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Chapter 884 Strange Black Painting

“What? Go to Nine Heavens?”

Qin Nan’s eyes were shocked.

Nine Heavens, he knew, as the name suggests, is beyond the World on Cang Lan Continent. However, this Ancient Evil’s Road has such a mighty power?

“Don’t make a fuss about nothing, it’s just a legend.” Breaking Heavens Great Emperor said with scorn, “Cang Lan Continent has at least dozens of places like this legend. Can I really go to Nine? Heavens? Who knows. “

“so that’s how it is.”

Qin Nan came back to his senses, can’t bear ask: “Senior, don’t say this Ancient Evil’s Road, what do I need to do if I really want to go to Nine Heavens?”

War God’s Spirit is from Nine Heavens.

War God, also from Nine Heavens.

“Don’t ask this kind of question, I can’t tell you right now, wait for you to reach the Martial Emperor Realm, you can check it again.” Breaking Heavens Great Emperor waved his hands, flashing rays of light in his eyes, and said: You Breaking Heavens Blade, lend me a hand, let’s look inside! “

“it is good!”

Without any hesitation, Qin Nan exploded his right arm and turned into Breaking Heavens Blade.

He also wanted to see if this Ancient Evil’s Road could really go to Nine Heavens.

Holding Breaking Heavens Blade, Breaking Heavens Great Emperor’s eyes showed intoxication, and then he walked forward and stepped into the training field.

The entire training field is as if it was really ruined. Even if two people walk on it, there is no danger. Only the bones of the eighteen Martial Emperor add a sense of coldness to the whole atmosphere.

“Ten eight Martial Emperor bones, although not as good as before, may ability, but it is also very valuable to take out …”

Qin Nan glanced, but didn’t take any action.

This weird restricted area is not something you can easily get.

“When you enter the temple, hold your breath, and you can’t breathe, remember?” Breaking Heavens Great Emperor stood solemnly under the ruined temple and said solemnly.

“OK!” Qin Nan held his breath immediately.

“Give me…break!”

In the eyes of Breaking Heavens Great Emperor, towering raised cold light, and Breaking Heavens Blade in his hand was actually moved towards the ruined temple door and cut off directly.


A terrifying blade aura, Changhong, surged up and down, and chopped on the door.

This blow is far more terrifying than Qin Nan’s Breaking Heavens Blade, which can at least destroy a Martial Emperor 1-layer.


A shocking scene appeared, this broken door was completely motionless, as stable as Mount Tai.

dignified Breaking Heavens Blade, even did not leave a small mark on it.

“Shit !, I won’t open this Emperor. I will completely dissipate today, but I will also cut you, you believing or not?” Breaking Heavens Great Emperor saw a pounding gas in his body when he saw this scene.


The gate of the ruined temple was silent for less than 2 breaths, and it slowly opened automatically, and the green smoke repeatedly flowed out from it.

“The door to this temple has such spirituality.” Qin Nan stood behind, looking thoughtful, secretly thinking: “could it be that the whole temple has such spirituality?”

Although the door was open, it was extremely slow. Two people waited for nearly 2.5 minutes before they walked into it completely.

“this is……”

Qin Nan saw the scene in front of her, the whole figure, as if was struck by lightening.

The temple is not large, more than 20 feet long, and a twisted line of ancient maps hangs on the walls around it. In the center of the temple, there are 8 body red bones, kneeling on his knees, his head lowered, like a courtier. , Is worshiping upwards.

Above, there was only an ancient painting, which was painted as dark as if it was poured with ink.

However, Qin Nan’s eyes were faint. From this black painting, I saw a silhouette, and this silhouette gave him a very familiar feeling.

“Tsk tsk, yes, 8 Demigod bones, although the might ability does not exist, but if you forge it well, maybe you can rekindle life, re-practice, and repair Withered Bones Demon God.” Breaking Heavens Great Emperor came in and looked I stared at the 8 bones, and in my eyes, there seemed to be fire burning again.

What he likes most is to re-forge this extraordinary thing and to be born again!

“En? This painting is strange, nothing special? It’s strange, how are these 8 Demigod bones worshipped here? Well? Qin Nan, what’s wrong with you?” Breaking Heavens Great Emperor aside He muttered to himself, and saw Qin Nan with shock in his face, and immediately hesitated.

The things in this temple, though weird, shouldn’t be shocked?

“Senior …” Qin Nan swallowed hard, turned his head, and whispered, “I feel the silhouette in this painting is a bit weird.”

“Silhouette? The silhouette in the painting? Where’s the silhouette?” Breaking Heavens Great Emperor was another look.

“You can not see it?”

Qin Nan startled.

At this moment, mutation suddenly emerged. From this painting, an amazing black light spewed out, which turned out to be a big hand, moved towards Qin Nan.

“Fuck! How dare a sneak attack?”

Breaking Heavens Great Emperor’s face suddenly became angry, Breaking Heavens Blade in his hand was horizontal, terrifying blade intent rushed out, and he cut this black hand into a smash.

“Good, fortunately, I took Breaking Heavens Blade, otherwise …”

Breaking Heavens Great Emperor breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to see that it was complexion changed.

I only saw Qin Nan’s brows, a little more black, and moved towards all around at a very fast speed.

“Senior, he …” Qin Nan opened his mouth, and when he wanted to say something, he felt a moment of darkness, hiding the sky and covering the earth, drowning his consciousness.

“Heaven and Earth, arrogant, my righteousness, Nine Heavens 9 lands, the demons retreat!”

Breaking Heavens Great Emperor opened his mouth with a spit, and each sip turned into a golden light, typed into Qin Nan within the body, but the black light was still unaffected by the slightest, continued to spread, less than 2 breaths, It filled Qin Nan’s whole body.

“En? Not evil spirits? I almost forgot that he has the Golden Seal body on him. The evil spirits should not be able to invade. This is weird. How can this black painting be good against Qin Nan? What’s the purpose?” Breaking Heavens Great Emperor bowed his head and meditated, before long, in his eyes, a swift glow was revealed.

Since you don’t understand, then cut this painting.

“Folly.” At this time, a cold female voice sounded.


Breaking Heavens Great Emperor complexion slightly changed.

I only saw that from Qin Nan’s eyebrows, a ray of azure light sprayed out, transforming into a woman’s illusory shadow, although it was only an illusory shadow, the momentum that emanated from it eclipsed Heaven and Earth.

The whole temple seemed to tremble slightly and fell to the ground 30%.

“You are …” Breaking Heavens Great Emperor stared wide-eyed, startled: “Fei Yue?”

“These two words, you are not qualified to call them. If you dare to bark, including the remaining wisp of will, you will be killed.” The woman illusory shadow coldly glanced at Breaking Heavens Great Emperor, as if making Space-Time freeze.

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