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Chapter 885 Qin Nan’s Heart

“Have a temper! Have a character! It is indeed a generation of Empress Fei Yue!” Breaking Heavens Great Emperor did not have the slightest anger, but a pair of eyes, became brighter, as if glittering.

The reason why he didn’t get Three Lives Tribulation is that he hated it very much, because without Three Lives Tribulation, he would definitely not be able to get in touch with this Legendary-like woman.

No contact at all, why is he Dao Companion?

Breaking Heavens Great Emperor, who was not married for life, just fancyed her. He thought that only she was worthy of himself.

It’s just a pity that even if he meets now, he has only a few wisps of will. On this Cang Lan Continent, sooner or later he will be disappeared, and he will never be able to reach her situation.

The woman’s illusory shadow ignored the eyes of Breaking Heavens Great Emperor directly, her eyes moved, and she fell on the black painting, curled her white fingers, and moved forward.


a light sound, mysterious power, submerged in black painting.

“This is …” Breaking Heavens Great Emperor saw this scene, his breath was slightly stagnant, and his eyes could no longer be moved away. This was the first time he had seen such power in history.


The woman illusory shadow suddenly whispered.


There was a silent explosion on the painting, and the blackness like ink was moved towards all around, retreating autonomously, exposing a picture.

In this picture, there is a dark void. The silhouette of Qin Nan is suspended on this void, and in front of it, there is an ancient Old Daoist road that is hard to describe, winding forward and deep into the void.

“What’s going on here? Could it be that really lead to Nine Heavens?” Breaking Heavens Great Emperor, stared wide-eyed, absolutely did not expect.

Originally, he thought that, except for Southern Heaven Gate as everyone knows, the legends of the restricted areas on the way to Nine Heavens were only false.

“You have done a terrible disaster, this is not where you should bring him.” The woman illusory shadow coldly said: “You thought you reached the Martial Emperor Realm world, the famous mainland, met Emperor’s List and God List, met Southern Heaven Does the group of Gates know the mystery of the entire continent? “

“This one……”

Breaking Heavens Great Emperor opened his mouth, but couldn’t say a word, the momentum was completely suppressed.

Although he was extremely glorious during his lifetime, he was far worse than the woman’s Legendary.

“Now, you can only rely on his oneself. No one can help him. If you choose the wrong one, you will always be lost in this world.” The woman’s illusory shadow took a deep look at the silhouette of Qin Nan in the painting, slowly dissipating, No longer exists.

“Forever losing this Heaven and Earth?” Breaking Heavens Great Emperor’s heart trembled, didn’t expect the consequences this time, it was so serious!

If it has been severely damaged, you can also use means to rescue Qin Nan, but now such lost Heaven and Earth, even if it is Martial God Powerhouse, it is impossible to save it!

“Grandma, Qin Nan, your kid 10000000 is going to choose me right! Shit! 300 years ago, this Emperor bet everything on you. If you lose Heaven and Earth, this Emperor’s plan Who will do it? “

Breaking Heavens Great Emperor foul-mouthed, a pair of narrowed eyes, staring at the picture deadly, without moving.

At this moment, a void of Mysterious.

“Where is this?” Qin Nan looked at all around the darkened piece. After that black light just fell into his mind, he just felt a mysterious force, wrapped him, and pulled his soul and will to this. local.

“Which way is this? Where does it lead?” Qin Nan’s eyes fell on the Mysterious Grand Dao, who was immersed in the void, thinking for a while, and suddenly thought of something, stunned: “could it be that this way, It’s Ancient Evil’s Road. Can I go to Nine Heavens? “

At present it seems that only this explanation makes sense.

As if to confirm his idea, a strange wind blew down from this Ancient Evil’s Road.

A strange sense of complexity rose up in Qin Nan’s mind.

“Nine Heavens, I’m sure, this is really the way to Nine Heavens.” Qin Nan looked at this endless Grand Dao, and inexplicably gave birth to a clear comprehension, saying: “As long as I step into this way, I You can reach the legendary Nine Heavens and leave the entire Cang Lan Continent … “

Qin Nan did not reach the Martial Emperor, of course, I do n’t know where Nine Heavens is, but he knew that War God’s Spirit and War God flesh body came from Nine Heavens.

buzzzz ~!

Just then, Qin Nan’s left pupil and left arm began to tremble.

In the void, this moment also shone out, and it was the Breaking Heavens Blade that flew on its own.

“This could it be that …”

Qin Nan startled.


On three major parts, three amazing will burst out and actually evolved into three silhouettes. The first silhouette is actually the left pupil of the past. The second silhouette is Azure Dragon Saint Lord and the third silhouette. It’s Breaking Heavens Blade!

“My Lord, go to Nine Heavens, Nine Heavens is your destination!”

“My Lord, this life, take me and fight for the Nine Heavens? How about this life, don’t leave me!”

“My Lord, the way of Nine Heavens, right in front of you, take this path, My Lord will return, War God will return, your glory will really come!”

Three sounds, simultaneously rang in Qin Nan’s mind.

That dark Ancient Evil’s Road didn’t seem to expect this scene, and paused for a while, the strange wind was blowing more intensely, like a warm embrace, holding Qin Nan tightly.

The emotion in Qin Nan’s heart became more intense.

“Seniors, is Nine Heavens my real destination?” Qin Nan looked up at the 3 wills and muttered to himself, “I also feel it, a familiar aura, and a primitive instinct … … Yes, I just want to step into these Nine Heavens… Where the God of War is my home … ”

Speaking of Qin Nan’s eyes, he became firm, without hesitation, and took steps, but for a moment, he set foot on this Ancient Evil’s Road.

War God’s 3 big will, seeing this scene, are all reassuring.

“At Nine Heavens, I can know the mystery of War God, and I also know why War God chose me at the beginning, and I can also know why War God fell.”

Qin Nan walked step by step, while thinking, what suddenly came to his mind, step one stopped, and said, “If I go to these Nine Heavens, have I left Cang Lan Continent? What about princess? Gong Yang them … “


At this moment, Qin Nan suddenly awakened, and with all the momentum, he burst out, moved towards below, and rushed away.

This Nine Heavens, he can never get on!

Wu wu wu !

That Ancient Evil’s Road, like the will wave of Qin Nan, the strong wind blowing, became fierce, and the mood of hard to describe suddenly increased.

“Give me!” Qin Nan expression cold, shouted: “This Nine Heavens, I will not go! On Cang Lan Continent, father, Princess Miaomiao, Gong Yang, Tang Qingshan Senior They are all still, how can I Without saying a word, leaving Nine Heavens? “

Tone barely fell, the three strands of War God will floating in mid-air, fluctuated violently, as if with anger.

They are blaming Qin Nan!

However, Qin Nan looked at their gaze and was very determined. Until he rushed down this Ancient Evil’s Road, he took a deep breath, endured the pain in his whole body, and bowed to the three wills.

War God’s Spirit is the greatest opportunity in his life.

These War God parts, his love for him, I am afraid it will be difficult to repay.


Not only for family, for princess, for friends, but also for War God.

He can’t go now, even if he does, he has to wait until later.

He is just a small Martial Ancestor now, not a Peak Powerhouse in Cang Lan Continent, and places like Nine Heavens, even Breaking Heavens Great Emperor and the others, he is up to this level. What does Nine Heavens mean?

“Seniors, my way, countless fortuitous encounters, countless people can’t get them.” Qin Nan said solemnly: “I’m grateful, I’m happy, but I’m me, I must go my own way, of course, rest assured, In my life, I will never be content with ordinary, I will never follow the rules, otherwise, is it worthy of a fortuitous encounter? So … “

Qin Nan looked up, his eyes fixed.

“I’m going to Nine Heavens, and also on this Cang Lan Continent, step by step, become a Martial Emperor, become a Martial God, break the Southern Heaven Gate, and integrate War God!”

“Compete with the countless brave heroes!”

“By then …”

“Just went to Nine Heavens!”

His tone barely fell, and a loud bang, the whole darkness, shattered.

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