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Chapter 883 Ancient Evil’s Road

The two people immediately saw that there was a huge monster with scarlet eyes and a stunned look, not far in front of them. Like the Berserk’s demon cow, they had reached the Half Step Monster Emperor.

“Humans, you are so brave, dare to break into Evil Abyss! Courting death!” This evil Demonic Bull raised his head, roaring upward, terrifying Murderous aura, filled all around.

Breaking Heavens Great Emperor expression didn’t move, and sneered at the corners of his mouth, saying: “A half step Monster Emperor, dare to bark in front of this Emperor, I think you are …”

However, his words were not finished.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One after another exploded, ringing, Demonic Bull, one after another, I do not know where it came from, simultaneously descended, so that in the darkness, a pair of blood eyes were added, making people feel cold.

The space in all directions seems to be frozen for it.

“73 heads of Half Step Monster Emperor?” Qin Nan’s breathing was stagnation, and the whole body was suddenly tense.

“Fuck! What shit is immortal to give directions! He gave it a joke!” Breaking Heavens Great Emperor turned his head and saw the statue of the immortal to give directions, which had disappeared, and his face immediately became ugly.


The evil evil led by Demonic Bull, with a long scream, all Demonic Bull’s figure, simultaneously action, magnificent momentum, as if forming a sea of ​​terror, completely breaking Breaking Heavens Great Emperor and Qin Nan.


Under this coercion, Qin Nan suffered a lot of shocks, and his wounds affected him, making him unable to resist suck in a cold breath of air.

His injuries now, not only do not have battle strength, but also can not stand any brilliance, otherwise it will undoubtedly die.

“Shit! Didn’t you see that I was pitted? You still want to shoot at me, so do your best today … Pack up for you!” The four words fell, and Breaking Heavens Great Emperor was full of momentum and changed dramatically.

If he was before, his appearance looked like a beggar on the side of the road.

Now he is the emperor of Human Race!

“All directions are for me. Regardless of ghosts, gods, or heavens, the 4 sides Breaking Heavens mark, shock me!”

Breaking Heavens Great Emperor turned it over. The evil intentions in all directions actually gathered his orders and quickly gathered together to form a terrifying immortal mark, moved towards the 73 Head Half Step Monster Emperor, under the town of fiercely.


A loud noise.

One after another screaming screams, and all Monster Beasts are suppressed with one stroke!

The very terrifying Emperor Technique, even with the evil intentions of terrifying, can be manipulated … “Qin Nan saw this scene, revealing the light in his eyes, it is indeed a generation of Breaking Heavens Great Emperor, even if it is a ray of will, it is so terrifying.

“Go!” Breaking Heavens Great Emperor expression, cold, walking forward, as if everything was out of sight.

“Senior …” Qin Nan said for a moment, then: “Isn’t immortal to give directions wrong? In front of this, there must be danger, we have to go in the opposite direction.”

“Kid, remember a word, the more dangerous the place, the greater the chance you have.” Breaking Heavens Great Emperor said: “Since you have come to this Ancient Evil abyss, don’t go to this most dangerous place to see, that is has no meaning?”

Qin Nan body was slightly shaken.

This Breaking Heavens Great Emperor is truly an outrageous madman!

Would there be such an enlightenment when replaced by someone else?

“Senior said yes!” Qin Nan flashed rays of light in his eyes, shouted in a low voice: “I have the Golden Seal shield, myriad evils do not invade, and Senior is accompanied, walking in this Ancient Evil abyss, that Why not? “

“Hahaha, you kid just understand!”

Breaking Heavens Great Emperor laughed loudly, and looked towards Qin Nan’s eyes, flashing an imperceptible appreciation, then took Qin Nan and continued to go deep.

Next, Qin Nan thoroughly learned what is Emperor Technique!

Along the way, they encountered a total of 3 strong enemies, one is a group of evil spirits, 2 is a puppet army, 3 is a skeleton ghost general, these are all the existence of Half Step Martial Emperor, replaced by any general Martial Emperor Powerhouse, I am afraid they will retreat quickly.

However, Breaking Heavens Great Emperor with only a ray of will can not only use these four evil intentions, and use those inconspicuous gravels as Divine Weapon weapons, might ability heavens-frightening.

“This Breaking Heavens Great Emperor’s Emperor Technique, the might ability is really incredible, this is far beyond common sense …” Qin Nan took a deep breath, calming his mind.

“Boy, these Emperor Techniques are really strong, but I don’t intend to teach you. Why? If you want a powerful Emperor Technique, create it yourself!” Breaking Heavens Great Emperor a pair of eyes, as if seeing through Qin Nan’s Mind, said indifferently: “Only the Emperor Technique created by yourself is best for you, with amazing formidable power!”

“Does it have a self-created Emperor Technique?” Qin Nan realized.

His martial skill natural talent is extremely transcendent. If you make good use of it to create the Emperor Technique you want, you might as well try it.

“Thanks Senior!”

Qin Nan turned straight and arched his hand. He could see that Breaking Heavens Great Emperor was intentionally pointing him along the way.

“Hum, thank you less, do you think I am willing to do this? It was forced by your right hand …” Breaking Heavens Great Emperor rolled the eyes.

Qin Nan laughed, silent.

“Huh?” Suddenly, Breaking Heavens Great Emperor step one stopped, saying: “A training field appeared in front of me. This training field seems a bit strange.”

Talking about his brow, Jinzhou seemed to be struggling to think about something.

“Training field?”

Qin Nan was shocked. From didn’t expect, the Ancient Evil Abyss still had a training field. He immediately took the initiative and walked dozens of steps to see the training field in the mouth of Breaking Heavens Great Emperor.

I only saw a training field three hundred zhang long and two hundred zhang wide, standing quietly.

The entire training field was extremely rotten, and the gully was vertical and horizontal, as if it had suffered an amazing war, and there were also eighteen complete corpses scattered on it. These corpses had a faint imperial influence on it, and it had not been disturbed in the slightest by this terror. These bones were Martial Emperor!

“Ten eighth Martial Emperor? Fall here?” Qin Nan pupils shrank.

What is the concept of ten-eight-bit Martial Emperor?

There are only 3 Monster Emperor in the Dragon Emperor Institution.

The total known 2-Star forces in the Central Region are only more than 40 Martial Emperor.

“en? What happened?”

Qin Nan’s body suddenly froze.

I don’t know why, a feeling of hard to describe rose from his heart.

It was as if there was an invisible hand holding his heart, and there was no slightest crisis.

“Boy, we’re in trouble now.” Breaking Heavens Great Emperor’s face was rare and dignified, his fingers suddenly extended, he clicked on Qin Nan’s left eye, and shouted in his mouth: “Leave, say, heaven, open!”


Qin Nan only felt the coolness of his left eye for a while, and when he looked again towards the training field, he immediately saw a broken Ancient Temple suspended quietly behind the training field, unchanged forever.

“What’s going on? Actually there is an Ancient Temple hidden?” Qin Nan’s pupil widened suddenly.

Although Breaking Heavens Great Emperor’s Breaking Heavens Eyes are really powerful, how can Qin Nan’s War God left pupil not even notice this Ancient Temple?

“This Ancient Temple must be above the Martial Emperor Powerhouse in order to see, you can’t see it is normal.” Breaking Heavens Great Emperor whispered: “And, boy, if I guess correctly, this temple is probably Ancient Evil’s Road Entrance. “

“Ancient Evil’s Road?”

“Well … in legend, the way to Nine Heavens.”

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