amazing thing is that when the water cannon approached Qin Shi, it was still expanding and accumulating.

"Kid! Don't say that I didn't remind you, you are still out of the eighth floor, but I can't guarantee that you still have to leave this!" 6 Peng proudly sneered.

Qin Shi shook his head helplessly, this wrath is really strong, and the level of martial arts is perfect. However, for him, it is full of flaws. Suddenly, Qin Shi’s one step back is actually a tie. Stabilize the horse and make the same action as 6 Peng? Seeing this scene, everyone is slightly frowning, and 6 Peng himself is also amazed.

"This is, the anger of the wave of the palm of the hand? This kid, will it be angry with the waves?"

"No, this is impossible. I am angry with the waves. It is the exclusive martial arts of water. It is impossible for non-water attribute disciples to cultivate!"

This is, even 6 Peng himself is slightly frowning.

Qin Shi did not say anything. He always hangs a smile on his lips. Of course, if someone pays attention to him at this time, he will have a weird shadow from him. The shadow is like a god, from the outer circle. Covered in Qin Shi, the thunder property of the whole body disappeared completely, becoming the power of the pure attribute of nothingness, and even the surrounding water properties. At this time, it began to move closer to Qin Shi, becoming extraordinarily friendly, just a pity... At this time, everyone's eyes were concentrated on 6 Peng, and no one felt this strange scene.

"Quenching the body and copying!"

Qin Shi sighed in the bottom of his heart, and immediately between his palms, suddenly gathered a huge wave of water cannons.


A huge water cannon was formed several times in the presence of 6 Peng, and in the vicinity of this water cannon, there was a violent current, forming a vortex, causing the water property to soar, and finally, violently hit, at that moment, 6 Peng's water cannon was shattered, and the huge water cannon was like a rolling Yangtze River, slamming into the 6 Peng.

"This, this is impossible!"

6 Peng immediately sluggish in place, a look of shock.



The shackles of the water cannons were on the 6 Peng, and the 6 Peng was immediately shaken out. The wolf's shackles were on the eighth floor fence. Even the fences made by Xuan Tie were shattered on the spot and almost hit the tower. Go outside.

Seeing this scene, the audience was shocked.

"what happened?"

"Oh... this, how is this possible? 6 Peng, 6 Peng lost?"

"And, is it under his most proud wrath? This kid, what is going on?"

At this time, Qin Shi smiled and walked to the front of the 6 Peng, reaching out.

6 Peng fell on the fence, he clenched his fists, his eyes were unwilling, but more surprised, he gritted: "You, you just, deliberately close?"

Qin Shi can't be denied: "You and I have no enmity, just to be in the land of cultivation. You can't make the same thing as the dead head. What's more, the Tuoba Palace Lord has the grace of knowing me, killing you, and it is not good for him. ""

A few words, but suddenly shocked the audience.

"Just, just, the kid still keeps his hand? Is this really fake?"

6 Peng blinked at this moment, finally shook his head helplessly, grabbed Qin Shi’s hand and stood up and said: “I lost, it’s my skill, you are really amazing. Can you tell me how you did it? I am not convinced that you have learned it for a long time. This martial arts non-water attribute cannot be cultivated."

"Have you heard that cats are painted by cats?"

6 Peng Yi, he only heard that the cat painted the cat, but the first time I heard the cat draw the tiger, but, indeed, the martial arts of the two people, if his cat is, Qin Shi is enough to be called the beast Wang, he blinked: "You, just watched me show, and then I learned?"

Qin Shi shrugged, it is the default, said: "If you give me some time, you should be able to swing better. If this martial arts is modified, the potential is quite good."

Qin Shi’s words are not fake. This anger is very extraordinary. The most powerful place is that it can continue to accumulate power. Of course, he later processed some, forming a vortex around the water cannon, which greatly increased the degree of power storage. This made the 6 Peng fiasco.

6 Peng mouth twitching, if it is known, when he cultivated for three years, he mastered the wrath of the wrath, and was used by people for a few seconds. I don’t know if I would be laughed off, or I will be When he became a madman, he suddenly smiled. He then realized that the real gap between him and Qin Shi, he convinced that he said: "I have served, no wonder that cognac will seal you as a guest, you have this qualification! You... ...can you teach me the wrath of the wrath that you just showed?"

Qin Shi does not care, nodded: "Of course, but wait, I have time to help you completely modify this martial arts. Otherwise, there are many loopholes. It’s okay to meet ordinary monks. Once you meet something about martial arts. Those who delve into it can break easily, as I have just been."

Heard, 6 Peng helpless smile, this is the martial arts that the palace owner created himself, even turned out to be a loophole?

"You won, according to the rules, this cave is yours, which tunnel was you on the seventh floor?" 6 Peng Road.

"The seventh floor?" Qin Shi squatted and said: "I came from the first floor."

"What, what?"

6 Peng's eyes are vigorously beating a few times, looking at the monster like a look at Qin Shi... People challenge the upper layer, at least it is layer by layer, even if defeated, retreat to the next layer, just fine, This Qin Shi... turned out to be the eighth level directly from the first level. Doesn't that mean that I have lost the eighth floor of Dongfu and I have to go back to the first floor?

"With your strength, it is not difficult to fight back to the seventh floor. You should work harder."

Qin Shi also knows the meaning of 6 Peng, and smiles, did not go to pick up, took a shot of 6 Peng's shoulders, and quickly turned to break into the Dongfu, throwing 6 Peng alone outside the eighth floor.

At this time, everyone is not watching the excitement, especially the practitioners on the seventh floor, one by one, quickly shrinking their necks and retreating into the Dongfu, for fear of being stared at by 6 Peng, 6 Peng was That means that some of them have to let the Dongfu to give 6 Peng... The seventh floor is much higher than the sixth floor. Who wants to let it?

Now, they began to regret, who is not afraid of the big things?

Is this reported to be retribution?

Of course, for the 6 Peng who will challenge, Qin Shi naturally will not care. After he enters the eighth floor of Dongfu, he looks around the circle. This cave is very delicate. At the center, there is a futon, surrounded by Eight pieces of Xuanjing are built, the spirit is abundant, and the walls are all made of deep sea and black iron. Even if the situation comes, it is extremely difficult to disturb this place. It is really a perfect place to retreat here.

Qin Shi slowly sat down and took out the dusty long-lasting star.

For the first time, when I read this ancient book, I should still be in the northern region. At that time, I didn’t leave Chiyan. I really didn’t expect that when I touched again and prepared to practice the fourth floor, everything changed. During this period of life, even Qin Shi still has a lingering fear.

"Stars and tyrants, you gave me the opportunity of the Wei Zhen Qin family... Change my destiny, now, I hope you can bring me a miracle..."

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